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About Stinger

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Stinger

    British army

    I have. Can't say it was all good fun. C co. 3rd/13th Grenades were fun though. The problem is that the Majority of the people on this forum haven't seen and can't understand what its like to be in combat (don't flame on me because A. it's true and B. I admit I haven't either) But like any good monday morning Quaterback ( I know U.S. term for my friends in Europe its American football slang) we can all look at the mistakes of others with all the info available and plenty of time to think about it. for instance the FF kills that were mentioned about the A-10 and Warrior IFV, sorry s**t happens, it a fact of war the only reason the FF were so well known in Desert Storm is because of how few were killed by the enemy. Everyone here has a bad complex of thinking that "This tank is so much better than that tank" and "my training is better than your training" sorry to say guys but many a battle has been lost to an opponent with crappy equipment and crappy supplies and crappy training. I point in fact to the American Revolution(thats what we call it, if You English call it by something else then I'm sorry I don't know what it is ) We (americans) had no business winning at all, but we did because of a multitude of things, guess what thats war. now sorry to rant and rave please continue the discussion
  2. Stinger

    British army

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from ScreamingWithNoSound on 11:56 pm on Dec. 5, 2001 *sigh* Basic training for British Army is 16 weeks. If memory serves correctly, USMC is 9 weeks. I'm not going to comment on USMC vs RMC, as RMC are more-or-less a special forces unit. <span id='postcolor'> Just spliting hairs but Marine Basic is 13 weeks Army Basic is 9 weeks. And though it is fun to poke at everyone else and they're country military I can't think of one country that hasn't had a spectacular failure. And I'd like to quote George Carlin "you don't have to be a political scientist or genuis to understand the bigger d**k foreign policy theory. it sounds like this 'What the have bigger d**k s?!! Bomb them!!' "
  3. Stinger

    British army

    I wouldn't mind a few Scottish units, and Irish too. They seem to have small bit of fighting spirit (only had to fight Englade for a few HUNDRED years) as far as I'm concerned let in all of Nato(but no French ) and Warsaw pact.
  4. Stinger

    British army

    The best thing about american forces is they tend not to give up. Texans are of course the worst offenders in regards to this we HATE to lose. Look at the Alamo Texas (which also included a large number of "Mexicans" not just whites) 183 men. Mexico 5000 men. Outcome 13 day stall on the mexican drive, 183 casualties for the Texas side( yes they all died) more 1000 dead for Mexico unknown number of wounded. So the point of this sad tirade is that while we may not be the best trained or equiped, we get pissed. and pissed goes for a #### of a lot in war. Your country pisses in our cherrios then well come get you, d*amned the civilians, d*amned the children we are going to kill you... unless a Democrat is in office, then we kindly finger your balls and make you feel good about yourself... look at Clinton
  5. Stinger

    British army

    The one thing you Brits can be counted on, its to remind me why we kicked you out in the first place... you talk a lot of s**t
  6. Stinger

    Why is there an M-60?

    The M-60 Design began life in the early 1940's as the M-26 Pershing. Upgrades turned it into the M-46 Patton, yet more upgrades the M-48. Finnaly more upgrades and you have the M-60A1. This doesn't mean the hulls were producedJust that the basic design was introduced in the forties. Take that into consideration, and the M-60 is a much better tank than it has any right to be.
  7. Stinger

    Tank Idea

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Greg Dragunovski on 8:10 am on Nov. 28, 2001 Ok, first of all, Israel gets stuff from Americans because 99.9% of the American(U.S.A not Canada) governement is jewish(donald RUMSFELD for example !JEW!)Almost all of the ministers are jewish and the only ppl that are not jewish are Colin Powel(l?),that black chick and "Curious" George W Bush.And as you know when ministers group up then you are sure that the PRES becomes a puppet at their will.AND WE ALL KNOW JEWS "help" JEWS KILL ARABS.........VOILA! IT IS MORE SERIOUS THAN IT LOOKS HERE! Second of all NUKES can't be used anyway and anywhere you want!If, for example, the USA nukes Afghanistan then it is 100% sure that Iraq or Iran (or maybe even China or Russia) will respond with a nuke of their own.Iran or Iraq(yes they have nukes) would respond with a nuke because USA is their #1 enemy and they attacked an arab country full of civilians(duhhh!) and Russia or China could respond with a nuke because a nuke on a country normally means a large WAR(WWIII for example) and don't think for a second that Poutin(with extra cheese...poutine=quebec food lol) or Mr.Ping Pong(CHINA'S BIG DADDY)wouldn't attack the USA if they had an excuse...........................GOODBYE MY FELLOW READERS <span id='postcolor'> Amazing how a total idiot can get the point and miss it at the same time isn't it? And one more thing about the ragging on the Jews, I thought we showed the Nazis they had to play nice or die... to bad I guess we missed a few.
  8. Stinger

    Tank Idea

    look at it this way the US and Russia Have enough nukes to destroy the WORLD 6 times over.... kinda makes tanks look punny huh?
  9. Stinger


    A-6 Intruder, not many left but still a few in service, and they were THE fleet attack unit in the 60's 70's and 80's (Edited by Stinger at 6:24 am on Nov. 15, 2001)
  10. Stinger

    My texture nominee

    Freindly fire, often isn't.
  11. Official Disclaimer to ALL: if you don't agree, I don't care. Sorry Jub Jub, I know you got your chart off another website but I know for a fact at least part of it is wrong. Don't take it personally I'm not cursing your name to #### for etenity or anything. But in as far as the AGM-65 is concerned they are loaded as a rack of three missiles on stations 4 and 8 typically and can be loaded 3 and 9. The weight restriction sounds close but it can be fudged if they takeoff light on fule and Mid-air refuel. Okay looked at the chart again, thinking maybe the meant 2 to 4 missile racks... don't know FAS seems to me to have a lot of good info, but its always just a little off. (Edited by Stinger at 8:44 pm on Nov. 9, 2001)
  12. The A-10 Could Carry 12 Mavericks (three to a pulon grouping) and 4 Mk 83, 2 sidwinders, 1 External fuel tank and 1 ECM pod. Plus it give many a towel hea... uhmm... enemy soldiers a good stainless steel enema, with it GUA-8 Cannon (Edited by Stinger at 4:43 am on Nov. 8, 2001)