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Everything posted by Snake1999

  1. Snake1999

    did ne one read this>?

    Well,, according to BabelFish, it means: But pentrite OYU-shch8d of dochela of yuustezh, ale are other it is silent AGM-yyyak To yuellfire II sky religious rite AIM -92? But AYU-'yaa of taky of moyul of mit AIM -92, of pokud of vim, zachaly se to nezh davat of nekdy approximately one < 1990 I think BabelFish needs some updates...
  2. Snake1999

    cant sleep.. help

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ex-RoNiN @ Feb. 11 2002,22:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Stop sitting on your arse all day and go out and do some serious exercising.<span id='postcolor'> You mean like going to a pub and drinking beer? DO that all the time
  3. Snake1999

    cant sleep.. help

    lol,, might work or,, buy yourself some good beer (no light version or something,, atleast 5-10%). Then position yourself in a nice place infront of the TV,, watch some b-movie and drink your beer (allot of beer). You'll sleep like a child after a while I've had problems with sleeping for a long time now... I hardly sleep more than 3-4 hours á night. It's kinda frustrating. But the strange parts is that I some dayes can wake up and be überenergic (or whatever).... ...I'll go now...
  4. Snake1999

    Jungle Warriors

    I won't say too much, but messing with sweden means messing with "Kustjägare", "Norrlandsjägare", and other cool units. Look,, pictures! Even more pictures! Maybe doesn't look like much on the pictures,, but they're damn cool in RL
  5. Snake1999

    �4 million quid robbery at heathrow

    *cough* *cough*,, insider job *cough* *cough*
  6. Snake1999

    Ronin's Girls are Lobsters

    Long time no see,, Welcome back bud!
  7. Snake1999

    Hot War!

    hmm.. bad bad topic... Topic major flame will start. --> Closed
  8. Snake1999

    How outstanding OFP is compared to MOH?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ Feb. 09 2002,10:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the landing map is just too easy....<span id='postcolor'> That's on easy or medium, right? Try it on > hard <...
  9. Snake1999

    Whare U From

    I think the flag in my sig speaks for itself...
  10. Snake1999

    Loops, BIS?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (iMoRtAliS @ Feb. 09 2002,08:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Actually in C++ "?" is a valid way to say IF and ; Can replace ELSE...<span id='postcolor'> aye!
  11. Snake1999

    Loops, BIS?

    Sure,, a loop is created by adding a 'loop startpoint', and a command to jump to that point: #NextRound <code> goto "NextRound" This will make the <code> 'looped'. Pretty basic. In combination with the command similar to if;then;else statement in normal programing, you can do some funky stuff. normal programing If <logical expression> then "action A" else "no Action" in OFP ?( <logical expression> ) : "action A" "no action" the colon ( : ) means then,, and the line on the second row is the else part. ;--- Example: loop #StartOfLoop ~0.1 ?(aP distance aPlead > 100) : goto "WarnaP" goto "StartOfLoop" #WarnaP hint "Get back in formation" ~20 goto "StartOfLoop" What this will do? It will check if unit aP's distance to aPLead is greater than 100m. If so, a hint will appear, telling aP to get back into formation, and then waiting for 20 seconds before checking aP's distance to aPLead again.. If not, it will continue to check this every 0.1 seconds. SO,, yes,, loops are a essential part of scripting
  12. Snake1999

    PC Gamer game of the year: Ghost Recon

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ruskie @ Feb. 08 2002,00:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When I think about it and how people didn't like how PC Gamer gave OFP such a low score when it was reviewed (@75%) COLINMAN<span id='postcolor'> so we are talking about us pcg, i thought we were rabbling on about uk pcg, which gave the game 89%<span id='postcolor'> Bah,, now I know that the Swedish PCG is the best: OFP was given the "Game of the Month" award and a stunning 95% (in a 6pages long review).
  13. Snake1999

    i think ur a fruit

    LoL,, having a rough time at home? I wonder...
  14. Snake1999

    screw you

    ehhrm... Ok? ---> Closed
  15. Snake1999

    Bridges in OFP!

    I downloaded these "demos" a few dayes ago,, and I thin kthat the second demo (frmo -97?) really rocked! IMO, it was pretty nice graphics (kinda reminded me about the massive online flightsim Aces High). Really cool engine
  16. Snake1999

    Offical Crappy Computer

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sweeper @ Feb. 06 2002,11:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> don't complain Snake <span id='postcolor'><span id='postcolor'> I didn't complain,, did I?
  17. Snake1999

    Offical Crappy Computer

    well.. my puter is kinda strange...
  18. Snake1999

    sea dogs 2

    hehe,, looks nice, but I bet it won't beat the feeling of 'Unchartered Waters: New Horizons' for snes!,,
  19. Snake1999

    Offical Crappy Computer

    LOL! I'm on a PII 300, 192mb RAM, voodoo 3 3000. I run OFP in 1280x1024, with varrying settings, deppending on what I'm doing. If I'm just testing scripts and such, I usually play with all settings on max (and get a FPS ~20-40, if I keep away from forrests). I've managed to get trough a couple of missions, but then I have to lower down all settings, and it runs in like 5-30fps (also this depends on how many units, my location etc). I brought my copy of OFP to a friend of mine, and his AMD atholon 1ghz, 256mb ram, geforce 2mx,, and boy,, It looked and feelt so beautiful,, almost as a dream I love OFP (and my voodoo3),, and as I haven't managed to get through the campaign yet, it'll take a looong time before I play the game for the last time
  20. Snake1999

    How do you speed up save game

    hmm.. try adding more RAM to your puter
  21. Snake1999

    Sorry to be leaving...

    Well,, the forum have been slow the last couple of weeks. As I entered it today, I had no problems at all with the speed. --> Off Topic
  22. Snake1999

    Avon's Original OFP Demo Nostalgia Mission Pack

    ahhh Allot of things have changed ,, both and things.
  23. Snake1999

    No game based in east timor.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (residuum @ Feb. 04 2002,05:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think his point is WW2 vets are old grumps and dont play games on this miracle box we call the computer.<span id='postcolor'> I've seen WW2 vets set up a lan and play Day Of Defeat, and totally loving it.
  24. Snake1999

    Avon's Original OFP Demo Nostalgia Mission Pack

    OMG,, I love you Avon!!,, Ahh,, don't we just love old classics!?
  25. Snake1999

    No game based in east timor.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (NVReaper @ Feb. 04 2002,00:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1. ...the conflict still fresh in the hearts and minds of many people... 2. ...Creating a game based on a fictional event, or even an event of history such as vietnam is one thing... 3. ...creating a game based on a conflict which is still volatile and still fresh in the hearts and minds of the people...<span id='postcolor'> hmmm.. Basing a game on the Vietnam war is okay? WW2 is okay, becasue it isn't "fresh in minds of many peopl"? Say those words to a good old WW2 vets, or a vitnamn vet,, or any other war veteran. What war isn't fresh in their heart and mind. Tell that to a civilans from those specific time periods. Isn't war something that will put a mark on you for the rest of your life? In your heart, in your mind...