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About Ren

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  1. OK. First of all thx to all who answered. :) Second. Solution is simple. As always when you found it. Use the ASUS Smart doctor to downclock the memory of the card from 1800 to 1600. (To save some money the put in really crapy memory.) Play for hours and hours with good performance and high graphics. One last thing. I wont buy any ASUSproduct ever again. Assistance with troubleshooting is = 0 :mad:
  2. Ren

    Dogs of War bug

    Sign on that. Cleared the whole area and have only the russian quest open, but Marny doesn´t want to talk about his political plan against the russians. -.-
  3. Same here. EN8800 GT 1GB from ASUS Freeze, with no artifacts and no wierd sound. Sometimes I´m able to get back to desktop and stop the process, others I have to reboot. I saved just before the freeze and it´s always the same. It freezes in Razor 2 and now in a scenario. This is not a Hardware issue. :confused:
  4. The fan of my EN8800 GT 1GB from ASUS somehow is not controlable. I have installed the ASUS Smart Doctor, Riva Tuner and this other one and with none I was able to slide the fan. It´s always greyed out. O_o But now I have a new problem... Now the game seems to crash, when I´m in a vehicle. O_o arma.cfg: language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=-4194304; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1680; Resolution_H=1050; refresh=60; Render_W=1280; Render_H=800; FSAA=1; postFX=2; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1061031680; nonlocalVRAM=527433727;
  5. Suddenly after some issues with artifacts and freezes now the game freezes without artifacts after some seconds loading the saved game in the middle of the campain. I will try to do a mission and see what happenes. O_o ARMA is such a good game, wich sadly doesn´t work for everyone.
  6. Thx :) I have one problem now. For some reason both programs don´t let me adjust the fan. It´s greyed out. Now, that worries me. :eek: Can that be due to the driver ? Or does my card have disipation instead of fan ? Duno. I will try to install the latest Asus drivers, cause the card is Asus.
  7. Here is the ingame config. Can´t find the "arma.cfg". Where is it in "Dta" ? Finally I don´t know how to tell my fan to work harder. :confused: The strange thing is, that my PC works fine with all other games (CRISIS which means a lot), but ARMA 1 and 2 and Autocad. This is 100% some kind of memory issue. But I´m a Noob in these things.:j:
  8. I could really use some help with my issue (4 posts above). :( Please. Help!!!
  9. Hi all. I have trouble with the game. After smooth 5-10 min playing, depending on the graphic card drivers (Omega, Guru, Asus, Nvidia) some wierd artifacts appear and the whole system freezes. This one is from ARMA I, but it´s the same. Only way out, reboot. :pet5: The same happened , with ARMA I... I had to stop playing. Other games work fine even Crisis with full resolution. System: Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090206-1234) MB: P5K PRO BIOS: BIOS Date: 03/06/08 10:30:30 Ver: 08.00.12 Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 3328MB RAM DDR2 (4GB but as it is running under WinXP...) DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) Display Devices Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Display Memory: 1024.0 MB Current Mode: 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor: HP w2207 Wide LCD Monitor Monitor Max Res: 1680,1050 Any solution or suggestion out there ? Thx :)