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About Softegg

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  1. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    sorry, i am still in trouble with a lot of private things like relationship, employment ... but "i'll be back" *G* !!!
  2. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    @bigred: 1. we will provide dl-links if our hp is ready. 2. our config/mod is not intended to be used by external mission editors. of course, people can easily build missions with our "required addons pack", but our goodies will not be included. nearly all used addons can be found and downloaded from their original makers. we only balance them and enhanche some things through a combination of events, scripts, objects, sounds, effects, markers. this enhanchements are included in our config and in every of our missions. mission makers can try to rip out the goodies and use them, but we will not release a "how-to-make-a-opef-mission"-readme.
  3. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    OPEF is back on duty !!! thanks to ASC-clan for sponsoring us a new server. now we can continue testing the demo mission and the new addons/routines. lets rock !!! @parvus: we have full access to the server, so we can change all ofp-settings like we want. our tracer-suppression is made through our config, but also the tracer settings on the server need adjustment.
  4. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    demo-mission is about 75% ready now. last actions: - informations-dialog integrated - notes about special features integrated in ofp-briefing stay tuned ...
  5. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    still busy with making the demo-mission, one of the main tasks now is our "real command system".
  6. Softegg

    Script problem

    maybe the group doesn't exist at the beginning?
  7. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    @bigred: thank you for offering us support, but the addons are still ready for download, we have packed them in set of rar-files. we will release them soon.
  8. waiting until 2006 ? -> video
  9. look here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=36768
  10. the solution for this you can find in my upper post. just the names of the weapons must be fixed for different requirements.
  11. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    @All: sorry for the delay, but we had some serious problems with the pda and multiplayer. but now i've found a solution and will continue building the demo-mission. @All voice actors: for testing issues we use a synthetic voice. if all tests are done and the texts are fixed we will provide the final dialogues to you. @Parvus: new c130 will be used. @BigRed: all news and informations will be published here.
  12. found/had the same problem. my solution: [p1,p2,p3] exec "FixCustomThrowPut.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_list=_this _index=0 #DoFix _unit=_list select _index "if (!(_unit hasweapon _x)) then {_unit addweapon _x}" foreach ["OPEF_Throw","OPEF_Put","OPEF_BandageCarry","OPEF_PdaCarry"] _index=_index+1 ?_index<count _list:goto "DoFix" thank you for inspiring me.
  13. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    the demo mission is still in development, now we need some voice actors. we are searching some english speaking people with "adult" voices. please pm me, i will give you more details then.
  14. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    i want to answer the questions: 1. we are still working on a first demo mission. allmost all required addons are from other groups/people. only a handfull new addons are made by us. 2. the demo mission will run with a mod-folder called @mpc and you need to start ecp too. the final campaign will have their own config, everything will be included in some install-files. overall, this is not intended to be a seperate mod to be used by people in the editor, only we collect neccesary things and level/enhance them for our needs. 3. our missions don't collide with other mission-files in the MPMissions folder. informations are transported via ofp-script-commands.
  15. Softegg

    Operation enduring freedom

    the pda and some other gimmicks will be included in the opef-addons-packet, which will be released together with the first demo mission. release-information about the first demo mission: it's done when it's done!