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Everything posted by rpg73

  1. Hello, i have 20 years old and create some ww1 addon but i have a big problem. I dont know how use uv map with O2, if somebody can help me ? here a little video of my models: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=JShj1CCLUkM
  2. rpg73

    Ww1 mod

    thanks HxCxFxL, but they mod only on ofp, and i had ever contact us they want stay on ofp. Its there choice, but they have always realize an amazing work. About the A7v's, yes i plan to make one ^^, but i want finish my FT17.
  3. rpg73

    Ww1 mod

    a little upgrade:
  4. rpg73

    Ww1 mod

    A work in progress of a ft 17 light tank : I will had traks and add to the game, thats will be not easy ^^.
  5. rpg73

    Ww1 mod

    thanks MehMan . I go to add more feature ^^.
  6. rpg73

    Ww1 mod

    Due to my studies, i made a break during a long time, now i come back ^^. this is a work in progress of a german MG08: I didn't know if 2000 polys is too much for an mg in arma, somebody could tell me the good number of polys for an mg?
  7. hello, great work!! If you want, i could give my help for some addon here two model i made for arma and unfinished: a colt bisley and a winchester model 1866. they work in arma, but i not finished all LOD, and i not made material.
  8. rpg73


    Nice job cl. Well, but did you change the model in O2 or in an other 3d modelling soft?
  9. rpg73

    Ww1 mod

    hi, just a wip of my 75 mm gun with ammo supply... and happy new year 2008 !!!!
  10. rpg73

    Ww1 mod

    sorry for my language and thanks for you comments, the ft17 track was a little big because i have a bad setting of my screen, and yes, the 75mm gun was not at the good scale, i work to become this addon more realistic. thanks. here a ww1 long range gun "grosse bertha": http://img404.imageshack.us/img404....ttp