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Everything posted by shadow

  1. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    Its not strange and its not dumbed down, its "next-gen" Â
  2. shadow

    Ask a mod

    Okay okay, its sticky now, but only because you've been whining about it
  3. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Press 'reactivate windows'? doesnt that need the windows media, wich the guy obviously dont have? No, but it requires that he has a valid license. If his computer came shipped with Windows pre-installed he should either have a install-disc or a preload partition on the HD.
  4. shadow

    Helicopters in AA

    Apology accepted if you come to peace with the new and wonderful flight-model or if a fat check is in the mail
  5. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    This is not true at all. It doesnt matter if you switch from any 32bit CPU to any 64bit CPU. Your files remain the same and untouched. You can still run 32bit Windows on a 64bit CPU. I do it and I assume most people with a 64bit CPU run 32bit WinXP. Not much to gain by going to 64bit Windows yet. Its rather the opposite right now with reduced performance in games. This will probably change over time when driver-support matures. You're in a pickle with that budget and current HW. A new mobo might most likely require a new videocard (PCI-e) but on the other hand, that 6800GS wont do Arma too much good either. If you absolutely cant afford a new videocard but you can buy a new CPU and motherboard, I'd go with a s775 motherboard with AGP and a Core 2 Duo E6300. But I'm not sure if any C2D-compatible motherboard support DDR RAM. I think they all require DDR2.
  6. shadow

    Helicopters in AA

    If you want a "simplefied" control setting you can combine the two. Personally I prefer them separated.
  7. shadow

    Goodbye Placebo

    It will stay open untill Placebo have left + a few days or untill it turn into a flamefest. Whatever comes first.
  8. shadow

    Helicopters in AA

    This topic is about helicopters in Arma, not gun-control in Africa.
  9. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    Whats right about turning your back against your enemy and have an out of body experience while looking at them? Whats wrong with the traditional and reallistic lean?
  10. shadow

    Goodbye Placebo

    Best of luck to you and Nataska. Now dont be a stranger, you ol' fart
  11. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    Noone has figured it out yet. But I do know if its possible the missions will be impossible unless an alternative healing is added. Too many tangos per level. Team-member heal ala the OFP-medic maybe?
  12. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    I've grabbed some screens from the PC-version. They have been resized from 1280x1024 to 800x640 and some compression to keep file size down. Everything on max except motion-blur is disabled (the game is blurry enough as it is). http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_01.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_02.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_03.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_04.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_05.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_07.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_08.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_09.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_10.jpg http://www.americansecretprotocol.net/_dump/r6v_11.jpg
  13. shadow

    Ask a mod

    Enough now. You might get banned OF fan
  14. shadow

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    It handles the same way as all the other helos in Arma, but its extremely agile. No resistance at all. I'm guessing there are some new params that needs to be set for that. The weight is the same as in OFP. But we're kinda O-T here. PM or email me if there is anything you need or need to know
  15. shadow

    Helicopters in AA

    Since we dont have a throttle and collective indicator, here are some speeds I've noticed work very well (with still plenty reserves): 100-150km/h is a nice cruising speed for a UH-60. 80-130 km/h is nice for cruising in a MH-6. I recomend slowing down to 50km/h on approach for landing. If you're unsure about how to land within a small closed area (between trees and such), slow down to a hover or about 10km/h and descend. With the current flight-model and damage-model you cant fly any faster than 50-60km/h on touchdown with a MH-6, but remember the faster you fly the softer the touchdown will have to be or you'll sustain damage. Also make sure the ground is flat. I recommend practice touch'n'go at the airstrip and practice landings on H-pads, then move onto rooftops. Basicly If you can master a landing you can master everything else. I guess my will is stronger then, because its the other way around for me Its exactly like Left-Skid-Low says. You have to think ahead and anticipate the helicopter's move and counter that before it happens. Push cyclic left to sideslip left, then before you're at the spot you want to hover over you start countering with opposite cyclic. If you time it right with the right amount of input the helicopter will hover exactly where you want it.
  16. shadow

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    I think its more HDR than anything else. Cool, and yes he will. As for functionality; "nothing works" right now. No anims work and the weapon-configs were removed. Lots of stuff that remains to be done. This baby needs to crawl before she can run again.
  17. shadow

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Full-size 1280x720 Franze' AH-64D Apache Longbow (work in progress)
  18. shadow

    Ask a mod

    Thats enough discussions about custom titles. Its not what this thread is for. The next person asking about custom titles will get a custom title so embarrasing he wants to de-register his account and never come back.
  19. shadow

    Ask a mod

    It means what it means. No point in asking about it now.
  20. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    Plug in the usb 360 controller (or won't that work?) The wired 360 controller works, but why would I play a fps game on the PC with a controller instead of a mouse? Besides, my 360 controllers are wireless.
  21. shadow

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    The reason the game doesnt support widescreen formats is because they havent scaled the 2d resources. When you're in widescreen and you use the snake-cam or nvg you will see the stretching. I'm using the 1280x1024 mod so its not so bad for me. Atleast the game runs smoother than what the 360 does. Too bad all the controls are a direct port from the 360. Hold this and push that to toggle sound supressor
  22. shadow

    Helicopters in AA

    I think you're right. I'm getting the impression people think Hydras are precission rockets. In OFP you could destroy a BMP with one Hydra by point and click the mouse. In reality the Hydras are more area-supressive ordnance. A helicopter is such a powerful weapon-platform, it only makes sense to me that some skill should be required to use that platform effectively. OFP's flight-model made any helicopter a flying super-tank (unless DKMM's Tunguska was nearby).
  23. shadow

    Armed Assault videos

    In the TrackIR software you can adjust smoothing. By increasing this the movement is more smooth but a slight delay can be seen. When set correctly the "Tracklag" is so little you cant tell by looking at a video but you can feel it when you use it. But it is never so much that it detract from situational awareness. Its simply nothing to worry about. If you watch carefully in Dsly's latest video you will see he is moving his head slightly to the left when he is making a left bank. This is normal reflexes (instinct if you will). In those banks you can clearly see there is minimum delay on the TrackIR response. His view pan pretty much at the same time he push his stick left and right.
  24. shadow

    Helicopters in AA

    Thats alot of nitpicking Flying a helicopter faster than 70km/h without a tailrotor isnt a problem. It works just fine though it will drift. The problem is when you fly slower than 70km/h when the tailrotor have a purpose. I dont understand what you're trying to say here. Last I checked, helicopters dont rely on rudder. Yes, they can slightly push the tail a little bit to either side but not enough to turn the aircraft, only make it fly diagonal instead of straight. Which is reallistic enough.
  25. shadow

    Helicopters in AA

    No, the "ground effect" is a air-cushion that make the downwash bounce back up into the rotors giving the aircraft some "free" lift. This only happens at very slow speed. Up to around 5kts I believe. Its good that the old alt-hold is gone. It always gave me a false sense of security. Flying over a canyon meant the helo would fly down into it and up on the other side. Now you can fly in a straight line. This "weird" way of flying is pretty close to how a real helicopter works. Helicopters in OFP were cars with a spinning thing ontop. Check your key-settings. Rudder (pedals) is always that at all speeds, they just loose effectiveness around 60-70 km/h which is the same thing as in real life. When a helicopter fly faster than 70km/h the cyclic makes the aircraft handle in the same way as a stick in a fixed wing aircraft. All I can say is: get used to it (no attitude intended)