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SoD Max

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Everything posted by SoD Max

  1. I noticed someone talking about the sounds for the gun , sounds like arty . Well I was thinking Rogue spear seems to have some nice sounds for thier weapons . What Im wondering is , if someone really knows . Is there something wrong with using thier sounds for your gun ? Its not like they will have it or that you are selling it . Just wondering if thats considered bad form . I dont think it is , because that game is sooo far from ofp .
  2. Now Marek doesnt want to release Oxygen unless they approve you . In a way thats ok . But , damn it , dont say youll give it to us then pull back . To me its about money . Why would they want to let you guys have it then end up making the very models they want you to buy in thier upgrade ? Im really angry over this pull back from them . This game is getting so lame . I think its time that we let these young studs take the ball and run with it . From what I've seen from you guys , the 3D models look great . Who knows maybe they are jelous . lol . As for me Im going to pull back from this kinda crap . They have tanted my taste for this . The best thing you guys can do is , keep trying to use that object converter . Dont let these guys stop us . Fight on guys .....
  3. I think this last post rounds this subject up "ends it". He makes a very truthfull comment . Others have tryed to say what he is saying now , but none say it as well as he has . Point made and taken .
  4. Flugle , Most of they arguing here could be done in a private message . Then maybe it wouldnt be as silly . If BIS is going to release some new add-ons then lets get on it . We have people that are ready to go on with this and get this stuff out . Maruk gave a top 5 reasons as to why they wont release it . His fith reason is primaryly the top reson . "We've started this initiative to make the tools available to some more people if they want to respect given condititions and (limitaions) of use the tools" That means , Dont make something we are going to use and charge for in an up coming add-on . Now the more resonable side of me says ." Ok what ever its your toys , play how you want . "The other side says , "you own all the toys damn it . Let us get to play with our own" . For most of us thats what its really about . We are sick of being dependent on them for our fun . When there are alot of capible people out there . Hell , most of the rogue spear moders are here . So really it all comes to the issue of thier dollar not being made . If they had the balls to tell us out right and not treat us like a step child with the comments like a lawer , "The tools are intelectual property of Bohemia Interactive Studio and no users of Operation Flashpoint was granted any right to use it." That attitude is uncalled for and is probly from a cock that has nothing to do with the game . BTW BIS Here is a chance to bow out of it and say its out of your hands ."That attitude is uncalled for and is probly from a cock that has nothing to do with the game ." Now use this chance and run with it . pls say it , pls , pls , pls . Then we will shut up .
  5. Cheating is not even a REAL consern . Remember we all have to have that add-on in order for it to work . When we spot someone doing that , they WILL be delt with . lol If you guys really understood this you would be pissed too . The ONLY real reson BIS has for not releasing is , that its thier stuff (oxygen) . THAT is the only thing I will agree on . The other resons they list are totally lame and they know it . Its about the doe bro . The money you know !? BTW placebo's post up top about "enough of the complaint threads" hes not saying you cant post here , he means stop starting new threads .
  6. Yes Ran I know I used to be wayyy more resonable . And at the start of the post I was . But the more BIS says we dont owe you . and they are right , they dont . But I consider this to be a friendship in the name of good games . At least I used too . They started as friends but they are getting to big to be friends anymore . Now I hope you understand a lil better ....
  7. Heres a lil more info from Murik ,murry , al , hell what ever he thinks his name is . He has listed 5 resons why he wont release it and the fourth reson which should be the first if it was a real reson "4) The tools are result of many years of our work and the tools have very high value. We have serious concerns the tools could be used for some unauthorized commercial products or another acitivity we don't want to support at present stage." = Bullshi.t then heres number 2 "2) The tools are useless to vaste majority of people because of the complexity of modeling for Operation Flashpoint. Also, the tools in current stage are still not really polished so there's no purpose giving them to general public without some more documentation and tutorials. This is one the things we hope will be developed in conjuction with various MOD making teams. We believe it's much better way to start with more limited number of users now and extend the availability of tools later to wider audience in right time and right form." Ill tell you now Its when we say turd brain . We leave you , and you have no one . Just try and piss us off BIS . WE ARE GETTING MORE PISSED EVERY LAME ASSED EXCUSE YOU USE ! ITS ABOUT MONEY ! DONT LIE ABOUT IT . "We believe it's much better way to start with more limited number of users now and extend the availability of tools later to wider audience in right time and right form." = please wait on us to make our buck so we can get out of the communist housing . You have really messed up turd . Unless I see real repentance Im not coming back , nor will i buy thier stuff anymore .......PISS OFF Oh and one more thing . The way they end thier comments of how they reserve the right crap . Thats like getting legal with your buisness partner . You do that and you will lose all trust . Believe me , I own my own buisness . The things they are doing isnt right at all . Comment like that make me get REAL ugly . Now if they wouldnt act like that it wouldnt bring the prick in me . Damn u bis I'm super pissed you did this . Shame shame
  8. pathfinder , you may not find too many that will support the idea for mechs in OFP . I for one have thought about it . But I think your right . It would brinmg in wayyyy more people . Microsoft flightsim 2002 fan base has just started bringing new planes into the game . So many that you can have a new plane evrey 2 days ! Now wouldnt that be nice to have new models every week instead of when BIS says we can have it ? Of course it would . But we cant expect too much from gewbers like BIS . Alot of you say that they've been nice . I think not . They released the game with a great editor . In hopes that we would make great missions . Hense the lazy chumps make money off of our time . Why hire someone to make more campaigns when we can do it . That is a idea for profit more than friendship . Anyone that wants to keep a strong base will release tools . I used to think BIS was a real gaming company and maybe at one time they were . Not now , since they have VBS going strong . Keep up the presure guys....
  9. Lansen we all know that ofp mod vietnam is the lil step child of bis . G isnt that why lusty poo quit ? Now on the oxygen deal ... MS flight sim 2002 is a great example of what would happen if we had oxygen . Here is a site click here for that game that host hundreds of new high quality planes . Now they have all the tools that are needed to make these planes . By looking at the site you can see that crap is not posted there at all . Hense if they released these tools for ofp it would be up to Tigershark over at the editing center wether crap gets posted . As anyone that really knows whats going on knows that , thats the place to be for cutting edge editing . And they also know that he wont post any crap at all . So you BIS gameboys out there chill . We that are voicing our opinion are just as dedicated at this then you . I play with this game sooo much my marrage is at risk at times ! We are not trolling ...
  10. Mig pilot read what Axle online said . Screw the petitons , there have been enough of them .
  11. Here read what axle on line says and I agree with him . click here
  12. And Dont think for a second that your mod will get approved if its got anything that they want to release . Also if you do get it , your stuff wont get out until after VBS is . F-in bstastardds......Just think about it . In your heart you knew that chick wouldnt have really slept with you . But after all the promisses you understandably get angry . Then the dumb whore wonders why your mad .
  13. This may sound a lil silly but , Im afraid our friends at BIS have lived under Soviet rule for too long . lol . They first tryed to dictate how we were going to get the SDK . First we must make great missions . Remember that ? That attitude really burnt me . This whole game has been made as a tool for any gamer to have his dreams come true . Then just like any good commie they show it then take it away lol . Marek you are really screwing up pissing us off . Dont force us out of pride to leave your arse . I am not at all used to this commie idea of thiers . Man ... screw this I'm sick of it . To me , its like the hottest chick in town offers you a date , then at the last minute tells you , no slit no party no nothing unless you have the big cok and fast car and of course money too !
  14. SoD Max

    Home made Prison

    (Click the pictures for larger images). (Click the pictures for larger images).
  15. Also it effects objects . With the new sounds installed This setdammage 1 wont work .
  16. SoD Max

    Home made traffic lights

    What the heck you puck that in here for ? BTW I like it ! lol
  17. SoD Max

    Home made Prison

    Avon lady . Yes thats me . Placebo thank you for adjusting my pics . Normally I just put a link to my site for the pics . But seeing as I'm new to these forums I desided to post the pics . I was then later going to take tem off and just put the link . BTW I have been hanging around the OFPEC forums a while and know all about conserving space and I am very mindfull of this issue . Once again thank you . These Items I've been working on are going to be used for cut sceens that may be used in OFPEC Campaign . So it may not get released in a while . Im just taking a pole to see what people here think .