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Everything posted by RAIZEN


    Bad FPS in Full Release

    My 7970 ghz edition dont even get utilized above 15 / 30% gpu usage. FPS between 15 and 35 max in multiplayer, average 22 fps. There is more no impact (on the order of 5% max) that is set the graphics don't change anything, or almost. Spec: 2600K@4.4ghz 7970 ghz edition 8 GB DDR3 ASUS Maximus V Formula
  2. thank you for this mod V 2 guys, and especially good luck for the rest of the project.
  3. Squad name -Régiment des opération spéciales Timezone/location -GMT +1 France Squad gamemode preference (coop & pvp) Contact email - clanrosatfree.fr Website address -http://clanros.xooit.com
  4. Stop with CBA guys. What I know this is not you who made the MOD, respect the choices of PR mod team. Support them in their work. Thank you for the development of PR on arma 2 Stalker GB and UK force.
  5. Do not center PR only on realism guys, which makes its great power its this mixture with these 2 game mod AAS and Insurgency. For me they are especially these 2 game module which make its first power.
  6. Yo Phoenix. Yeah the old community in older version of PR are the best. V 0.5 stays wonderful release. I have to spend the full nights to played on TB and IGI server, i love the german PR community. That of good teamwork with Divs-schroti, horror and co. Com on PR !! :bounce3:
  7. I'm old player on PR (v0.4 - v0.9), insurgency game mode are include on first ArmA II release or just AAS game mode include ? @Xeno: For me AAS and Insurgency game mod are better than all game mod actually on ArmA II, this is the best for teamwork. Thors Brigade Forever. ;)
  8. Best sound module i never see in ArmA (1 & 2) for heli, tank, truck, car.... Really nice work TangoRomeo. You build an rifles sound pack in future ???
  9. Me too, i prefer play with this one with the stand alone version.
  10. AAS in Project Reality is my favorite mod gameplay, is difficult to reproduce this mod on ArmA. And especially to have a mature community for this module, best community for me is on PR, and the old school Thor Brigade server.
  11. RAIZEN

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    Great news, stay tuned. :cheers:
  12. RAIZEN

    Carglass v1.2

    Good job dude. :dancehead:
  13. Thx for this game module, for me AAS in Project Reality is the best module i never play on server ffa, need community for this game module.
  14. RAIZEN

    FLIR v1.0

    Good job Apouh-pack. :D
  15. RAIZEN


    VIDEO OVERVIEW Mission Name: Blackheart V 0.2 Game mode: COOP MULTIPLAYERS (1/20) Addon's required: Yes Respawn: "NO". DETAILS Difficulty: Supports SP: If you request it Cadet/Veteran mode variation: None Playable side: Resistance Island/towns: Sakaka al jawf city Core game style: Search and made safe (CQB) Scale: Medium Sound: Activate the music to have a immersive mission with my custom sounds FILE DETAILS Mission created by: RAIZEN Mission Version: 0.2 Release Date: 23-03-2009 Intro/Outro: ingame intro Briefings: Full briefing, notes & tickable objectives in english or french. Required Arma version: 1.14 or higher Testing: Tested on dedicated server with 9 players. Size: (1.37 MO) SCENARIO The war beginning on the city of Sakaka al jawf between RACS and the insurrectionists taliban. The mission of black alpha squad are to support and rescue the green bravo squad who fell into an ambush to the North-East from the city, the problem was that our helicopter are crashed in Sakaka al jawf following a AA shoot. Following this crash the black alpha squad have 3 dead. Blue bravo squad was calling for protected the area of the crash landing and to support black alpha squad in its movement in the town of Sakaka. INSTALLATION Standard: - For Multi Player, copy the *mission Tamaliblar.pbo file(s) to .\ArmA\MPMissions (installation) folder. - For addons, copy the files to .\Arma\AddOns (installation) folder. ADDONS REQUIRED Queen's Gambit (Official arma mod) G85 Editor: *http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=372 Editor update 1.02: *http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=953 Sakaka al jawf city: *http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2191 Taliban lost brother mod: *http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4735 LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This mission is distributed without any warranty. CREDITS & THANKS - BIS/BIA for their great simulators. - Armaholic for support of the community. - arma-fr.net and especially Fabfm and Soldiernohistory. - All addon makers. WEB SITE - http://www.clanros.fr DOWNLOAD BLACKHEART V 0.2 [ARMAHOLIC]
  16. RAIZEN

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    my last arma.rpt here: http://download.force27.com/Force27....rma_rpt
  17. RAIZEN

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    Hello, I have some problems with FFAA V 3.4 on dedicated server. On missions using this version i have many problems: 1]the ping goes up for all players in game. 2]impossible to kill enemy, the ennemy don't down after shooting. With FFAA 3.2 i have no problem on my dedicated server, it's just with FFAA 3.4. On my server i have this addons: - Queen's Gambit, FFAA 3.4 and many islands of community. Thanks in advance.
  18. RAIZEN

