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Everything posted by Ryan_D

  1. Ryan_D

    RH M4/M16 pack 1.0

    We just want the models replaced, but getting sounds in is easy, here's an example:
  2. Ryan_D

    Alien addon

    lol would probably be possible to convert them with permission, but looks like they can't hold guns. Don't think that alien would go good if they have fancy high-tech UFO's - surely they would have laser guns. lol this would be good http://images.google.com.au/images?....+Images
  3. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    lol I lost that script, in the video it's just this setdir getdir this +1 looped fast with skid effects. Though the wheel spinning is a script I made, a nice buggy script.
  4. Ryan_D

    Alien addon

    If this could be textured to look like one then it'll probably be good, I know someone who "might" be able to do that.
  5. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    lol it's just a script for the video, can't really do it..... hopefully yet.
  6. Ryan_D

    Alien addon

    I can't model but would love if someone could make one of those!
  7. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    Good screens nonetheless. Here's my new vid of aliens invading
  8. Ryan_D

    Alien addon

    I made another video of the aliens, watch here:
  9. Ryan_D

    AI pilots flying into mountains.

    Depends on what version you're using. I've got the latest patch and never seen this before.
  10. Ryan_D

    RH M4/M16 pack 1.0

    Well it works for me perfectly, good job. Love the moving parts on the gun.
  11. Ryan_D

    HD being accessed during ArmA.

    Symptoms of a failing harddrive? Try turning off pagefile like he said.
  12. Ryan_D

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    Cool. My friend gave me is QG for free - nothing beats that.
  13. Ryan_D

    Multiplayer AI warping?

    Playing with my brother which he hosted, I used to get AI warping too. He added this to the arma.cfg, which lowered his performance a fair bit, but warping was MUCH better for me. If you got more than 1 CPU core, host a dedicated as arma doesn't support multi-cores, 1 core for the dedicated and the other for the game. Though it still might be bad performance for the host. Try lower some values if it is such as max bandwidth: Hope this helps.
  14. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    Mr burns that was heaps funny Here is my 28 weeks later movie
  15. Ryan_D

    Aircraft gunner

    Hi, I need help. What I want is for a gunner on an aircraft I made to be able to aim his machinegun where he wants, right now it's stuck aiming in one spot where the aircraft is facing. I know how to do the config, but not sure what to add in the model? Is it something in memory I need to add? I tried unpbo'ing air.pbo and looking at the AH-1 but it says error loading file... Anyone help?
  16. Ryan_D

    Aircraft gunner

    Oh that reminds me. I got it now thx.
  17. Ryan_D

    Aircraft gunner

    It's a chopper, configed it, but the gunner is stuck aiming his gun directly ahead and nowhere else. I think something is missing in the model...
  18. Ryan_D

    Aircraft gunner

    lol.. Also it's a chopper...
  19. Ryan_D

    Aircraft gunner

    I mean the cannon, like with the AH-1...
  20. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    lol it's possible, but no skid sounds and AI can't do it, anyway here's the vid: http://rapidshare.com/files/78039669/ArmA_-_Police_Chase.avi.html
  21. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    Yeah, I'll upload it to a site later, bit busy at the moment though. Most if it was scripts (mainly setvelocity) and adding in skid sounds.
  22. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    Here's a cool zombie one wit a nuke at the end
  23. Ryan_D


    Who said below 15
  24. Ryan_D

    Armed Assault videos

    lol made one of cops chasing a crim -
  25. Ryan_D

    Alien addon

    lol thanks, couldn't of done it without the original creators tho. Anyway you can download updated aliens now, look here 1st post - http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....46;st=0