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Everything posted by shadow

  1. shadow

    russians out-gunned ?

    I don't see a problem with this 'balance-issue'... cus the balance is all in the hands of the mission designers. Just because you got a M113, a Vulcan, a Bradley, a M60 and an Abrams; does'nt mean you HAVE to use everyone of them in all the missions
  2. shadow

    NVgoggles at daytime ?

    blaah! some serious replys please
  3. shadow

    Best mission download sites..

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Intruder @ Feb. 06 2002,13:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/ (haven't updated in a while, buts lots of missions none the less)<span id='postcolor'> The reason OFPN has'nt updated their mission base is because @WAR and OFPN are merging the DB due to some problems with OFPN's DB. We allready got tons of mission in our DB and all the ones at OFPN will in a few days time be there too. @WAR Mission DB
  4. shadow

    Landing a heli

    If a chopper takes alot of time to land, then you probably forgot to add a helipad for it. OBJECTS->Helipad (invisible) If you want a chopper to just land somewhere and stay there: Put a area trigger there. Group it with the chopper so that no one except the chopper can ectivate it. in the on activation-field: choppername land "land" Now when the chopper crosses the trigger it will land on the invisible helipad and turn off it's engines. It will stay there forever unless you give it a new command. If you got problems getting this to work, you can also make the chopper fly in the height of 1-2 meters. Make it stop to a hover and cut it's fuel supply with choppername setfuel 0 Then when you want the chopper to take off again you can use the choppername setfuel 1 -Sometimes I got problems getting the chopper to land and let me as a soldier board it when I'm not using waypoints, then I use the setfuel-method with triggers and conditions or use a Hold-WP and make the chopper hover at 0 meters (that means it's on the ground with the engine on) neat hu
  5. shadow

    its it possible to...

    I ALT-TAB alot in OFP. That's what's so cool with OFP; no crashes or any glitches. Only 'bug' I notice is that the background of the filofax for the briefing etc turns a bit darker.
  6. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Beagle @ Feb. 10 2002,03:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Weapons I've fired in real live: HK G-3, MP-2 (UZI), P-38, MG-3 (thousands of rounds)<span id='postcolor'> Me too. It's hard enough to not fire thousands of rounds with the MG-3 I remember one day I spent 2000 rounds. My shoulder was so stiff and sore the day after hehe. The funny thing was that after firing the MG-3 we went over to a different range to shoot some rounds off with the G-3 and I could allmost not feel any recoil at all hehe -Wonder why the M60(10-12 rnds/sec) got so low ROF compared to the MG-3 (18-22 rnds/sec)
  7. shadow

    WHO has actually been in the army here?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Beagle @ Feb. 10 2002,03:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Weapons I've fired in real live: HK G-3, MP-2 (UZI), P-38, MG-3 (thousands of rounds)<span id='postcolor'> Me too. It's hard enough to not fire thousands of rounds with the MG-3 I remember one day I spent 2000 rounds. My shoulder was so stiff and sore the day after hehe. The funny thing was that after firing the MG-3 we went over to a different range to shoot some rounds off with the G-3 and I could allmost not feel any recoil at all hehe -Wonder why the M60(10-12 rnds/sec) got so low ROF compared to the MG-3 (18-22 rnds/sec)
  8. shadow

    Campaign. What should it be like?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Goodspeed @ Feb. 09 2002,12:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">IMHO a nice story + reallistic missions = Great Gameplay. Cutscenes are nice, but not essential as they are skipped the second time I see them. Therefore I prefer working on the mission (gameplay) instead of the cutscenes. -just my opinion tho.<span id='postcolor'> In my opinion this point of view is closer to the truth... P.S. May be you think: WHAT THE HELL IS HE WANTS FROM US I explain: I make marketing research I should know what the gamer wants.<span id='postcolor'> And you probably knew now that I'm making missions
  9. shadow

    Question for the developers

    My point exactly
  10. The G3 (or G3A3 or AG-3 as we call it over here) is German and made by Heckler&Koch. Tho the ones we got over here is made by Kongsberg Weapon factory (on license from H&K) and are the best made of the G-3's. I served my year in the air-force. 080 Corporal Gundersen at your service. I've used the M72 (law), a Browning .50 on tripod, an MG-3, a Glock 17 and a MP5 (A3) -I think. And ofcourse my personal weapon; the AG-3 I did'nt crawl that much in the mud, as my job was Air/Ground equipment for the P3-C Orions at Andřya Airbase. I mainly sat in my tractor towing Orions in and out of hangars and maintaining the power-generators. Kinda cool when I sat in that tractor knowing that if something went wrong...well the Orions only costs a billion norwegian 'kroner'
  11. shadow

    WHO has actually been in the army here?

