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sergeant rock

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Posts posted by sergeant rock

  1. Quote

     All I want is to make a simple mission where I'm able to set up my starting units and maybe create a base in the editor. And then somehow have a way, to get dispatched to go take out targets and do certain missions with varying Rewards. Those rewards with then allow me to upgrade the base.


    Without learning to script/code and employing ArmA Scripting commands, what you are asking for is not going to be possible.

  2. johnnyboy thanks for the response but unfortunately the same result. The attachTo just attaches the texture to the photo in its normal orientation which as we know is perpendicular to the photo. Same thing goes for capturing the vector of the photo and then applying it. The vector of the photo sitting flat is the same as the texture sitting upright. The math is here somewhere just need someone smarter than me to point it out. :)
    As for the texture I'm using, its just a texture I downloaded from an old Duke Nuke'em forum and photoshopped it a bit before converting it to .paa format. You can grab it here.


    Here is how it looks when flat (flattened by manipulating with rotation widget in 3den editor):




    And when its placed or created in default orientration:




    Anyone have any other suggestions?

  3. Sorry to resurrect this older thread but I am doing a similar mission where the players are tracking a wounded unit.


    I'm using "UserTexture1m_F" and applying a blood drip texture to it. Using setVectorDirAndUp I can get the normally vertical object to sit on flat ground just fine and the blood drips at a random interval as the unit attempts to evade the players. The problem is when the escaping unit heads down/up a slope. I've been unable to get the texture to sit flat on sloped ground. I've tried multiple methods with no luck and am looking for some help.


    Does anyone have any ideas or script examples showing how to get  "UserTexture1m_F" to sit flat, even on various slopes?



    This is just example of the base code that works fine for flat ground:

    _blood = createVehicle ["UserTexture1m_F",[getPosATL player select 0,getPosATL player select 1,(getPosATL player select 2) + 0.01],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _blood setObjectTexture [0,"blood.paa"];
    _blood setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,1,0]];

    If the user texture object were just flat like "Land_Photos_V1_F" it would be very easy.

    • Like 1

  4. I'm 44 and have been playing this series since the OFP Demo. I formed our gaming group, Rock's Raiders, in 2001. Many of the original gang still play, though we are more limited in time with families, careers, etc.. Glad to see some older gentlemen enjoying the game. Cheers.

    • Like 1

  5. ArmA3Sync had been working fine (this is the server running the repository) until today.

    Now I get this error:


    Running the debug I see:

    ArmA3Sync Installed version = 1.4.63

    DevMode = false

    JRE installed version = 1.7.0_79

    java.net.SocketException: Network is unreachable: connect

    at java.net.TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)

    at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)

    at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)

    at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)

    at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)

    at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)

    at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)

    at org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient._openDataConnection_(FTPClient.java:895)

    at org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient._retrieveFile(FTPClient.java:1855)

    at org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient.retrieveFile(FTPClient.java:1846)

    at fr.soe.a3s.dao.FtpDAO.downloadFile(FtpDAO.java:111)

    at fr.soe.a3s.dao.FtpDAO.downloadSync(FtpDAO.java:126)

    at fr.soe.a3s.service.FtpService.checkRepository(FtpService.java:90)

    at fr.soe.a3s.ui.mainEditor.MainPanel$25.run(MainPanel.java:985)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

    Connection updates repository Success

    ArmA3Sync Available update version = 1.4.63

    The network is fine. Everything else on the server works without issue. Any ideas?

  6. I've been considering removing East vs West as a requirement and it sounds like some of you would prefer that. Basically this means the SAA will lose the BRDM, Ural and UAZ. What do people think? Also, once EvW is patched, would you prefer it be added again?

    I think you should remove the dependency. Requiring the download of a ~400MB mod to use a ~8MB mod is a bit much, especially if you have no use for anything in the EvW mod.

  7. It appears the error is being caused by the East vs. West addon, not yours Drongo.

    The config.bin of sud_gw_wpn.pbo contains a reference to sud_np_wpn\sud_strela_rocket.p3d on line 28:


    and to sud_np_wpn\sud_strela_loaded.p3d on line 37:


    That path and p3d file does not exist in this release of East vs. West. Not sure why others are not seeing this issue.

  8. Drongo,

    Firstly, thank you for your work on this. It really fills a niche for much needed middle eastern units. Bravo.

    Secondly, I get this error when launching a mission with @MEC units in the editor:


    Error in log: Warning Message: Cannot open object sud_np_wpn\sud_strela_rocket.p3d

    I have the East vs. West addon installed, but the download does not contain a sud_np_wpn.pbo


    Lastly, Would it ever be possible to decouple this from East vs. West and make it standalone? Too much effort?

  9. Excellent tool Tom, thanks for taking the time to develop it. 2 quick questions:

    1. Is it possible to highlight the active tab better? In the "bis default" color scheme its very hard to see which tab is active at a glance. Perhaps change the tab color or the text color to something that contrasts more against the others?

