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Posts posted by Snake1999

  1. There was this major discussion about wether it should be 'OFP' or 'OPF' back in the old dayes (one year ago..?) over at OFPN. After some good points from both side, the 'OFP' supporters won.

    Why?,, Because 'Flashpoint' in a short word would be 'FP',, 'cause what the heck is 'F'? And OPFP would be too long, and to hard to pronunce. So,, 'OFP' it is.


  2. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How about a FAMAS?<span id='postcolor'>

    Now we're talking!

    I would love to see the FAMAS in OFP (as most of the ppl on OFPN already know wink.gif ).

  3. External script files shuld go into your ..\OFP\user\userName\missions\missionName -folder. They can be called whatever you would like to call them ( "myscript.sqs", "notMyscript.sqs", etc).

    When writing a script (mostly done in notepad), and you're up to the point to save it, you should choose to "save as" and write it like this:


    this will make the normal txt file into a script file (.sqs file).
