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Posts posted by Snake1999

  1. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">medal of honor the mouse control doesn't work at all....<span id='postcolor'>

    I know 3 people having this problem; 1 runs win98, another win ME. and the last one, win 2000.. thada!

    I reckon this has something to do with hardware and/or further settings.

    The only game I haven't manage to run in winXP is Ghost Recon,, and that isn't XP's fault,, it's my voodoo card.In fact,, all the things I can't run in XP is because of my computer. sad.gif

  2. In the future, please keep the topic title relevant to the content of the thread.

    Thank you.

    (the topic title has been edited by me, right now,, just a few secs ago).


  3. <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>[note to Placebo: Upload Wobble's flag to your BiFF account !End note!]</span>

    Win XP pro just amazes me. It's the best OS I've ever used. Very stable and reliable. The only downside on my puter is that XP takes to much of my HD. As I only got a 4gb HD, most of it goes to XP,, thereore I'm thinking about returning to win98 (which is the next best OS IMO).

    If I get a better computer, I'll definetly run win XP pro on it smile.gif

  4. Well,, it's kinda hard to point out errors when you don't post the code or something...

    here's a simple briefing templetate:

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><html>

    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

    <h2><a name="Main"></a></h2>


    <b>| Insert date here |</b>


    | Place your notes here |



    <p><a name="plan"></a>

    | Insert your plan here |



    <p><a name = "OBJ_1"></a><a href="marker:NameOfMarker">| Insert Objective here |</a>| What's to be done |



    <p><a name = "OBJ_2"></a><a href="marker:NameOfMarker">| Insert Objective here |</a>| What's to be done |



    <h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">| Mission status | </a></h2>


    | Debriefing text |



    <h2><a name="Debriefing:End2">| Mission status | </a></h2>


    | Debriefing text |



    <h2><a name="Debriefing:End3">| Mission status | </a></h2>


    | Debriefing text |



    <h2><a name="Debriefing:End4">| Mission status | </a></h2>


    | Debriefing text |



    <h2><a name="Debriefing:End5">| Mission status | </a></h2>


    | Debriefing text |



    <h2><a name="Debriefing:End6">| Mission status | </a></h2>


    | Debriefing text |





    <span id='postcolor'>

  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Black Op @ Jan. 17 2002,00:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and i expected mgs2 to be amazing but its just an enhanced version of the original sad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

    You mean the one for NES, that came out sometime in the 80's? Well,, I dunno...don't think so tounge.gif

    I've alwayes been a fan of the MG series... I feel like an outlaw or something for not been playing the PS2 version sad.gif

  6. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I named this description.ext,and have tried it without the .ext,and in the save as type box,I have saved as Word for Windows 6.0. I am not sure if I need a different word program or not,all I know is I am very frustrated,please help.<span id='postcolor'>

    Just write the file in notepad,, choose "save as" and then write the name of the file:


    within quotes.
