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Posts posted by SMGTazzoli

  1. Hi everybody,

    finally I've found the program to convert the .wss files to .wav and I did some little changes.

    I didn't change all the files, just the small arms ones, M16 and AK47,PK and M60.

    They are way more realistic now. I took the sound

    from Counter Strike mod for Half Life.

    I was wondering that since the file Sound.pbo is too big, I could give you only the .wss files, and then , using the StuffPBO.exe and DEPBO.exe you can use them in the Sound.PBO.

    These programs (DePBO and StuffPBO) are here:

    <a href="http://www.axleonline.com/files.shtml

    The" target="_blank">http://www.axleonline.com/files.shtml

    The</a> file I changed are only 7. So please can somebody host these?

    Let me know.

    Thank you again.

  2. sure they have Malboeuf!

    I exctracted the Sound.pbo file and now I have all the sound files in the game, ie:




    etc etc.

    They can be changed I think, but my Windows Media Player can't read them, don't know why.

    Please, can somebody help me out?

    I tried to change them into .wav files, but all I got was the same error.

  3. I posted this on the Troubleshooting forum also.

    Hi everybody,

    I just downloaded the PBO exctractor utility, and as I wanted to change some rifle sounds, I was wondering how can I hear that "wss" (or something similiar) type of file.

    Do I need a special utility downloadable from the net?

    I so, please could you give me the address please?

    Or otherwise, let me know!

  4. Hi everybody,

    I just downloaded the PBO exctractor utility, and as I wanted to change some rifle sounds, I was wondering how can I hear that "wss" (or something similiar) type of file.

    Do I need a special utility downloadable from the net?

    I so, please could you give me the address please?

    Or otherwise, let me know!
