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Everything posted by shadow

  1. shadow

    Is ArmA damaging systems?

    As Salisan is pointing out, Arma is very shader intensive. Have you tried lowering the shading detail level?
  2. shadow

    Is ArmA damaging systems?

    Arma may be pushing your videocard more than most games, but if the card fry its the manufacturers fault. Arma cant get more data processed than your computer can deliver. If the videocard die its the videocard that is the fault here.
  3. shadow

    Geforce4 too old?

    You need a card with SM2.0 capability. That means GF FX-series or higher. The GF4-series only have SM1.0. I strongly recommend a GF7800-series or higher.
  4. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Where they out of Core 2 Duos? I'm sure you could find a better performing Intel-based PC for less money these days. No offense but the Athlon 3500 is getting old.
  5. shadow

    Smoke On [Movie]

    Its a video made completely from a videogame. Downloading the full video now. If they are anything like the Virtual Blue Angels it will be a 50-minute mind-blowing experience. These guys have too much time on their hands
  6. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    The 7950GX2 is in fact 2x GF7900 cards but with 512MB VRAM for each card. They share the same PCI-e slot, but considering the PCI-e 16x slot's bandwidth there is no bottleneck there. No, my motherboard has only 1 PCI-e slot. Besides, quad-SLI is still far from effective. The 8800GTS perform pretty much identical to the 7950GX2 today.
  7. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    2*1GB + 2*512MB = 3GB and still dual-channel. The criteria for dual channel is that the modules must be inserted in identical pairs.
  8. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    All WinXP editions support up to 3GB RAM. All Vista 32-bit editions support up 4GB RAM. 64-bit basic edition 8GB, 16GB for the Premium edition and 128GB for the Business and Ultimate editions. Business and Ultimate might support more than 128GB RAM but thats the most MS have tested so far. Source (blog by MS employee) All these different versions will be a mess (and very expensive). Business will apparantly be the mainstream version for companies running domain controllers seeing as its the minimum edition to support joining domains. I'm guessing Premium will be the mainstream end-user variant due to Windows Media Center HD and HD Movie maker.
  9. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    The only bug due to SLI that I've encountered is the 90.xx drivers with Far Cry. Thats easily fixed by importing the 84.xx Far Cry SLI profile into the drivers by using nhancer. 93.71 works perfect here and so did the 91.47/48 drivers. If you read the release notes you'll see very few issues keeping you from playing any game with SLI. Most of the issues are like this: Game X crash to desktop if Antialiasing is set to Y. So set AA to a different value, problem solved.
  10. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Games that are optimized for SLI will give you twice the performance with SLI. Those that are not optimized for SLI will give you anywhere from Single-card performance to about 50% boost. Most (if not all) new games today take advantage of SLI. I have a 7950GX2.
  11. shadow

