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Posts posted by Spitfire

  1. LOL!!! :biggrin:

    I will try to reproduce that SCUD-on-it's-side -trick... I'll have to test this thing out... smile.gif Why haven't I thought about this myself?

    But I'm afraid that since that SCUD is nothing but eye-candy in the game, the missile won't hit anything.

  2. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from chrissss on 1:56 am on Dec. 5, 2001

    Install the 1.30, then switch back the DRAM speed to 133. It works !

    <span id='postcolor'>

    Don't do that. It really seems that the VIA data corruption bug is happening only with OFP, but it's not. Your data gets corrupted every time you copy any large files from one IDE channel to the other. OFP just checks the files so it spots the corrupted files easily.

    That memory bus frequency changing could solve the problem in your case, but when you turn it back to 133Mhz the main problem persists.

    I had to see a lot of trouble solving the problem on my system, but I'm glad I went through it. No more corrupt installations for me.

  3. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Mister Frag on 12:50 am on Dec. 5, 2001

    OFP doesn't talk to the sound card directly, it talks to Microsoft's DirectX, which in turn talks to the sound card driver. All OFP is doing is asking for certain sounds to be played and/or mixed.

    <span id='postcolor'>

    DirectX's sound interface is so complicated that the software has still a lot of choices to make how it wants the sound to be used.

  4. No need to raise height. If you put him exactly on the right spot using maximum zoom, he will be correctly in the tower.

    It might depend of the tower, though. This works with those small wooden towers with nothing but a platform on top of a single pole, but I guess this doesn't work with those towers standing on four poles since you can actually go under them.

    (Edited by Spitfire at 10:20 pm on Dec. 4, 2001)

  5. The thing that we are still missing from all these battlefield simulators is the Electronic Battlefield -concept originally proposed by Microprose when they published Falcon 4.0.

    While Falcon 4.0 never had the capability to make a huge, open, free-for-all Internet-battlefield, their idea was to use the game engine for further developement so that finally it could be possible to be only a tiny part of a huge war with hundreds/thousands of human participants.

    In OFP this can never happen since the game-engine is not based on "proximity bubbles" like Falcon so every machine participating the game has to model exact movements of every object and player on the whole map. That way it takes too much CPU cycles and helluva lot of bandwidth as the number of players increse.

    Yet I'd still love to see the dream of Microprose fulfilled some day...

  6. My thoughts exactly.

    While GR offers plenty of eye-candy and is *seemingly* a realistic out-door combat simulator, it's not even close to OFP's stunning environment and atmosphere.

    It's a good choice for those who want nothing more from a game than beautiful graphics and continuous bloodshed.

  7. IMHO, the problem is still VIA's fault.

    Probably BIS had made the sound engine in that way that it is very easily disturbed by the incompatibility bugs found from VIA motherboards. Anyway, you guys are party right, it could be fixed by BIS. But why should it be? The instability problem occurs only when Live is used in conjunction with VIA chipset and BIS has nothing to do with it.

    ------------- clip ------------------------------------

    How can I make my system stable with a Soundblaster Live! card?

    On my system I have a Soundblaster 1024 Live! Player card installed under Windows Me, with ACPI enabled, Liveware 3.0! and default voltages, without a

    single problem!  The faults are therefore intermittent and likely due to a particular combination of cards.

    The most common cause of difficulty is the SB16 emulation that the drivers seem to automatically install.  This emulates an old ISA driver, which cannot

    share resources, and thus causes your system to hang when another device unwittingly shares.  See "Why does my computer hang when my sound card

    initializes SB16 emulation on my KT7-RAID?" below.

    Also check out the unofficial Creative Labs Product FAQ.

                                                  Other stability solutions

    Disabling ACPI can resolve problems.

    People struggling with exception messages and/or page faults involving devcon32.dll and msgsrv32.exe, under Windows 9x, have found that these can be

    resolved by replacing the devcon32.dll with an older version 4.06.642 or earlier solves these problems.  One user has placed the file at


    Problems</a> with system crashes during heavy disk activity are due to an acknowledged problem with PCI latency on the VIA 686B Southbridge controller,

    and can be fixed using BIOS release ZTB01 and later.  See the BIOS page.

