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Everything posted by StDogbert

  1. StDogbert

    Killing the Scud

    After spending WAY too many hours trying to complete this one, I finally found an easy way to do it. Â I was able to complete it by myself, in less than 15 minutes. First, you have to know where the SCUD is in order for this to work. Second, at the start of the mission, tell all your men to "Stop" and to "Hold Fire". Â If you don't have them "Hold Fire", the sniper will start shooting guys from across the map and then the whole plan is ruined. Now, move yourself to "The Hill". Â You can run in 4x mode. Â You should be able to manuever to the top without running into a patrol. Â Line yourself up so that you are North of the SCUD. Â Then, crawl south along the trees to the SCUD. Â There is one patrol that you will have to watch for. When you reach the last tree, you will still be a distance away from the SCUD. Â But, there are bushes closer to the SCUD. Â Crawl to those bushes. Â Don't worry, the Spetz Natz are looking in the other direction and the tanks won't notice you. Once you get to the bushes, get as close to the SCUD as you can without leaving the bushes. Â Drop all 3 satchel charges there. Then, proceed back up the hill along the trees. Â Remember to watch for that patrol that you passed the first time. Â Keep you options menu open until you can no longer set off the charges. Â At this point, you will need to move a few feet back towards the SCUD until that option returns. Fire off all 3 charges. Â The SCUD should be destroyed. Â Then, crawl back up to the top of the hill. Â Use 4x mode again. Once you are at the top, crawl back to your base. Â Eventually you can get up and run back. Mission completed succesfully.