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Posts posted by Snake1999

  1. I really didn't like this one... it wasn't cute...

    I was really tempted to delete this one, and maybe I will,, just to spare the poor soules from seeing this awfull flash movie. sad.gif

  2. If you want to get a warez version of OFP I suggest you do it far far away from me, cause I don't like people stealing from BIS, thus stealing from the consumers, that is, me and the other users of this forum (and allot more people).

    If you want this game, buy it.

    Thank you very much,,

    (Sorry for being late.. I was on a consert sad.gif )

  3. Well,, your monitor decides how high refresh rate you can have on our monitor. If you're running win XP, there's somekind of bug in it that sets the refresh rate on the monitor to 60hz. Really hurts your eyes.

    I guess your monitor is kinda new, so it should be capable of a higher refresh rate than 60 in 1024 x 768.

    I had to get a special program to force my monitor to display things in a higher rr than 60.


    The lower the rr is, the longer your monitor will last.

  4. If you've watched the OG you've seen allot of examples,,

    Like todayes "5 mil" as we say in sweden (the long long skiing event), which this spanish guy won.

    It was just crazy,, the whole event was crazy... none of the people who's allwayes in the top wheren't even close to this guy.

    In the doping test earler he had a too high values of something in his blood,, so they tested him again,, and he had then "normal values". The guy said he had diarrhoea the night before, and that's why the unnormal values showed up.

    Then I, and allot of other people asks themself,"Who the hell has diarrhoea one day, and the next day goes out and wins the gold in one of the thoughest events (imo) in the whole WO?,, and the other contest aren't even close to him..."

  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GulfWar @ Feb. 23 2002,18:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Exronin Your comments to the other people who bought this game is uncalled for. You have just lost a loyal supporter in Operation Flashpoint!<span id='postcolor'>

    I don't quite understand this comment,, confused.gif

  6. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Feb. 23 2002,15:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I always thought that you're a moderator.<span id='postcolor'>

    Givin Ex mod status would be like giving Richard Simons the status "President of the EU" tounge.gif

    ( I just woke up... )
