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Sgt Hammer

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About Sgt Hammer

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Sgt Hammer

    Fn fal (aka slr,if your from oz as well)?

    How about a M14? since it is 10x better than the FAL and G3.
  2. Sgt Hammer

    How do i....?

    I have a face pack, but I'd like to be able to extract one of the faces in to a jpg format so that I can change the color of the eyes... is this possible?
  3. Sgt Hammer


    You asses have the attention spans of handicapped 3 year olds.
  4. Sgt Hammer


    When he makes a good addon, please inform me.
  5. Sgt Hammer

    A question

    Thanks Red! one more question Lets say I want a team of bradleys to unload soldiers into the city after I kill everybody,.. how would I do that? I tried the wp1=1 and wp1==1 thing but they just head towards the city right away without waiting
  6. Sgt Hammer

    A question

    Hey folks, I searched all tutorials and stuff and I did not find what I was looking for, so here is what I need. I have a mission that requires me to nail some shilkas so that two Apaches can come and blow the #### out of a town.. I have trigger that plays music when the shilkas are blown, but I would like to know how I can get that to signal my apaches to attack (like to activate a seek and destroy waypoint) any help will be appreciated.
  7. Sgt Hammer

    Flashpoint CD Replacement Possible After 90 day Warranty??

    yes, u have to send 15$ just check the back of your manuel to get the address
  8. Sgt Hammer


    Ahh thank you Erex, and your english is not that bad.
  9. Sgt Hammer


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Don't release any tools to the public yet! Image how much immature and newbie stuff would come. Only give this to the pros! <span id='postcolor'> well you are certainly out of that catagory
  10. Thanks for that wonderful contribution to the conversation Mr. Stipek
  11. Sgt. Hammer - 1 Aculaud - 0
  12. I am not twisting your words, I am going on what you typed. in the future I suggest you word your sentences better.
  13. I am not twisting your words, I am going on what you typed. in the future I suggest you word your sentences better.
  14. Yes accuracy is the princple around battle rifles