    2. Highlighting text within the script is also very difficult to see. The color variation is very subtle against the gray background.

    I apologize for my middle-age eyes. They aren't what they used to be. ;)

  10. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I have been experiencing this same issue and am unable to find a resolution.

    I have created an array of editor objects (actually they are what I call building "profiles" which contain quite a bit of useful information about the buildings such as the number of positions inside, classname, number of doorways, number of windows, coordinates of all entries and exists, etc) which I then plan to call random elements from and perform some random operations specific to the mission.

    For arguments sake, lets say this:

    aoHouses = [1081388,1081509,1080931,1081274];

    The problem is that these editor objects are 7 digits, 1 digit longer than what is allowed and therefore results in a float being returned when you select an element from the array.

    For example:

    hint format ["The selected building ID is %1",aoHouses select 0];

    Will return:

    The selected building ID is 1.08139e+006

    I've tried some workarounds with strings and parseNumber, but with the same result. I also tried to modify a similar issue as described by KillzoneKid here but without any luck.

    For a simple example, let's say I want to name a building:

    House1 = (getpos player nearestObject (aoHouses select 0);

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I can select these elements and pass the proper numeric representation to a script?

  11. My Arma crashes if I want to start the mission.

    rpt here: http://pastebin.com/ziXS5BSE

    Netframework and C++.redi are installed.

    Same here.

    Mods: @FreeDee

    Distribution: 0

    Version 1.10.114700

    Fault time: 2014/02/04 14:20:09

    Fault address: 76B72EEC 01:00011EEC C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll

    file: FreeDee (__cur_sp)

    world: stratis

    Prev. code bytes: 75 1F 21 4C 24 10 8D 04 24 50 FF 15 28 03 C2 76

    Fault code bytes: 8B 4C 24 54 33 CC E8 9D A2 FF FF 8B E5 5D C2 10


    EAX:01E2AFF0 EBX:00000005

    ECX:00000005 EDX:00000000

    ESI:01E2B0B4 EDI:00000001


    SS:ESP:002B:01E2AFF0 EBP:01E2B048

    DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B



  12. Assuming is the current version, I experienced the following error in the log when using the "NOWAIT" parameter:

    _pause = if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {_pause >

    Error position: <= if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {_pause >

    Error Generic error in expression

    The offending line of code is line 160 of UPSMON_MainLoop.sqf:

    _pause = if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {_pause = "NOWAIT"} else {"WAIT"};

    It should be:

    _pause = if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {"NOWAIT"} else {"WAIT"};

    I'm sure this is just a copy/paste mistake. :)

    Thanks Azroul for keeping UPSMON going.

  13. Kronzky,

    Can you comment on the issue many have experienced where the enemy AI are in an instant state of agitation (combat behavior) even if they do not know and cannot possibly know that an enemy unit is on the map? It very easy to reproduce. In a previous version of your script, I was able to stop the behavior by commenting out a specific line, but I can't tell you which one right now because I don't have access to the script from where I'm at. Please advise if you can.

  14. Yes, for some reason you need 1 Marker for each unit/group or they will be in 'combat' mode.

    I'm not sure that's the issue. I've tried that for a fix with the same result...the OPFOR enter "alert" mode without any apparent knowledge of BLUFOR. If you take the test mission that comes with the UPS script and modify it slightly you can see the behavior exhibited. Take that mission and move the BLUFOR unit to an area as far away as possible. Now replace the "player" with an OPFOR unit so you can observe them as they patrol. In less than a minute the OPFOR will become agitated though there is no possible way they could know about the BLUFOR on the other side of the map. Now go back in the editor, delete the BLUFOR unit and observe again. You will see they remain "CARELESS" and just meander around the town.

    To make it easy to test:


  15. We noticed that bug during testing and were never able to pin it down exactly, but we believe the cause is UPS. Other editors have reported a bug that caused the OPFOR to be agitated if a BLUFOR unit existed anywhere on the map, even if they exist on the complete other side of the map. Since Kronzky has no intention of updating his UPS script until the final release of ArmA3, I'll hold off on updating this mission until then. Hopefully that will fix it. If anyone else has any ideas, I'm all ears.

  16. I just pointed someone else having task trouble to my recent mission. I used modules to create and assign the tasks and fought with it for quite a while before I got it working properly. One of the most annoying things was getting the task order right without it being random. I did this by synchronizing the tasks with each player individually, and in the order I wanted them assigned. DePBO my mission here to see how I set it up. Good luck!

  17. I really need a hand with a progress bar I'd like to incorporate into a new mission I'm making. I've tried a couple things on my own and haven't met with much success. I tried to use what wok posted above, but I can't get that to work either. Any help would be appreciated. I just want to create a relatively simple progress bar on screen and control its count to complete over a timed period.
