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Everything posted by Snake1999

  1. Snake1999

    Meet santa

    -"I see banned people" It's time to start behaving people.
  2. Snake1999

    What's the most relaxing place in your house?

    People,, if you don't start to behave I'll remove your posting rights. Thank you very much
  3. Snake1999


    No... it's not. --> Closed.
  4. Snake1999


    I really didn't like this one... it wasn't cute... I was really tempted to delete this one, and maybe I will,, just to spare the poor soules from seeing this awfull flash movie.
  5. Snake1999

    Removing 'addaction' buttons.

    LOL,, once again I've been beaten by just a couple of mili seconds
  6. Snake1999

    Removing 'addaction' buttons.

    Yes. If you add an action ID it's easy to remove the added action: layBomb = player addAction["Lay Bomb","bomb.sqs"] The action ID here is "layBomb". To remove the action, simply add this line: player removeAction layBomb
  7. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkTerritory3 @ Feb. 26 2002,04:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Can`t he just put a line with the group key? Make a line from the unit to the trigger and he will activate the trigger once he enter?.<span id='postcolor'> Yepp,, that's the easy way
  8. Snake1999

    Games are evil and dangerous!

    Or letting your 5 year old kid run berserk in the middle of the streets, while a car is smashing it's way forward in 30mph! and then blame the driver if the kid falls over... or something
  9. Snake1999

    Is there a way to talk online?

    Yeah. OFP has it's own voice over net function. All you need is a microphone and a good soundcard. There are also other, standalone, voice over net programs, such as Roger Wilco (but roger wilco has sadly gone commercial,, but there is a shareware version availale for download).
  10. Snake1999

    Editing players

    Avon's exellent FAQ has the answear to everything! Check this article out.
  11. Snake1999

    Just a thought

    That's why my biggest wish in all games I play is for them to be dynamic. A dynamic campaign in OFP would just blast away anything else
  12. Snake1999

    Where can i find the download of opf ?

    If you want to get a warez version of OFP I suggest you do it far far away from me, cause I don't like people stealing from BIS, thus stealing from the consumers, that is, me and the other users of this forum (and allot more people). If you want this game, buy it. Thank you very much,, (Sorry for being late.. I was on a consert )
  13. Snake1999


    Well,, from my experience, there is no limit (atleast I haven't stumbled upon any).
  14. Snake1999

    What happened to rogues post about......

    I hired a hitman. Everything worked as planned.
  15. Snake1999

    Who here dont like desert island maps?

    Don't like it, don't play it I like the desert map for editing reasons. It's easy to test cool stuff on it. If you know the maps in OFP well, you should know that the desert island is infact that "medium siezed" island to the south east of Malden.
  16. Snake1999

    Vbs article

    LOL,, I just love how other nations spell "Smörgĺsbord" I hope we get to see the other pages aswell.
  17. Snake1999

    Man have teh russians ruined teh olympic sport

    I watched the event on TV, and saw an interview with the guy.
  18. Snake1999

    Ouch, my eyes!

    Well,, your monitor decides how high refresh rate you can have on our monitor. If you're running win XP, there's somekind of bug in it that sets the refresh rate on the monitor to 60hz. Really hurts your eyes. I guess your monitor is kinda new, so it should be capable of a higher refresh rate than 60 in 1024 x 768. I had to get a special program to force my monitor to display things in a higher rr than 60. BUT!!! The lower the rr is, the longer your monitor will last.
  19. Snake1999

    Man have teh russians ruined teh olympic sport

    He's german, but he's a part of the spanish team.
  20. Snake1999

    Man have teh russians ruined teh olympic sport

    If you've watched the OG you've seen allot of examples,, Like todayes "5 mil" as we say in sweden (the long long skiing event), which this spanish guy won. It was just crazy,, the whole event was crazy... none of the people who's allwayes in the top wheren't even close to this guy. In the doping test earler he had a too high values of something in his blood,, so they tested him again,, and he had then "normal values". The guy said he had diarrhoea the night before, and that's why the unnormal values showed up. Then I, and allot of other people asks themself,"Who the hell has diarrhoea one day, and the next day goes out and wins the gold in one of the thoughest events (imo) in the whole WO?,, and the other contest aren't even close to him..."
  21. Snake1999

    Man have teh russians ruined teh olympic sport

    IMO there should not be any more olympics. There's been too much cheating involved this time, and cheating and sport makes a bad equation. Cheating doesn't belong in the sportsworld,, infact, it doesn't belong anywhere.
  22. Snake1999

    Just a simple question to bis

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GulfWar @ Feb. 23 2002,18:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Exronin Your comments to the other people who bought this game is uncalled for. You have just lost a loyal supporter in Operation Flashpoint!<span id='postcolor'> I don't quite understand this comment,,
  23. Snake1999

    Just a simple question to bis

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Feb. 23 2002,15:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I always thought that you're a moderator.<span id='postcolor'> Givin Ex mod status would be like giving Richard Simons the status "President of the EU" ( I just woke up... )
  24. Snake1999

    Terror in malden : new campaign needs beta-testers

    ---> Moved