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Posts posted by SilentEcho

  1. i want my ppl too destory alot of ppl so how do i do that without putting destory and each one and i tryed put destory and placement radious but that really didnt seem to work very good, this can probably be answered easily but i really dont know so plz help me with this

  2. is ther a way to hav more than one radio because i want one radio command to send in tanks and the other to send in infantry, but i can only seem to get one, and how do i get a helicopter to land and take off when u are not the pilot and u arent commanding them. and how do i make ppl join me, because i want to get the ppl from one town and go kill the enemy if any one can help with any of these i would greatly appreceate it

  3. in any tanks i cant see the ammo (like sabot,machinegun,heat,etc) and it was working before now it dont work but it still shoots and u can still see the weapons on the air and other stuff its only the tank that i am having problem with

  4. i cant get 1.40 working every time i try to get it to work it says ther i a error in all of my missions like take the car, revege, vulcan and so on i tried taking them out and trying it again but it said som other stuff is messed up if u guys can help i would greatly appreceate it
