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About Stryder

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    The U.S. Army or Marines. Combat, stategy, all things OFP. Baseball and dogs.
  1. Stryder

    Arma2 AI the most advanced in the world?

    Where are these videos demonstrating AI? Any recent ones?
  2. Having sworn off computer games for the last 4 months (to get things in RL handled) I just wanna see what's going on with ARMA2. I see OFP2 has almost nothing new released since GC2008 but is about to get a bunch of media spamming come friday. My SINGLE BIGGEST concern about Arma 2 is the quality of the AI and anims. Has anything new come out on that? Any vids that focus on those 2? (I've already watched the vids on the main site, look pretty sick). Oh yeah and I heard that suppressive fire will lead to weapon shaking/blurriness (ala Red Orchestra). True or false? Any word on a release date?
  3. Stryder

    Far Cry 2

    Anyone tried it? I've heard it's got that whole "open world" spiel going for it but... dunno.
  4. Stryder

    Trailer - Max Payne the Movie

    All I know is Mila Kunis is smokin'.
  5. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Did you even read the article??? They stated (and have before) that they put tremendous resources into having ridiculously accurate modeling of ballistics, weapon damage, etc. Obviously it's coming out on the PC too. Arma 2 is also coming out on consoles as well you know :P.
  6. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Click on all sizes (upper left corner)
  7. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. New 10 page article scanned by a fan. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sir_polaris/ (the Playstation UK one is the new one) If they have really gone to the extremes that the magazine claims it's going to be pretty damn amazing. Especially comforting is the last part of the article (the interview) where a dev addresses the concerns over the multiplayer numbers.
  8. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    They're not pulling anything off on the Single-player side with that "Razor team" crap. It should be from a normal grunt's point of view, not some SF guys doing boring covert ops. There's no atmosphere in doing just some sf operations. Source? Also, I totally disagree. The SF missions in CWC were fantastic and easily among the best of the entire game. Anyone remember that one mission were you had to blow up like 3 T-72s along a crossroads crawling with guards? Or the incredibly atmospheric one at night where you try to figure out where the hind base is? That stuff was awesome.
  9. Stryder

    GC 2008 Press Coverage

    Ok, so its official... BIS has given up on every single thing that made Game2 sound so great. To say they removed the dynamic campagin because they wanted to tell a story is the funniest thing I have ever heard as you can still tell a story mixed in with dynamic missions... or, just do both. But lets not forget, ArmA2 was suppose to be about NEW gameplay. Not the old story mode of past games. Why don't you make a completely dynamic campaign instead? I'm sure you would get famous within the community. Besides that, how can you tell that BIS has given up every single bit Game2 made so great. You must know a lot of details from both Game2 and ArmA2 then, more then we know in fact. And also, c'mon and don't act like BIS would be the first company that changes plans partly or in whole over the years. I hate this kind of logic. If your surgeon fucked up would you happy be with his assistant telling him "I'd like to see you do a better job." Seriously I'd rather have a really well done story driven campaign (as long as it's open ended of course in the missions themselves ala OFP which it will be doubtless) honestly but the point remains.
  10. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    What the fuck is with you people? Why the hell are you viciously chewing away at one game while praising the other? Especially since you know almost nothing expect the sales pitches and a couple screenshots. We have not one but TWO games to fill the void in this genre that only OFP and ArmA are part of, we should be happy
  11. Stryder

    Original Ghost Recon

    I know the original GR is up for free download at a few sites (ad supported) and was wondering if it's worth playing. It's a pretty old game. How does it compare to the original OFP?
  12. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    That is all but pioneering. That is taking already existing concepts and capitalizing on them by making them better than how implemented elsewhere. Nothing pioneer here. You're comparing two entirely different companies. Just because BIS screwed up doesn't mean Codies will Just the sheer size and budget Codies have behind this project makes me confident they'll put in anims and such. And yes it WILL be groundbreaking if we have a truly polished ultra realistic shooter, 7 years after OFP. If the AI is as good as the third party (so yes someone outside CM) said that alone is groundbreaking. You can't complain CM or BIS isn't giving you enough information till you're wearing a press badge. The point is, in-game and AI has been shown to the press and what they've said has been VERY GOOD.
  13. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    "pioneering"... lol? What pionnering? I'm quite baffled at all the people completely amazed by some animations, bashing BI in the process, and blindly (because quite frankly this is being totally blind) following CM because they've shown... what? pretty anims? Look here : http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=dUaR1xywNyE This video has been made only with stock ArmA/QG animations. Quite hollywood style and decent, isn't it? Wait, wait wait... Have you ever, once, played ArmA with these anims? Answer : NEVER! Pretty anims for sceneries mean nothing. No-thing. Decent infos are the MP parts one we had. It's probably only for consoles unfortunately, so we'll still have to wait for official statements for PCs. This is the kind of information I'm waiting for. Not pretty models and anims (well, not only, it's comforting to know the environement will look good). Mission editor preview. Technical details about MP possibilities, damage model, flight model. In-game, 1st person point of view, videos. From soldier, from vehicles. Show of AI behavior during fighting (apparently some1 external from CM saw it and was pretty amazed, why not show us that?), not plain statement saying "our AI is unbelievable". I don't care, in fact, I want to believe This is for OFP2, and for ArmA2 as well. Before having some of these infos, I won't drop on the floor in a prayer for either CM or BI. Instead of chanting the death of one studio and the glory of an other, hope both will survive and compete, this is all the best for us customers. So where the fuck was I chanting for the death of BIS? What pioneering? Well how about the fact that we now have decent anims which may not matter to you but they sure as hell matter to me. This was one of OFP's biggest flaws. The fact that they are implementing realistic ballistics, down to how bullets will penetrate and dismember soldiers. The fact that guns now show wear and tear. The fact that (apparentally) the AI is shaping up to be incredible. <<<Single biggest change that needed to be made to this series All I know is Codies appear to basically be taking OFP, and fixing all the irritating little problems about it, which BIS failed to do with ArmA. What Codies HAVE shown, has so far been incredible... and yes my faith is a little rattled in BIS since the atrocity that ArmA was at release, not to mention the failure to fix things that have plagued the series since 2001. Sure it might all be BS on the part of Codies, maybe it's all a giant lie to deceive us and they're in fact making a uber pretty arcade shooter CoD clone but for some strange reason pretending to be making the most realistic shooter ever to cater to the naive grognard crowd, who will buy the game just because it has OFP on it.
  14. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    That was quoted in an article on OFP2 in a console section of Gamespot so it's very possible that's a limit for consoles only. I find it hard to believe that with all the pioneering Codemasters is doing in other areas they wouldn't have a much higher limit.
  15. Stryder

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    TBH OFP's storyline was pretty absurd too. At least this is somewhat plausible. Balschow makes some good points.