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Posts posted by Spinor

  1. Hi,

    to your first question: You can put any check you want in the condition field. If you want to restrict it to one player use

    this AND (player == radioOfficer)

    where radioOfficer would be the name of the specific player's unit you are referring to (i.e. put radioOfficer in its Name field).

    Some general remarks about moving groups:


    group Move position

    you can order a group to a specific position, e.g.

    reinfGroup Move (GetPos radioOfficer)

    The problem is this shouldn't be mixed with standard waypoint movement. Another possibility is to move a given wapoint (before the group reaches it) with the SetWPPos command. I'm not sure about the syntax, best is to check the Official command reference.

    So in principle you could activate (so the reinforcements wait until call) and move the "search and destroy" waypoint

    by synchronizing it with the radiotrigger.


  2. I think its possible but you have to do two things:

    1. Make the radio triggers side specific. E.g. o create a radio trigger that is only activated by the WEST side put this in in its Condition field:

    this AND (Side player) == WEST

    The command player returns the human player on the local machine and the whole expression only becomes true if a WEST player selects the radio slot.

    2. If you want different radio messages (just the text) to appear for EAST and WEST you have to use the SetRadioMsg command to edit them specifically for each side. The easiest way is to make a script "init.sqs" (automatically called at startup):


    ?(Side player == WEST): Goto "WestRadio"

    ?(Side player == EAST): Goto "EastRadio"

    Goto "NoRadio"



    1 SetRadioMsg "Call Blackhawk"

    2 SetRadioMsg "Call M1 Platoon"

    ...and so on

    Goto "End"



    1 SetRadioMsg "Call Hip"

    2 SetRadioMsg "Call T80 Platoon"

    ...and so on

    Goto "End"





    1 SetRadioMsg "null"

    2 SetRadioMsg "null"

    ...and so on




    I hope this helps (and works),


  3. For the following script to work you have to create

    the sic soldiers mia0, mia1,... in the editor and put

    them far away from the battlefield (on a small island

    maybe). Calling the following script like

    [x,y,z] exec "spawn.sqs" will spawn the six soldiers

    around the position [x,y,z].


    ;[x,y,z] exec "spawn.sqs"

    _x = _this select 0

    _y = _this select 1

    ;these commands simply place the soldiers

    ;around [x,y,z]

    mia0 SetPos [_x, _y, 0]

    mia1 SetPos [_x+2, _y, 0]

    mia2 SetPos [_x-2, _y, 0]

    mia3 SetPos [_x, _y+2, 0]

    mia4 SetPos [_x, _y-2, 0]

    mia5 SetPos [_x+2, _y-2, 0]


    I actually don´t know how to trigger the event

    of blowing up a building (do you mean special

    buidlings or any building on the map). For special

    buidlings try to use Gunslingers addon to create

    namedn buildings and check their damage like

    GetDammage buildingname >= 1.0

    -----> activate trigger with action

    (GetPos buildingname) exec "spawn.sqs"

    Hope this helps,


  4. Cool indeed, this can be very useful. After reading your post, I scanned the official BIS reference and found this under the exec command:

    "Script is first searched in mission folder, then in campaign scripts subfolder, last in global scripts folder."

    One thing that I found out is that you can create subfolders within your mission folder and put your scripts in there. When calling the script you have to include the path, like

    [] exec "myscripts\barrage.sqs"


  5. Use the AllowFleeing command:

    unit AllowFleeing number

    where number is from 0.0 to 1.0, the probability that the unit will run away.

    If you want to a whole group immune to fleeing put this in the Init field of its leader:

    "_x AllowFleeing 0.0" ForEach (Units (Group this))

    Hope this helps,


  6. I think I can help you with your first problem. Use a script at mission start (e.g. the init.sqs) to create the radio buttons:


    ;creates radiobuttons, to be called at missionstart

    ;this tests whether the local player (Player is a local

    ;variable) is someguy, e.g. a group leader

    ?(Player == someguy): Goto "ACTIVATE"

    ;if not, deactivate radiobuttons putting strings to "null"

    1 SetRadioMsg "null"

    2 SetRadioMsg "null"


    Goto "END"

    ;if true, activate the buttons


    1 SetRadioMsg "Call Artystrike"

    2 SetRadioMsg "Call Airstrike"





    The radio triggers should be setup as normal.

    The effect is that only the human player that takes the role of "someguy" can see the buttons and use the radio.

    For the second problem I can only make the guess that something (a script you called or for some reason the radio trigger) ran local only on your machine.

  7. The triggers refer to the slots in the radio, first to Radio Alpha, etc. Thus clicking the first slot activates the "Radio Alpha" trigger.

    You can change the messages appearing in the radio like

    x SetRadioMsg "text"

    where x is the radio slot 1,...,8 e.g.

    1 SetRadioMsg "Call air support"

    Hope this helps,


  8. I´m currently working on a command system that allows the player to control up to 5 groups. I have already created a mission that uses this feature. I´d like to invite everyone to test both the actual mission and the command sytem.

    pcverden kindly posted the mission on his site:

    <a href="http://pcverden.topcities.com/Missions/Command.zip

    Thanx" target="_blank">http://pcverden.topcities.com/Missions/Command.zip

    Thanx</a> in advance,


  9. Well...there are actually two ways to do it:

    You can move the marker of the map, e.g.

    "markername" SetMarkerPos [-10, -10, 0]

    or you can change the marker type to empty

    "markername" SetMarkerType "Empty"

    You can do this also within the editor. Simply choose markertype "Empty". The marker appears in the editor but not ingame.