    The G3 (or G3A3 or AG-3 as we call it over here) is German and made by Heckler&Koch. Tho the ones we got over here is made by Kongsberg Weapon factory (on license from H&K) and are the best made of the G-3's. I served my year in the air-force. 080 Corporal Gundersen at your service. I've used the M72 (law), a Browning .50 on tripod, an MG-3, a Glock 17 and a MP5 (A3) -I think. And ofcourse my personal weapon; the AG-3 I did'nt crawl that much in the mud, as my job was Air/Ground equipment for the P3-C Orions at Andřya Airbase. I mainly sat in my tractor towing Orions in and out of hangars and maintaining the power-generators. Kinda cool when I sat in that tractor knowing that if something went wrong...well the Orions only costs a billion norwegian 'kroner'
  12. shadow

    Question for the developers

    Don't forget that OFP is first and foremost a foot-sim. Look at the 'west' weapon-arsenal, then look at the 'east'. All they got are AK-74's, a Bizon, a PK and a Dragunov. Not much variation there... Â
  13. shadow

    Campaign. What should it be like?

    IMHO a nice story + reallistic missions = Great Gameplay. Cutscenes are nice, but not essential as they are skipped the second time I see them. Therefore I prefer working on the mission (gameplay) instead of the cutscenes. -just my opinion tho.
  14. shadow

    How outstanding OFP is compared to MOH?

    Totally agree. I got MOHAA 4 days ago. Finnished it 2 days ago. Broke and threw away the cds yesterday. I hate those 'narrow patchs' you are forced to walk in MOHAA. I prefer AI over scripting and freedom of movement over small and very nice areas(graphic). When are the console developers admit that : EYECANDY==!GAMEPLAY hehe freedom && realism == gameplay Conclusion: condition !alive OFP onactiv forceend
  15. shadow

    Question for the developers

    ...and some new 'east' rifles. A Galil -commando or something (can't remember the exact name)
  16. shadow


    Hey Acid! Are you on acid? A bullet takes time to arrive at its target. The greater the distance - The longer travelling time - move further infront of the target. If the target is moving to your right, then aim a bit infront of him. In real life you could launch a TOW on a flying object, but it is easily avoided as AGM's fly slow and are poor at manuevering.
  17. You can choose the age of a unit. If I remember correctly there were 'current', '5 minutes' etc Can someone tell me what this actually do or can do? thanks
  18. shadow

    the age of a unit...

    thanks for enlightening me
  19. shadow

    No game based in east timor.

    hehe well if the norwegian prime minister were in an OFP expansion, then that alone would give me a mighty good reason to buy it ...especially if he was the villain
  20. shadow

    Landing a heli

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MaHuJa @ Feb. 05 2002,14:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Unless of course, you can give it a script command. Such as having a radio trigger that will give it the land command.<span id='postcolor'> ...such as : unitname land "land" "land" makes the chopper land and turn off engines. You can change "land" with "get out" and "get in" unitname land "get in" 'get in' makes the chopper land, keep the engine on and wait a while for boarding troops. 'get out' is ofcourse the opposite
  21. shadow

    G36 for once and for all

    ...as I said earlier; It should have been the G3A3 instead of the G36
  22. shadow

    Irritating bug

    The problem here is your keyboard. A sticky-key... When everything is going full speed, then try hitting the left-SHIFT and you should be fine. btw is that keyboard a IBM Rapid Access or something similar with built-in web-browser functions like back/forward ? -Those keyboards are known to have a sticky-shift-key
  23. shadow

    OFPN Tutorials

    The 'SQS' extension is for script-files. Just like the 'SQM' is a mission-file. Sith: How about some tuts on: Dummies guides on how to make scripts? cheers
  24. shadow

    No game based in east timor.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1. ...the conflict still fresh in the hearts and minds of many people... 2. ...Creating a game based on a fictional event, or even an event of history such as vietnam is one thing... 3. ...creating a game based on a conflict which is still volatile and still fresh in the hearts and minds of the people...<span id='postcolor'> What about BIS' experience during the coldwar ? hu As they said themselves; living on the "wrong" side of the curtain, living in fear... and they still made a game from that specific period...... To be honest; I really don't see the problem here, NVReaper. Â I think that by making a game based on real-life conflicts makes more people aware of them. What's wrong with getting to learn more about an historic event/conflict?
  25. shadow

    What Version Is Best?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ConanOfOz @ Feb. 03 2002,04:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So, what are you people trying to say about 1.42?<span id='postcolor'> I'm just tying to say that : 1.42 is just fine for me