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Everything posted by Snake1999

  1. You have to put up that picture on a web server. You can't post it directly from your HD.
  2. Snake1999

    OFP "SDK"-Release Petition

    It's been said that there will be tools available in the future. Now it's just a matter of patience.
  3. Snake1999

    OFP Development Tools Release Petition

    This has already been posted. Use this topic.
  4. Snake1999

    Whats the dumbest song you've ever heard?

    Listen to the song being played here. That's the most stupied song I've ever heard
  5. Snake1999

    Sorry all

    -- Off Topic
  6. Snake1999

    Sorry all

    -- Off Topic
  7. Snake1999

    Sorry all

    Come on,, stop acting silly.
  8. Snake1999

    Sorry all

    Come on,, stop acting silly.
  9. Snake1999

    This forum suck

    Any complaints should be PM:ed to a moderator. This discussion ends here.
  10. LOL,, having problems? Give me the link to where I can download it, and I'll see if I can find a solution.
  11. Snake1999

    poll on the worst poll

    For crying out loud. --> Off topic (Btw.. where's the poll about the polls?... and wouldn't it be kinda unecessary to have a poll about polls..?).
  12. Snake1999

    RE:who deleted

    If you say so. Moved --> Off Topic
  13. Snake1999

    who deleted

    I belive it was a certain Sir Adamsson who ones said: -"You should never question a decision taken by an exellent moderator,, nuff said."
  14. Snake1999

    Can you say Immersion?

    There was this major discussion about wether it should be 'OFP' or 'OPF' back in the old dayes (one year ago..?) over at OFPN. After some good points from both side, the 'OFP' supporters won. Why?,, Because 'Flashpoint' in a short word would be 'FP',, 'cause what the heck is 'F'? And OPFP would be too long, and to hard to pronunce. So,, 'OFP' it is.
  15. Snake1999

    Can you say Immersion?

    ahh,, Thought this was about the cool app 'Immersion TouchWare', which comes with the LogiTech iFeel mouse. Don't have it? Get it! Then you really get a 'feeling' for the game
  16. Snake1999


    ..or you could alwayes read this.
  17. Snake1999

    Zombie mod

  18. Snake1999

    SCUD missle launchers

    hmm.. strange. The link works for me. Goto www.ofpeditingcenter.com and check out the 'code snippet' section (look for the scripts under "Ground Vehicles").
  19. Snake1999

    Screen shots and the voodoo 3....

    Read Official HS site
  20. Snake1999

    Somethings wrong

    I don't like these kind of topics MOVED!
  21. Snake1999

    The lines between crosshairs/realism

    The thing is, you shouldn't fire withouth aiming. That's why I use the iron sight, and turn the crosshair off, when I have the opportunity to do so.
  22. Snake1999


    Moved --> Off topic
  23. Snake1999

    The lines between crosshairs/realism

    I don't play with crosshair in any game that provides ironsight aiming. I want total realism
  24. Snake1999

    How about a FAMAS?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How about a FAMAS?<span id='postcolor'> Now we're talking! I would love to see the FAMAS in OFP (as most of the ppl on OFPN already know ).
  25. Snake1999


    External script files shuld go into your ..\OFP\user\userName\missions\missionName -folder. They can be called whatever you would like to call them ( "myscript.sqs", "notMyscript.sqs", etc). When writing a script (mostly done in notepad), and you're up to the point to save it, you should choose to "save as" and write it like this: "nameOfScript.sqs" this will make the normal txt file into a script file (.sqs file).