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Everything posted by SilentEcho

  1. SilentEcho

    cant see weapons in tank

    in any tanks i cant see the ammo (like sabot,machinegun,heat,etc) and it was working before now it dont work but it still shoots and u can still see the weapons on the air and other stuff its only the tank that i am having problem with
  2. SilentEcho


    is ther a way to connect the fences easily because i tryed do just putting them really close together but u could tell they were over lapping and on som u could see it that it is not aligned
  3. who can use the radio for backup and all the othe stuff because som times i can do it usually when i am by my self or the lead of a lil group but when the officer is ai i cant y is it because of rank if so, is the officer the only one that can use it when he is still alive, or can others use it?
  4. SilentEcho

    Ammo Crates

    yea i tryed it it worked i tryed putting a hummer in the air at 100 it didnt fall until i shot it and it fell thru my castle :-)
  5. SilentEcho


    tats wat i am saying they should hav poot somthing so u can do it faster and easier
  6. SilentEcho


    ok thx anyway
  7. SilentEcho

    Ammo Crates

    thx i will try
  8. SilentEcho

    Who can use the radio

    Thx everyone especialy intruder because thats wat was i was tyrying to figure out because i want to be a law soldier and still hav the radio thx everyone i greatyly appreaceate everyones help
  9. SilentEcho


    how com when u use a spy u still get shot by the opposin team is ther somthing i need to put in the init field?
  10. SilentEcho

    Radioing a Chopper

    so u want the chinook to land get ur ppl to land and get back in the air? if it is i can help with that
  11. SilentEcho

    Help with radio

    thx that example really helped for me to figure it out
  12. is ther a way to hav more than one radio because i want one radio command to send in tanks and the other to send in infantry, but i can only seem to get one, and how do i get a helicopter to land and take off when u are not the pilot and u arent commanding them. and how do i make ppl join me, because i want to get the ppl from one town and go kill the enemy if any one can help with any of these i would greatly appreceate it
  13. SilentEcho

    Help with radio

    thx everyone
  14. SilentEcho


  15. SilentEcho


    i want my ppl too destory alot of ppl so how do i do that without putting destory and each one and i tryed put destory and placement radious but that really didnt seem to work very good, this can probably be answered easily but i really dont know so plz help me with this
  16. SilentEcho

    CAnt get 1.40 working

    i cant get 1.40 working every time i try to get it to work it says ther i a error in all of my missions like take the car, revege, vulcan and so on i tried taking them out and trying it again but it said som other stuff is messed up if u guys can help i would greatly appreceate it
  17. SilentEcho

    CAnt get 1.40 working

    i got it working but i had to re-install but works though
  18. SilentEcho

    CAnt get 1.40 working

    silverdragon thats pretty much the same thing and like onslaught
  19. SilentEcho

    Lan Multiplayer

    me and my bro wannna play it over our lan connection but he is only updated to 1.29 could i play on his server even if i hav 1.30 or should i downgrade to 1.29
  20. SilentEcho

    Can\'t find some vehicles...

    yes but the BRDM was supposed to be a soviet humvee not som heavy duty armored tank looking thing
  21. SilentEcho

    New Weapons

    Does anybody hav a full list for every weapon and ammo for vechiles to for the new 1.30 including the civilian and resistance guns and ammo like kozlice
  22. SilentEcho


    how do i start a fire on fire