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Posts posted by Spitfire

  1. Coming to think about the death-screens where the view is panned from your body to the killer, there must be a record somewhere about the identity of the killer.... It's just not mentioned in the cmd ref.... too bad.


    Hmm... Actually there _could_ be a way to accomplish this in another manner. It involves a script that constantly checks the rating (ie the number of enemies killed) of the soldier that should score the kill.

    That way you could make a trigger that checks if the rating of the soldier was increased just after the target was killed. The problem is that you should keep a "history log" a few seconds long to keep track of the guy's rating number so that you could check the changes in the log when the target is killed. Maybe a fixed-size array could do the trick if it's updated in intervals that are short enough.

    Takes a lot of scripting and testing to get the timing right, I guess. Maybe not worth the trouble.

  2. These are the missions that separate men from the boys  tounge.gif


    Seriously, they add a little intelligence and forehand planning to the game. I hated Gastovski-missions too when I played the campaign first time through, but now they are the best this game can offer (apart from multiplayer, that is).

    Patience is really the thing you need. You need to scout the area, make notes of the enemy and even better, their patrol routes. Count seconds and pick that right moment to advance.

    Crawl on your belly. Even if you are in the middle of a plain hill the enemy can't see you even 50 metres away at night. If you are hiding in a bush they can't see you even if they walk all over you. Now that the latest patch has finally fixed the AI bug where shooting someone with your silenced MP5 alarms all other enemies, the sniping-from-cover tactic is a true option. Pick out lone enemies, advance, watch them from a safe spot, think, plan, sneak. Plant those bombs and sneak back. No-one will know until you press that remote trigger.

    God I just love this game...  biggrin.gif

  3. I'm trying to make a trigger that will alarm the player if _any_ hostile unit is within 500 metres from the player. I know how to compare the distance between the player and one single unit but is there any way to cause the trigger to go off by _any_ hostile unit without specifying all hostile unit names in the trigger? If there are, say, 50+ enemy units it's a b*tch to make the trigger to work with every one of them...

    If it's impossible to do it by using the distance-operand is there a possibility to make a simple circular trigger that follows the player whereever he goes?

  4. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Jan. 23 2002,00:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sorry to nitpick right back at ya! biggrin.gif

    Helicopters DO have throttle. I know this as I've flown the real thing myself.

    The collective handle is a combination of two controls. The collective (pull handle) setting the angle of the blades, as well as the THROTTLE (twist handle) to control the RPM of the engine(s).

    So yes, a helicopter does have throttle. biggrin.gif

    The throttle has little use during actual flight though, and should definately be omitted in OFP, as it doesn't work right at all. Besides, if it allows me to fly at 60.000 meters, it's lamer than lame. Try it out!

    Just having the "UP" and "DOWN" keys represent the collective, should be more than good enough in OFP. Having them mapped onto the joystick simply rocks.<span id='postcolor'>

    I never said helicopters don't have a throttle. I've flown an MD500 myself and I have a license. smile.gif

  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">it has nothing to do with the speed of the rotor... unlike an airplane..<span id='postcolor'>

    Sorry to nitpick  wink.gif

    Most modern piston powered aircraft actually use the same principle than helicopters. They are called constant speed propellers: moving the throttle actually changes the pitch of the blades while the RPM stays constant. These engines are more economical since you can actually change the propeller RPM and angle of attack separately. They also eliminate the possibility for the blade ends to exceed supersonic speeds (which include forces that modern hi-tech propellers couldn't stand).

    hmm... splitting hairs again... *sigh*  confused.gif

  6. Don't you know? There are a lot of naked women around in OFP.

    Take the whorehouse in Morton for instance. It's the 2-story building right next to the pub. The door is closed but once you are in front of it you should turn around three times, then crouch, get up, and sing "Macarena" to your microphone (only C-major will do) and the door to the brothel will open.

  7. OK, this topic is way out of my league, since I've never actually fooled around with this... but still I might have a suggestion.

    Try giving an ammo crate a value of AmmoCargo, that is, use something like

    rearmCrate SetAmmoCargo 1

    AmmoCargo is the value that enables AmmoTrucks to have their re-arming ability. It might work on crates, too.

  8. OK... The final thing to do before hoisting your comp out of the window...

    Remove the soundcard, all memory sticks but one, all CD-drives but one (if you have several).

    Set the hard drive as primary master, and the CD as secondary master (so that they are on the same ribbon cable).

    The try installing a fresh OFP installation and apply patches 1.20 and 1.30.

  9. In outros in intros it's always good to disable the AI so you can finetune their movements. That way when you use the DoMove-command, they move there no matter what happens (excluding a shot in the back of the head, of course ;))

    myofficer disableAI "Move"; myofficer disableAI "AutoTarget"

    That should do the trick.

    (Edited by Spitfire at 11:16 pm on Dec. 9, 2001)
