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Everything posted by Snake1999

  1. Snake1999

    BIS release the developer tools soon!!!

    Yuepp,, sounds great. This is being discussed in this thread. closed
  2. Snake1999

    i need help please

    All you need to do is putting thi line into a unit's init field, in order to have him in the boat from the start: this moveInCargo <nameOfVehicle> If it's a whole group that should start in the vehicle, do this: Give the group a name In the leader's init field, insert the line: grp = group this (grp will be the name of the group,,) next, add the following line: "_x moveInCargo <nameOfVehicle>" forEach units grp This will put the whole group into the vehicle.
  3. Snake1999


    For a start, you could alwayes give the music file a name (name="" <--- insert a name here within the quotes). Then you should be able to select your musicfile from a trigger, by pressing the "Effects" tabb and scrolldown to your music file in the "Music" list.
  4. Snake1999

    A couple of easy questions!

    A trigger that ends the mission when <unitName> is dead, could look like this: a: 0 b: 0 <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Don't need to cover an area, because it will be triggered when a custom specified action occur</span> Type: End #n Condition: !alive <unitName> This will end the mission at the time when <unitName> is killed (exchange <unitName> for the name of the unit). The you could add som delay with the use of the 'time controllers' (sayes CountDown in the editor, but can also be set to TimeOut). You also use these time controllers in waypoints, for delaying the time untill the unit/units proceeds to the next waypoint. To have an soldier equiped with satchel charges to lay one add, the following into the waypoint's onActivation field, at which the unit should plant the bomb: <unitName> fire["Put", "Pipebomb"] And then, at another waypoint, you could have: <unitName> action["TouchOff"]
  5. Snake1999

    Operation Firefox

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (caz @ Jan. 16 2002,15:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">where exactly do i put it ?<span id='postcolor'> Unzip firefox.pbo into your campaign directory and select the top right arrow in the campaign book next to Flashpoint 1985 and Red Hammer.
  6. Snake1999

    windows xp

    LOL,, I see But if you're using an older version of windows,, you shouldn't hesitate to upgrade to XP. It's superb
  7. Snake1999

    windows xp

    If you don't have it, how can you be so sure it's as bad as you say..?
  8. Snake1999

    windows xp

    There are two different 'looks' available in XP. One, being the new XP flashy thingy. The otherone, being the oldschool look of windows. Oh and also... you can change the size of the buttons,, infact... you can change most things...
  9. Snake1999

    windows xp

    yeah yeah And I would also like to point out that XP is a great OS, IMO, the best one available.
  10. Snake1999

    windows xp

    I get my voodoo drives from VoodooFiles.com. Just enter their 3rd party drivers section, and you'll find allot of good drivers for XP.
  11. Snake1999

    why is OF such a buggy piece of poo

    ohh,, don't get me started,, I was just about to go to bed "asha2323",, from reading your post, I can't say anything else than that you don't know anything about games development. These dayes, there are thousands of thousands different combination of hardware which you can build your PC upon. Making a game 100% compitable with all of these is a job that is,, well.. hard. If you're having a problem, it's your computer that's causing them. Such a simpel task as defraging your HD can solve a problem. And you're upset about that you have to download 4 patches. Well,, these aren't just patches. Read 1.20 info, read 1.30 info and read 1.40 info. Do you see anything unusual compared to other game patches? Let me give you a hint* New features, units, vehicles and weapons. For Free. Oh,, you mentioned that you would go back and play HL. That's just lame. How many patches aren't there for HL? Post your specs, and we may help you. If you don't want help, skip the BS please. Thank you.
  12. Snake1999

    Whats the dumbest song you've ever heard?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This is on of the stupidest song ever: Swedish humor<span id='postcolor'> LOL,, I love those ones It's basicly some arabic songs that some funky swede have made some funky flash videos for,, and put in swedish lyrics in them aswell. 'Badrum Badrum' is a true classic
  13. Snake1999

    screen shots forum section??

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Jan. 14 2002,18:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No I didn't. Why don't you go catch spammers or something?<span id='postcolor'> ahh,, I didn't see any smilie there...
  14. Snake1999

    screen shots forum section??

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Jan. 14 2002,18:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No I didn't. Why don't you go catch spammers or something?<span id='postcolor'> ahh,, I didn't see any smilie there...
  15. Snake1999

    screen shots forum section??

    ehhrrr,, If you haven't noticed, you used the wrong smilie
  16. Snake1999

    screen shots forum section??

    ehhrrr,, If you haven't noticed, you used the wrong smilie
  17. Snake1999

    screen shots forum section??

    ehhrrmm.. If you haven't noticed,, this is the official OFP forum...
  18. Snake1999

    screen shots forum section??

    ehhrrmm.. If you haven't noticed,, this is the official OFP forum...
  19. Snake1999

    Screen shots and the voodoo 3....

    You can also alter the button, with which you capture a screenshot. I don't know if it's the default, but I have my "capture button" set to 'Scroll Lock'. I suggest you open up HS and check around some in the menus and settings (also, look in the 'help' files).
  20. Snake1999

    Sorry all

    LOL,, ain't this forum something
  21. Looks really cool. One question. Those concrete walls,, do you know the name of them, or have you simply used kegetys or Gunslinger's editor addon?
  22. Snake1999


    err,, and the purpose of this would be..?
  23. Snake1999

    Havent posted here in well over a year

    Yeah,, same here... and that was a long long time ago (doesn't feel like it though). It's nice to se some oldschool people coming back Â
  24. Snake1999

    Havent posted here in well over a year

    hehe,, you better install those upgrades! Allot of things have happened since v1.0. Welcome back
  25. Can be done with a trigger too. Just place the comand line into a trigger's onActivation field, and set the triggers condition to true.