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About Shodan

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  1. Shodan

    FADE Question

    Strange, I thought this Forum was a place for inexperienced people to come and ask questions of the more experienced people ....... seems I was wrong. RN Malboeuf, you said that 'Everyone knows' that you can't run MP on a home network without buying multiply copies... the simple fact that the original poster asked proves that the be false. I have played any number of games over my home network, and the thought of it being illegal never even occured to me.... and no, it may shock you to know that I have never read the multi-page terms of a piece of software (I wonder how many actually have). I love Operation Flashpoint, it is easily worth the Å30 I paid for it ... but do I believe that I should pay Å60 to play it at home with my son ? Definately not ! The law may have been the same for the last 10 years but it is a completely unenforceable law, that much should be plain to all. I thought the original question was valid and politely worded. I find your continual snide replies to him to be unworthy. Fortunately, I have not tried OFP over my network because my son is not interested in it...... thanks to the original poster I shall now not bother. Thank you Jester for raising the question. Regards Shodan
  2. Shodan

    PATCH 1.30

    Hehehe, BreakX .... good plan, I'll get right on it. Alcohol solves most problems ... :biggrin: Shodan
  3. Shodan

    PATCH 1.30

    BreakX, I hope you are joking ..... I love this game but there is NO way that I am going to bloody reformat my HDD just so that a d*amned patch will install. There *must* be some other way. Not venting at you mate.... just bloody frustrated by the nonsense. I've had 100's of games and flight sims and scores of patches..... and NEVER had to reformat to get one to apply ... its simply CRAZY !! Regards Shodan