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SCA Jolly

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About SCA Jolly

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Operation FlashPoint! And some more...
  1. SCA Jolly

    Anyone from milton keynes here?

    A friend is missing. Some guys on a forum, friends of mine and I are trying to find him He's been gone for three weeks now. And M/k is a county as well as a city. Not a part of London.
  2. SCA Jolly

    Anyone from milton keynes here?

    I decided to post on this board because it's a really big board with a lot of users. YES I know the post isn't about any of those things somewhat related to OFP, but this is important. I need to know if anyone on this board is from Milton Keynes, England, or know much about the city? I really, really need your help on a serious matter. It might be, althoug I hope it's not, a matter of life and death. I need to know everything there is to know about the city (not the county), especially things like (but not limited to!!: -Sanitation and Hospitals. E.g. total number of hospitals and their names. -Sub-urb(e)an areas, if any. -Mountain-bike areas and clubs. (Very important) Also, any websites, newspapers and stuff. To put it short: If you're from Milton Keynes and you are willing to help, reply here and/or mail me!!! And I apologize to any Mod(s) and Admin(s) that I'm using the board to this, but a message board is one of the better ways to do this. Still, the hope to find one from Milton (pop: 100,000) on this board is rather weak. Edit: It would be good to know about any recent accidents that have been blown up in media, e.g. deaths related to mountain biking or major accidents. Thanks for any help! - Henning
  3. SCA Jolly

    Bye, lads....

    Many of you don't know me, and even those of you I know the best, doesn't know me very well... hmm, here goes:) I'm leaving this forum for now, and I'll prolly never be back. I haven't been here for a while now, but it's (unfortunately) still the same: Too big for me. I live in a small town with a population around 1,170, and a forum like this is just like a huge city to me.... Bye then! It's been nice to know you (even though you prolly don't know me very well ) and... heh, I wish ya all good in the future! Mvh - Henning
  4. SCA Jolly

    The tasmanian devil is...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Aug. 10 2002,22:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Jamesia, why do you do that? Â You don't need 10 lines of empty space. Â And aren't you guys still reading a bit too deep into this? Â I mean come on, it's a game.<span id='postcolor'> If you don't read into the game, then it's just... a game. Not OFP. OFP have stories and background like no other game on the market. You really get into it by things like this, even if it is simple, like Tasmanian Devil. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to kill some russians. Bye!
  5. SCA Jolly

    Fun resistance stories

    Fireworks - At the moment we started out, I called 0-0-1, 0-0-2 and 0-0-3! I wanted to take these Russian bastards off this part of the island, once and for all! Two of mye guys carrys AA, and two other carrys two satchels each, so I can have the RPG. I shoot the BMP about 500m away, and command my men to attack! I take out some of the guys in the patrol, but I get hit by the sniper @sshole! I don't die, and I cant see any wounds. I order my men forward whilst I shoot the two Spetznatz' with my last RPG. Suddenly, a new bullet finds the way into my body. I don't die, but I have a very ugly head injury! I shoot about all of the Russkies with my Steyr on Full Auto, I start walking down towards Downtown Neveklov, but an officer and his comrades are in my way, so I get a new bullet in my collection, and the soviets are dead. I only have 4 men left except for myself. Â Now I send all of my men to a small farm, near the hillock, while I'm gonna get the satchels. I take the satchels, drives to the farm in an UAZ, only to discover that I'd forgotten the last Satchels, I Save (the game saves) and go back. I get near a spetznatz who carryes a Bizon I would like to have, so I take it. Suddenly my #2 says "4 'OCLOCK, BMP, 200", so I'm about to pick up an RPG from the dead soviet soldier, when I hear the noise. I turn around, and I remember it as minutes before I turn around, and there, abput 30 meters away from me, heading my way in about 80km/h, is a BMP! I scream out, VERY loud, and press Esc. I jumped up on my seat, and started to laugh! Maybe it doesn't sound funny, but I thought it was funny as h*ll! Â
  6. SCA Jolly

    Y-a-y! fireworks!

