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Posts posted by SilentEcho

  1. could u use the separte throttle and joystick on this one like the Saitek X45 Digital Joystick and Throttle or do i got to use one that is on the joystick like the Microsoft SideWinder Precision 2 Joystick and if anyones got a simulation flyer could u use both of those too?

  2. i want to make a little mission that i saw on a movie wher the a10 dont notice the scuds but the scuds notice them and start launching so i hav to laser thingy them or get out a rocket launcher and blow them up. so i dont want the stupid a10 to notice them but the scuds to start and when they launch off i lose. can somone help me?

  3. if use a su25 and keep looking up for a long time after a while u well mainly only be able to go straight and it will stay a steady 600 and somtimes the altiduted will climb or it will go down but if u go into firstperson (i use third person to fly jets) ur panel on the jet will be all shaking alot looks kool,too bad dont hav a force feedback thingy so i can fell the turbalance

    Peace Love And Chicken Grease

  4. this is just a warning to everybody about devils stuff dont get his civialian addon because one it will mess up som missions mainly counter attack i am just telling everyone so u guys know not to get it and mess up the stuff is cool but it will mess up missions that has a parachuter somtimes and other times somtimes on helicopter on the helicopter it is the cut scene befor counter attack and the parachuters that are flying bmps that are like helicopters happens during counter attack

    and when they are supposed to be parachuting they start crashing into each other and the only way for them to get out is if u tell them to eject.........just a warning for all u ppl that use addons and do mission editing

  5. i want to skip the mission where u got to get the documents everytime i am 10 meters a way a t80 comes by and blows me away been like this for like 10 to 13 times already reallly getting on my nerves plz tells me how to skip it or som kind of cheat but i also wanna know if i do skip the mission would it skip the cutscene if one?

  6. in the campaign on the counter-attack mission iinstead of parachuters i get flying bmps that act like helicopters wiht a TOW and Mgun on it and u can fly it and i dont know wats going on i restarted i took out all of my addons expect the orginal ones but still didnt work if this has happened to anyone else tell me or if u know wat this is plz help

  7. i meant when i complete that objective and how do i make two of those objective done over each other if one is infantry and one is tanks or do they hav to be separte? meaning i want one too say objective complete when i kill all of the infantry, and same thing with the tanks but they are right next to each other

  8. how do u make a end condition wher it makes a green check by the objective, and it says i dont hav a end condition. the objectives says 'Destory All Tanks', and 'Kill All Infantry'. how do i make the green check when i kill all of the tanks or all of the infantry?plz explain or give me a link or page to follow
