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Everything posted by ShArPsHooTeR

  1. ShArPsHooTeR

    Does OFP work on WinXP...

    Thats right placebo! Since "Return to castle wolfenstein" doesent work either, i can only hope it's the drivers... He has the latest drivers 3DPK-XP-14028... Could someone get me the V9.031 XP for the herc 3d prophet 4500 tv-out please... It's not on their site anymore.
  2. ShArPsHooTeR

    Does OFP work on WinXP...

    I was trying ofp on a friends pc with winXp but i couldn't make it work... I tried the compatibility modes but nothing either. Could someone help... He has a PIII 1000 256mg SDRam a Herc. 3D Prophet 4500 ( latest drivers ) winXp pro ( inglish ) sound blaster live value winXp drivers... some help would be apreciated...
  3. ShArPsHooTeR

    Does OFP work on WinXP...

    the simptom is that when you start the game a black screen apears and stays that way !! I got him the latest drivers 3DPK-XP-14028
  4. ShArPsHooTeR

    Best place to get addons?

    I was recently banned (I don't know why) from the Editing center Forums... But still the addon depot is the best place to get addons!! Quality addons at least...
  5. ShArPsHooTeR

    Codemasters 2002 Releases

    Jub Jub said that there was going to be released a CD with more units and vehicles from VBS1... This might be it well looks like we will have to wait till june to see it !
  6. ShArPsHooTeR

    OpFlash Marine Corps Interview

    I found this wile browsing Blues news... "Op Flashpoint & The Marines Q&A HomeLan Fed's OpFlash Marine Corps Interview talks with Michael Woodman of Coalescent Technologies." check it out at http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=3987 !!!!!
  7. ShArPsHooTeR

    Make a UH-1 Huey

    Jub Jub... Let us all hope that CD aint bogus... Today i saw the movie Spy Game and they still used hueys to carry troops to and out of combat situations. Its the most beatiful helicopter ive ever seen (and flown ) However i still do think that we need more land units. APCs, AFVs, MBTs, IFVs, AAVs and so on...
  8. ShArPsHooTeR

    A addon CD ?...

    thx guys...
  9. ShArPsHooTeR

    A addon CD ?...

    I heard something about a CD, maibe a addon CD, with the vehicles of VBS1 that could be ported to OFP was in the works... Is this true? Or am I going to kill someone in the morning... My Glock is loaded....
  10. ShArPsHooTeR

    Uhm, I want VBS!!

    This is unfair !!!! All we ever dreamed of having in OFP they have it !!! rapeling from helis, harriers, hueys, ospreys, pavelows, pavehawks, AAAVs... and so on !! All we ever dreamed on OFP they have it !! This is a sad day for the ofp comunity ! This sucks ! Lets just hope that OFP 2 ( If it ever comes ) will have anything in it. (Edited by ShArPsHooTeR at 3:26 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)
  11. ShArPsHooTeR


    And probably the internal surce you speak of... is your ass hole... LOL !! I might be wrong, but if so give me some proof ( not fabricated please ) !!!
  12. EVERYONE GO HERE !!!!!!! http://www.virtualbattlefieldsystem.com/ You wont be disapointed !! _____________________ THE GUY IN THE SHADOWS _____________________
  13. ShArPsHooTeR


    Oh. come on !! At least the huey !! I read that they couldn't put into our OFP the "CLASSIFIED" things and vehicles!! ( Those we will put in!!!) But the things not classified... theyre free to put in !! However!! VBS has to have some Very big changes to the game engine... meaning that without a major upgrade they cant be put in !! Ospreys, harriers, hueys and others they can put in just like they did the other addons!!! At least this is what i think of this!!! I might be wrong !!
  14. ShArPsHooTeR


    Acording to what i read !! they said "a special version is being prepared to the USMC" or something... This opens up some hope !!
  15. ShArPsHooTeR


    LOL !! I just come back from vacation ! and found this on my email !! LOL
  16. ShArPsHooTeR

    Where are you from ?

    Mars !! Colony 2 to be precise !!!
  17. ShArPsHooTeR


    That pick is from the movie Black hawk down !!! COOL !!!