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About Sid

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  1. Sid

    Error when starting demo.

    Alright, I uninstalled Dtools and deleted the registry keys accompanying it. However, I am still receiving the error. I do not have any other emulator programs such as Alcohol installed, so I'm still very confused. :/ Thanks for your time, -Sid
  2. Listen guys, this is seriously bumming me out. I've been a huge, slobbering fan of OFP, and when I heard that ArmA was coming out, I flipped! Awesome! It may have took it's sweet time, but it's worth it. ...Well, not that I would know. :/ See, the demo totally snuck up on me, I had no idea it was out, or that the game was nearing completion. (I've been tracking it on and off on GameSpot for the longest time). The feature I was most looking forward was JOIN IN PROGRESS! OH GOD, YES! So anyways, I have a problem: I try to start up the demo, and WHAM! Right-in-the-kisser. Semi-truck to the FACE. ...It doesn't start... Here's my problem: I get a Securom (boo) error that says, and I quote: "A required security module cannot be activated. This program cannot be executed (6000). Please have a look at http://www.securom.com/message.asp?m=module&c=6000 for further, more detailed information." Now, I checked out that link, and I have no programs that are trying to "hook" Securom, and I certainly do not have any viruses or spyware. So, what do I do guys? :/ This is seriously like, shattering my hopes and dreams and stuff. Thanks for your time, -Sid
  3. Sid

    Error installing

    This may sound strange (well, comming from me - not really), but I still haven't installed OFP. What I have been doing, as a matter of fact, is installing OTHER games. But theres a method to my madness: I installed older and newer games and guess what? When installing the recently-purchased copy of Battlefield: Vietnam I encountered CRC errors! How did I fix them, you say? I just kep trying to install it (I was also saying while it was installing, "It's not going to work! Ha! Look! Not working! Not working at all! Look who's not working! See? Not Working! It'll get to 99% and not work!" and low and behold BF:V installed... So, call me crazy, but I'm going to do the same thing to OFP and hope it works.
  4. Sid

    Error installing

    I'm still doing some major tinkering about with the machine - THEN I'm going to install OFP (with all the suggestions applied) - one last time. But I'm still getting "Prepared" - I want this to me my last, complete try. Wish me luck... once again.
  5. Sid

    Error installing

    Call me a complete numbskull, but how do I do this? And Placebo - this may sound extremely odd - but... I cannot seem to find my PCI Latency settings. (I went into my BIOS setup when the Computer restarted..). Thanks, Sid
  6. Sid

    Error installing

    Sorry for the delay - but once again I'm caught up in life. I'm about to try and get OFP to install now (using the many helpful hints and advice from you kind folks), and Placebo - I'll try and get that BIOS info to you soon. Ack! Gotta go. -Sid
  7. Sid

    Error installing

    Awesome! Thanks so much for all of your advice. I'll give it a go. -Sid
  8. Sid

    Error installing

    Yes, I have the latest version of the ASPI Layer. The thing that was off in my BIOS was something like "Compatable with ASPI 2.0" and it was Disbled. I enabled it. Still, OFP would not run. For the past couple days, thats the only way I would install OFP - by copying it onto my Hard drive first, then running it. (It copies to my hard drive okay, but it doesn't install). I have a firewall and virus software - and I always turnt hem off when I install something. Thanks for the advice. -Sid
  9. Sid

    Error installing

    I tried installing it again - I don't know why... and the install for the Gold Upgrade stopped at "VoiceRH.pbo" and I got a CRC error and it quit... The Original OFP installs PERFECTLY... Anyways, it's been over a week, and every single day I've tried to get OFP to work... I am determined to get it to work! ...But I cannot seem to get any further. Here are my specs (all together): 2.80GHZ Intel Pentium 4 (With Hyperthreading) 1024MB DDR Dual Channel Ram. (Two 512MB sticks) NTFS Dual RAID 228Gig Hard drive Radeon 9800 128MB DirectX 9.0b Sounblaster! Audigy 2 ASUS Motherboard +All the latest drivers for everything. +Defragged Hard drive (No Viruses, AdWare, or spyware found) +Scandisked (No errors found) Well, seeya for now. -Sid
  10. Sid

    Error installing

    I'm getting errors whien installing, AND patching. And Placebo, I cannot take out my Hard Drive and put it into my old computer, simply because my old computer is non existant anymore.
  11. Sid

    Error installing

    What a slap in the face.
  12. Sid

    Error installing

    YES! WHOO! YEEHAW! Alright.. lemme calm down... whew... Okay, first things first: I managed to get an update for my BIOS, then, I went into my BIOS settings and tampered with some of the ASPI layer options (Some were shut off). I also got some drivers for other Misc. parts of my computer. I haven't installed OFP yet, but I'm going to try... wish me luck. -Sid
  13. Sid

    Error installing

    Well, thanks for the help anyways, guys... I guess OFP just hates me. But it worked on my old computer; why not my new one? I just wish I could play it again... I'll keep trying - maybe I'll get lucky one of these days and it'll install... Heh. Thanks for your time, -Sid
  14. Sid

    Error installing

    No.. no luck. I got as far as installing the Gold Upgrade when I encountered "VoiceRH.pbo" I deleted everything involving Operation Flashpoint in my Registy prior to reinstalling it. However, ASUS, my Motherboard manufacterer; it's update program keeps freezing, saying that it's missing files int he registry or something along those lines. (But it's not - I haven't touched the ASUS thing in my registry). Anybody having problems with Operation Flashpoint and have the same motherboard as me? (ASUS P4C800-E Delux (AI Series)
  15. Sid

    Error installing

    Hey! Good idea - I'll try the other CD drive! I'll also check my Registry and I'll see about my ASPI again. Oh, and my CD is in mint condition. Thanks, -Sid