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Those who search shall find
  12. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I went from a Audigy1 to a X-FI fatality. Its not so much the amount of channels you notice, but the improved overal audio-quality (if you have decent enough speakers). The X-FI's SNr (Signal to noise ratio) is 116db while the Audigy-series are around 95db. That is a major improvement. I'd say the X-FI cards are real nice as long as you dont plan on playing Far Cry (serious incompatibility/audio-artifacts). For everything else its the best card I've had so far (not counting pro cards aimed at composers).
  13. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    Dont forget the free expansion pack Iron Wrath. I think the best maps are in this pack. If you install Iron Wrath after Athena Sword you dont need to download any patches for RvS and AS. IW will patch everything up to the latest versions automatically.
  14. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    You might want to read our posts again then and edit yours, because you clearly missed what we wrote We're not saying you should'nt enjoy the arcade-game the R6-series has turned into. We're saying we want Vegas to go back to its roots as a tac-sim. We want realism. We want planning. We want the game to appeal to the fanbase that made it famous and popular in the first place. In short: We want another R6 game that lives up to its credentials. Can you respect our opinions on that? Cus it sure as hell dont look like it. Anyone know exactly which Unreal-engine they are using?
  15. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    Thats why most of us are saying what we're saying. If we want to play a reallistic and tense R6 game which basicly is what made R6-series famous and such a huge success we'd have to play the first 3 R6-games. R6:4 is not the same type of game the first 3 are and neither will this 5th game be. Is it wrong of us to wish that Vegas would follow in the first three R6 games' footsteps? Thats maybe a bit extreme. SCDA for the PC was made by the incompetent Ubi Shanghai  I cant comment on the "unsuitable gameplay". I still havent played the game and I bought it on release.  You see, the game is optimized for dual cores, basicly that means it wont start with a dual core CPU I dont see any issues in v1.3 , but I never saw any major issues in the previous versions either except for AI pathfinding. The pathfinding is nice in 1.3 but where this game really shine is coop. In regards to the hw requirements I forgot about it, but yes I agree, they are a bit high. Its just that with a SLI-card (7950GX2) you tend to forget about the hw reqs.
  16. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    You really should give GRAW on the PC a chance. GRAW on the 360 is not Ghost Recon, its just another 3rd person shooter. I have both. Give GRAW PC a chance with my realism and HUD mod. I have no idea what game you mean by "GoW". So? ArmA has 'Restart mission'. It is a game you know, you do not really really die. Not in RS:V not in ArmA. Great arguement there.
  17. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    I believe RvS was the last R6 game. Letdown was just another shooter. Vegas is also just another shooter with pretty graphics, but I see potential if the modding opportunities are there. The R6-series is all about creating a plan and executing it as a team. Vegas is a series of linear corridor maps forcing the player through a series of chokepoints. The R6-series is all about lethality. Vegas has auto-healing. The R6-series have atmosphere. Vegas has eeeh...lights. The R6-series have lean. Vegas have an out of body experience. Vegas has the best ironsights I've seen though If we can mod it to be reallistic and remove the cheesy cliche dialogs, create new maps, add lean, remove the stupid auto-healing and the ridiculous 3rd person lean/cheat I think Vegas can be quite enjoyable. Yes, but as usual, Ubi aint telling anything to the pc community It will be released on Dec 1 along with the 360 version. Supposedly what you see in the 360-version is what you get in the PC-version. Too bad they are the loosers of community and product support. We can only hope the engine is open for modding and that Epic have released tools that we can make work with Vegas, because I have absolutely no expectations there when it comes to Ubi. See RvS community support for my arguement.
  18. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Its the other way around. Having fast but limited amount of RAM is not better than having "enough" RAM. The speed difference is so minor it doesnt matter as opposed to having more resources available. The sportscar is 1GB RAM. The van is 2GB RAM. You're moving alot of stuff from A to B. Driving from A to B in a sportscar 3 times where one trip takes 5 minutes is not more efficient than driving from A to B in a van one time only where the trip takes 10 minutes. Hope that makes sense.
  19. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Oh rubbish. There's no such thing as a too powerful video-card. Only too high prices for the hi-end cards.
  20. shadow

    Ask a mod

    There is no point in discussing what forum BIS should use next as it is totally up to BIS what they want to use. As for the recent database issues, there will most likely not be issues like these once the database has been upgraded along with the forum itself. The current forum and database is a dinosaur compared by todays standards. Oh and one last thing... Ikonboard is free, Shinraiden.
  21. shadow

    Stinger Missles?

    Grow up, Universal. Flaming is not tolerated. This is flamebaiting: Remove that smilie and it would'nt have been interpreted as flaming.
  22. shadow

    Kegs DXDLL

    ...and closing
  23. shadow

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    [*]Pointers on a map so Berghoff knows where to go when he's raiding the BIS HQ. [*]documentary/making-of/interview [*]Key-ring with Arma-logo [*]head-set mic (kinda like an earpiece on one ear only) [for VoIP]
  24. shadow

    ArmA .pbos openable with Winpbo

    Moving to Arma general. salisan, I suggest you change your attitude unless you want a vacation away from the boards.
  25. shadow

    ArmA .pbos openable with Winpbo

    Moving to Arma general. salisan, I suggest you change your attitude unless you want a vacation away from the boards.