    Co24 Thanos

    OVERVIEW: --------- Mission Name: THANOS Game mode: COOP MULTIPLAYERS (1/24) Addon's required: FFAA MOD FULL (3.2.7), Iran/Irak border island, Vilas vehicles pack (vibi), Editor update 1.02. Respawn: "NO". Features: Spectating Script by Kegetys, Urban script Patrol by Kronsky. DETAILS: -------- Difficulty: Supports SP: MP only, Cadet/Veteran mode variation: None Playable side: Ind Island/towns: Iran/Irak border (high detail texture project) Core game style: Assault Scale: large Duration: FILE DETAILS: ------------- Mission created by: [R.O.S] RAIZEN Mission Version: 1.2 Release Date: 13/09/2008 Intro/Outro: NO Briefings: Full briefing (English or French), notes & tickable objectives. Created for Arma version: 1.14 Testing: Tested on dedicated server with 12 players. Size: (309 ko) SCENARIO: --------- Detailed scenario description/objectives: We must creates an opening on the south by taking again the strategic point of control for the progression of our troops. These points are the bridges leading to the HQ of Moroccan army. Once these points under control of our army we will open to the final offensive on the Moroccan HQ. [- Objectives of the mission -] ---* [1]: Destroy and kill the enemy forces which controls the area of bridge alpha (Sector alpha-foxtrot 19). ---* [2]: Destroy and kill the enemy forces which controls the area of bridge beta (Sector charlie-charlie 24). ---* [3]: Destroy and kill the enemy forces in HQ. NOTES: --------- [- Material available -] - 9 Leopard2-E - 3 M60A3 - 8 Eurocopter Tiger - INSTALLATION: ------------- Standard: - For Multi Player, copy the mission file(s) to .\ArmA\MPMissions (installation) folder. - For addons, copy the files to .\Arma\AddOns (installation) folder. DOWNLOAD: ------- Armaholic miror (Thanos V 1.3) Thanos V 1.3 ISSUES: ------- - FUTURE PLANS: ------------- Mission based on Sakaka Island. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: ----------------- - This mission is distributed without any warranty. CREDITS & THANKS: ----------------- - BIS/BIA for their great simulators. - Armaholic for the support of community. - All moders and addons makers. WEB SITE: ----------------- - http://www.clanros.fr
  19. RAIZEN

    Co24 Thanos

    Version 1.3 available. Changelog: - Update with the amazing new version of FFAA V3.4. (added new vehicles) - Coop 31 players now http://clanros2.free.fr/mission/%5bROS%5d_THANOS.tolafarush.rar A new mission coming soon using the FFAA Mod based on Sakakah island.
  20. RAIZEN

    Co24 Thanos

    Version 1.2 available, chek first post for download this version. changelog V 1.2: - New intro - Modification of artillery support - Intel briefing update
  21. RAIZEN

    Co24 Thanos

    New version (1.1): Added artillery support for more immersive attack of Moroccan army (IA) in first time of this mission. Check first post for download.
  22. RAIZEN

    Co16 Neptune

    Next chapter (neptune chapter 2) coming soon.
  23. RAIZEN

    Co16 Neptune

    OVERVIEW: --------- Mission Name: Neptune Game mode: COOP MULTIPLAYERS (1/16) Addon's required: Editor update 1.02 (included), G85 Editor (included), FFAA MOD (V 3.2.7) , OFRP (Pack infantry + weapons + objects), Queen's Gambit expension, Barbuda island Respawn: "NO". Features: Spectating Script by Kegetys. DETAILS: -------- Difficulty: Supports SP: MP only, Cadet/Veteran mode variation: None Playable side: Ind (Spanish and French soldiers) Island/towns: Barbuda Core game style: Attack Scale: small Duration: FILE DETAILS: ------------- Mission created by: [R.O.S] Nexus06 Mission Version: 0.9 Release Date: 30-07-2008 Intro/Outro: NO Briefings: Full briefing (English or French), notes & tickable objectives Created for Arma version: 1.14 Testing: Tested on dedicated server with 10 players. Size: ( 118 ko) SCENARIO: --------- Detailed scenario description/objectives: - The armed forces of Boukistant took the control of the small island independent of Barbuda and are delivered has exactions on the population. - OTAN decided to act immediately, The French and Spanish forces will be to employ in this operation. - Our troops start in village of San hernandez. - Our primary objective is to take this airport. - Once airport under control, eliminate the last ennemy's in the city. INSTALLATION: ------------- Standard: - For Multi Player, copy the mission file(s) to .\ArmA\MPMissions (installation) folder. - For addons, copy the files to .\Arma\AddOns (installation) folder. DOWNLOAD: ------- Armaholic miror [R.O.S] NEPTUNE ISSUES: ------- - FUTURE PLANS: ------------- LEGAL DISCLAIMER: ----------------- - This mission is distributed without any warranty. CREDITS & THANKS: ----------------- - BIS/BIA for their great simulators. - Armaholic for support of the communauty. - All modders and addons makers. WEB SITE: ----------------- - http://www.clanros.fr
  24. RAIZEN

    Co16 Neptune

    hello Big, Yes this mission use the full package of FFAA Mod (V 3.2.7) and Ofrp infantry + Ofrp weapons + Ofrp Objects.