    One user with problems with a Soundblaster card reported that lowering the I/O voltage a notch solved his frequent lock-ups.  This solution only seemed to

    apply to earlier drivers supplied with the card - the latest drivers work at 3.3v without difficulty.  Others have fixed this problem by ensuring no disks are on

    the Highpoint Secondary controller.

    Several users have reported that the CPU core voltage reported in the BIOS or with the VIA Hardware Monitor is approximately 0.05v higher than the correct

    value.  They have found that by lowering this by the appropriate amount to make the reported CPU core voltage match the CPU's rated voltage, instabilities

    with Soundblaster cards are resolved.

    A number of users with Soundblaster problems have found that installing Windows 9x without ACPI support (use "setup /p i" ) and without installing the

    Liveware! 3.0 drivers resolves instabilities.

    Under Windows 2000, one user noted in an email to me that the WDM drivers supplied with Windows 2000 are considerably older than the latest drivers

    available at Creative's website.  He found that after downloading and installing the lw3drv.exe liveware drivers from http://www.soundblaster.com/drivers/ his

    system became completely stable.

    Liveware can be the cause of stability problems.  One user reported complete stability by obtaining LiveService - a utility that runs LiveWare as a service

    under Windows 2000.

    One user reports that upgrading to Microsoft DirectX 8 solves crackling and popping problems.

                                        Solutions to instability with Soundblaster 5.1 card

      1.Put soundcard in a PCI which does not sharing an IRQ with another device

      2.Flash the Bios to version KT7_3R (or later)

      3.Settings for the BIOS (recommended by a user who solved this problem):

         Select "15M-16M" for the Memory Hole in the Advanced Chipset Features page of the BIOS.

         Set "K7 CLK_CTL" to "optimal"

         Set "Delay Transaction" to "disable"

         Set "PCI master time out" to "3"

      4.Install latest driver for Raid Controller (min version 1.2.0612).  Note, one user found that using version 1.03 of the Highpoint drivers solved crackling

        problems - later versions did not.  You may wish to experiment here!  One user running Windows 2000 reported that the 2.0.1019 drivers caused

        popping problems, but that these were solved with the 1.2.0612 drivers.

      5.If that still doesn't solve the problem, there is more you can do:

         enable "Allow LPT Interrupt Sharing" in the setting or the SB16 Emulator (Device Manager)

         Disable the "SB 16 emulation" in all Hardware profiles (Device Manager)

         Set "PCI master read cache" to "disable" in Bios

         Enable/Disable 'enhanced chipset performance' in SoftMenuIII of BIOS.

         If Windows9x/ME, delete the file DEVLDR16.EXE (if present)

         Disable the ATA-100 Raid Controller in the Bios

    ------------------- clip ----------------------------------

  8. Does your motherboard have a VIA KT133 -chipset? It's been reported to cause some sound crackling issues with Live and some other Creative cards.

    If you have a VIA chipset, download the latest 4-in-1 drivers for it. It has solved the problem for some Live users.

    If that doesn't do a thing try enabling Delay Transaction and PCI Master Read Caching from the BIOS.

    (Edited by Spitfire at 5:55 pm on Dec. 3, 2001)

  9. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Then came the fun part there were so many soldiers around the house I couldn't get out so I took an ak47or ak74 and started shooting all of them from the windows they shot back and almost hit me a few times.

    <span id='postcolor'>

    I would have done the same thing, but on my computer I can't see any objects through the windows of Guba's house. The AI could see me, though, and I got wasted.

    I finished the mission once by laying a single satchel charge outside the house in a bush where I was hiding. Then I ran into the house, the alarm went off. I hid inside the house long enough for the ruskies to gather near the satchel . Then: KABOOM! And 20 dead ruskies lying around the yard. The BMP survived but I took it out by an RPG stolen from a dead ruskie.

    The funny thing is that even if the whole house collapses from the satchel blast while you're inside, you won't get hurt if you are upstairs lying on your belly.

  10. I did a little investigation on this issue. Seems that most software companies send you a replacement CD only if the warranty is still valid. Still, they charge the postage fee so you have to pay it double, the one you send them and the one you receive. It would cost about 30-40% of the price of the original game to send it here from Finland, plus the additional trouble to go through sending the package... So it's not really worth it after all.
