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Everything posted by shadow

  1. shadow

    Will the British Version have Starforce?

    Geee I wonder why I'm closing this thread
  2. shadow

    Ask a mod

    We'll try this and see how it goes. If there are alot more nayers than yayers we'll consider going back to the old routine. We'll just have to wait and see
  3. shadow

    Ask a mod

    1. Then PM me. 2. No, but I can very quickly give you 5 warnings right now and PR you indefinitely for posting nonsense. That would be sweet.
  4. shadow

    Public filehosting

    Considering the purpose of the thread I've moved it to A&M:C
  5. shadow

    Ask a mod

    No cross-posting through the forums, please. You can always link to it in your sig  edit: Moved the thread to A&M:C
  6. shadow

    Horrible Performance...

    This is not about monitor quality. Stick to the topic or I will start dealing out PRs and WLs.
  7. shadow

    things to change

    This is not a pissing contest between the M1 and T72. Stick to the topic and discuss the mod at hand.
  8. shadow

    Ask a mod

    No smilies are configured to use ') so it must be a bug. Just put a 'out of order' sign over your apostrophe-key.
  9. shadow

    Horrible Performance...

    Arma is not HD-intensive. If you keep an eye on the HD-light on your PC while flying fast around the landscape you will notice the game is accessing your quite often but the LED barely flash. This means it is not fetching alot of data, but more like small pieces frequently. If the game was waiting on data from your H-D you would see your HD-light light up solid and the game would run slow while fetching the data (not low fps, just slow-mo). The only reason I can think of for the H-D to be the bottleneck is if its severely fragmented so it takes significant time for the game to access the data. Streaming the landscape the way Arma does is pretty much the same as how most flight sims do it. The only requirement those games specify is the space required to store the game.
  10. shadow

    things to change

    Moving to A&M:C
  11. shadow

    things to change

    Moving to A&M:C
  12. shadow

    Ask a mod

    This is up to each moderator as they see fit but its usually 2-4 months depending on your "crime". Then we reset your month-counter. If you were supposed to loose that first block 2 months later, then it has become 2 months and 3 weeks. I dont see any records on you right now. PM me and we'll discuss your case in private. I have taken over where Paul left off, so please be gentle with me, will'ya?  We have always and will always run this board with a ironfist and a ban'em all attitude hehe (j/k)
  13. shadow

    Horrible Performance...

    I thought everyone knew by now that publishers set the releasedate, not the developers Publishers decide when the game is in a shippable state. When I see comments like the one by Kamikaze666 at BIS' forum it makes me think he is adressing BIS and not the publishers. Back on topic please (I'm only saying this once).
  14. shadow

    Horrible Performance...

    Comments like that is misinforming to those who dont know the truth. Stop spreading lies. Â Stick to the topic.
  15. shadow

    Goodbye Placebo

    Now that Paul has left I think this thread has served it's purpose. Closing.
  16. shadow

    Ask a mod

    There are no current plans to do anything about the smilies. Maybe during a future forum-upgrade.
  17. shadow

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Vista is not a server OS. The new server will be out later this year or the next I believe. Dedicated for what? games? PHP and mySQL can run on anything NT. If this is your private server for you and your friends I'd recomend forgetting the server OS and use Win2K Pro or WinXP Pro instead. They are cheaper and does the same job.
  18. shadow

    When go near trees, textures drop

    Dimitriv has been PR'ed untill I see proof of purchase.
  19. shadow

    Banner Poll

    3 has to win. It has an Apache ffs
  20. shadow

    Padani hry - reseni !

    Moving to Czech troubleshooting (I think)
  21. shadow

    English version?

    Asked and answered. Closing.
  22. shadow

    What are you getting for Christmas?

    I assume everyone have received their presents so I'm closing this.
  23. shadow

    Ask a mod

    I dont know what BI have discussed if at all, but I think they are going with an upgrade to the latest IB version. Personally I like IB alot more than all the php and ubb boards I've seen. Especially from a administrating side. There are alot of new great user-functions in the latest IB by the way.
  24. shadow

    Ask a mod

    The Arma TS part of the database is fubar when searching. The troubleshooting forum is being troubleshooted.
  25. shadow

    Joysticks. A question for BIS.

    Be polite or dont post at all.