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Posts posted by RedNova

  1. People like Microsoft give flight simulators a bad reputation.They're overpriced and flawed in every aspect other than eye candy.

    You're obviously one of them knob hoppers that can't tell an arcade game from a quality focused complex number crunching aerodynamic physics simulating program. Just read X-plane reviews..most real life aviation pilots prefer X-Plane over FS series to practice on. Stick to Xbox...dude.

    And BTW it ain't warez if you download it only to find out it's complete manure and ain't worth the space on your hard drive much less a disc to burn it on. Easy come Easy go. whistle.gif

  2. "I just bought FSX "

    HAHA! what a waste of money! MS sucks at making flight sims , they're more like arcadey flying games.

    I on the other hand bought X-Plane which is cheaper and far more realistic flight dynamics than FSX and wouldn't trade it in for anything Microsoft. I even downloaded FSX and ended up deleting that load of poo off my drive. rofl.gif

  3. Imo USA is far more corrupted than the soviet union ever was. Only big difference is these guys sweep it under the rug and hide it from the light of day far better than USSR did. But there's only so much dirt you can sweep under that rug before people start noticing a suspicious buldge.

    What do you mean "Point is, where ever there is money, there is corruption."? There's money everywhere but in most parts of the civilized world you don't see governments blowing up their own buildings and people in false flag operations just to have a pretext to start a war in the name of corporate profitiering.

    PS, Who would have ever guessed that commies and leftists were "the good guys" all along... or maybe the more appropriate moral to this story is that good guys really do finish last. rofl.gif

  4. "Take ya pick from South america to eastern Europe to the Middle east"

    If there're any places in the world where corporations have highest influence on corrupted government it's in Western Europe and North America. South America Eastern Europe and the REST OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD knows this. As a matter of fact you can find every significant mafia and organized crime gang from every corner of the world operating in and from north america.

  5. Looking excellent Macser. thumbs-up.gif .I can't believe out of all the mods that have been done for OFP Aliens is just started.

    And Vilas your ArmA Aliens mod rocks but I can't help wonder why you've decided to give the M41A Pulse Rifle only 35 rounds of ammo instead of the standard 99 you see elsewhere? confused_o.gif