    Another question, then: Can anyone give me a hint, tell me how they did it or something, cause I keep dying in either Neveklov or Davle. HEH??
  7. SCA Jolly

    Y-a-y! fireworks!

    Wohoo! *singin'* Some new guu-uns, a little bunch of de-ead Russkies, and I am glaa-ad! Well, (hrmph) I need some tips to Fireworks, especially the Neveklov-Bridge-thingy. I've got to know aprox. how many tanks and infantry in Neveklov and around the Bridge (both sides...). Can anyone help? I-just-can't-wait-until-I've-captured-Guba-cause-then-I'm-gonna-have-FUUUUN!  (He killed Liz for "%¤' sake! I'm gonna torture that 'pig'! )MVUHAHAHAHA! (I'm actually qiute happy now:)
  8. SCA Jolly

    Coming soon

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BoonieRat @ Aug. 03 2002,14:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As if Sept 11th was'nt justification enough!... I think its about bloody time!. sod justifying it!. do the terrorists stop to justify everything they do?. a cause is'nt justification. I thought the whole thing about being civilised is the fact that you are cause you can be. not cause you have to be!!. I think any country that does'nt open up its borders for America in this deserves to have their soverenty ignored. Kudos for Bush!. putting his country before his election spiel!. if only more leaders were more concerned with their country rather than their public image~vote count!!. Theres a few homilys that spring to mind. an eye for an eye. he who lives by the sword, ect, ect... Funny when you stop to think about where these originated. its about time they set a theif to catch a thief...<span id='postcolor'> Imagine this: some american terrorist group blows up something very important in Norway, like the government or something. Would Bush really allow Norwegian spec ops to take one or more US citizens to Norway to punish them? Without actual evidence?
  9. SCA Jolly

    Coming soon

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Warin @ Aug. 03 2002,08:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'> Bush is mad. Anyone against? The US and the triggerhappy generals in Pentagon is trying to domintae the world. If USA isn't stopped soon, something much worse than 11. September is gonna happen. Just wait and see... -Henning
  10. SCA Jolly

    How do you blow up the bridges?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ Aug. 01 2002,08:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ July 31 2002,18:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One word: Beavers  <span id='postcolor'> The trouble is, theres never a good beaver around when you need one. <span id='postcolor'> That would be one hell of a beaver! Imagine the teeths!!! LOL LMAO
  11. SCA Jolly

    Where is bis' hq?

    Some weeks ago, I was in Prague, but no matter how many taxidrivers I asked, none could answer me where it was!! (I assumed they understood German, wich they did... I hope). Does anyone know where in Prague BIS' is located? I return in September! -Henning
  12. SCA Jolly

    Commonwealth games

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Warin @ July 27 2002,02:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Im lost   What are you talking about? is it some kind of sport or something?<span id='postcolor'> The Commonwealth Games are like the Olympics, but the participating countries are all part of the Commonwealth.  Mostly former colonies of England. <span id='postcolor'> First I thought you were talking about the wealthiest countries in the world (b'cus you 'ofcourse' knew who won), buuut how about an explanation to us who don't know what it is?
  13. SCA Jolly

    Airdrop and carrying

    Imagine: 8 Hips appear on the horizon, then 6 more. The first 8 land and drops their cargo: 8 large squads of russian elite soldiers. Then comes the supplies, parachooted (sp?) from the 6 others. Do you see what I'm trying to say? Sometimes my english is too bad. And the soldiers should have the ability to carry stuff, ammoboxes and such... Can't wait to next year at school!
  14. SCA Jolly

    Coz i'm back!

    Nothing? No official addons? Yeah, yeah... I'm gonna buy Resistance soon!
  15. SCA Jolly

    Coz i'm back!

    HI all! I'm finally home to OFP and this forum! Germany was great, but this is much better! Until two weeks ago I didn't have 1.20, but now I-Have-It-ALL! And I mean ALL! Addons, patches, Islands! I'm mighty!!! Mvuhahahahahahaha! So... what's happened around... anything?? I love this forum, honestly! Henning