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Everything posted by Speeeedy

  1. Speeeedy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    LOL thats the worst marketing trick you can ever do. Sorry guys this isn't a competely new game. Its an upgrade of a game we released 5 years ago. And our real next game will be release in 2 years. Not only will BIS become a big joke in the game industry if there excuse that this is flashpoint 1.5. It will also scare people away for there next game.
  2. Speeeedy

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    Incredible aim and a smart AI are two completly different things. A smart AI isn't one that kills you with one shot. But it is that friendlies and enemies can move tactical and give support to there team mates.
  3. Speeeedy

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    True. But not to long ago i saw a gameplay movie of AA, i think it was from a czech game magazine. And during urban combat you just saw enemies running past the player (what happens in flashpoint really often in close combat), and not using any cover what so ever or react to the player. That just shouldnt happen, specially with the large urban area's AA seems to feature.
  4. Speeeedy

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    Nice movie. I really like the animations of the units and the terrain. But its kind of sad to see such a AI. While the AI of flashpoint was advanced 5 years ago. Its far from impressive these days. Specially regarding close combat and team support/communication. I think BIS really should take another look at the AI before they decide to ship AA in 2 months.
  5. Speeeedy

    IDEA Games at E3

    What im dissapointed about is this: While I wasn't expecting a 'super' AI. I was hoping it would get a major upgrade specially regarding close combat and team communication. It would have been nice if the AI could have used the urban cover, etc. It happend too often to me in Flashpoint that during close combat a Enemy AI sees me, runs right past me and then gets shot because he doesnt react to my presents.
  6. Speeeedy

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    I noticed a frame drop of 3 times when using Flasfx....from an average of 50 FPS with an mission of 30 units to 17 FPS average..... Guess some of the scripts lag terrible Hope your able to fix this
  7. Speeeedy

    How to improve the AI ?

    I suggest you have a look here Keycat did that and much more
  8. Speeeedy

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Nice hey i noticed that the units that don't come in the pack don't have the tracer FX. You probably dont support it but is there a way to add that all soldier class have the tracers?
  9. Speeeedy

    New AH-64D Pack

    I was wondering if there was a way you could make the Hellfires act more releastic. Â (I think WGL does this but im not sure about that) In Flashpoint they will go directly to the target. Just like an normal TOW missles does. However Hellfires act a lot like Javelin's. They will first shoot up and then go down so they will hit the armored vehicles at there weakest point.......the top. And great work so far
  10. Speeeedy

    FlashFX replacement Units

    I noticed that silenced weapons and Sniper Rifles also have tracers. I don't know if it is possible but in real life there no tracers used for these weapons so that the position is not given away.
  11. Speeeedy


    Nemesis im terrible sorry if this already has been asked and its not a feature request, just wondering But do you have any plans for the tracers now that there has been a trace config released. Which makes tracers act releastic. I believe there are some people who have trouble with it (CTD's) but perhaps you where working on your own version? Nevermind i noticed this already has been answered in a different thread
  12. Speeeedy


    That really depends if your using HEAT or SABOT rounds of course.
  13. Speeeedy


    Couple of 'requests' im not sure if there possible or arent possible because of the limiteds of the engine. 1) Hellfire releastic. the Hellfire fired by the longbow in flashpoint acts far from releastic. An normal hellfire. First travles forward. Then up the sky. And then comes down again so it hits the tank at the top (one of the weakests points of a tank) 2) Missles that don't disappear. Something i notice for example the maverick missle. That after so many meters the missle disapears and only the smoke trail and flare 3) Let guns act more releastic. An bit like FDF. Im not sure if everyone would like it. But it would make fire fights act longer and more releastic. 4) Releastic dust and shockwave effects. A bit like WGL. For example when you place an heavy explosion takes place like an LGB or an Satchelcharge you first see a very fast shockwave. And then dust and mud popping up high and big. And slowly disappearing. This is only the case with an high amount of explosives. keep up the good work....like the effects so far
  14. Speeeedy


    actually i believe it is possible in a limited way. If im correct the GMR explosion mod did it in the early days. Giving different kind of dust effects for different kind of terrains.
  15. Speeeedy

    Destroyed HMMV Model

    Great work. Looks real nice and could be very well used in a mission. Only thing is that the textures look (to) clean if an vehicle is damaged by such an violence
  16. Speeeedy

    RKSL Studios Projects

    I really think you should double check your facts. Because as far as i know 38 planes where lossed during the kosovo war. On which there was 1 F-16, 1 F-117 and 36 UAV's. And seeing the fact that the serbians where all over the news showing proudly that they shot down an F-117. And this never happend with the B-2 i really doubt it ever happend. Here is where i get my facts from Janes Kosovo War But enough about that. Really hope this plane will make it to the end production. Been waiting for a good stealth plane for missions for quite some time already
  17. Speeeedy

    Shooting from vehicles

    Nope not at the moment atleast
  18. Speeeedy

    The Bastige Island 6

    I most say i loved the mission, the AI drove me nuts but guess thats the respawn for. Planning on making a mission my self when some good marines vehicles come out. Seems im the only one thinking this. But i was suprised when the Chinooks just brought vehicles, and no other squads. Because taking over this island with just two squads is insane
  19. Speeeedy

    Zil 130/131 pack relase soon!

    If you dont try you indeed wont get permission
  20. Speeeedy

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    Seen that before on another site. Its the Chineese counter part of the Hummer.
  21. Speeeedy

    Dxdll help

    If your geforce supports this feature it is enabled by using the Nvidia drivers, you can play Flashpoint i think so that means you have the drivers that came with your geforce (or later) meaning that if your card supports pixel shading its already active.....and if it doesnt work. it means your card does not support it
  22. Speeeedy

    Spr & lsr delta-teaser special edition

    Nice work. Only thing is i wouldnt go with the OICW (of course it still a beta so perhaps you already had in mind to change it) as the OICW didnt get passed the testing fase for the US defense deparment. Instead there going to use the XM-8 so you might want to use that one instead? But like i said before great work. Cant wait till its final
  23. Speeeedy

    Hawk system, advice, suggestions..

    Finally someone is making an hawk missle. Its about time. the USSR has all kind of Airdefence but the west doesnt.... an nice smoke trail like the javelin would give it a real eye candy.
  24. Speeeedy

    Usmc cti modifications

    Perhaps the Mi-2....it aint as small as the littlebird, But its way smaller then the Mi-17 or Hind. But then again why do they have to have balanced units. You for instant could give the west a strong airforce, but the USSR an strong airdefence, etc By the way i was wondering is it possible to have an script that when your under attack you can ask for backup by radio, either by infantry or perhaps an airassault from aircrafts coming from an aircraft carrier or so?
  25. Speeeedy

    Usmc cti modifications

    That would be great...if been trying ages to find out how to do it but haven't been able to figure out how BTR-T BAS Littlebirds BAS blackhawks