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Everything posted by rejenorst

  1. He could have gone a step further and used the gamelogic action shoot command to show the shot being fired. Would have been cool to see the blood effect with it :)
  2. Ok cool thanks. I will just terminate the scene before the impact.
  3. Hi, I am trying to do a cutscene that takes place near an explosion. I have a music track running in the background but everytime the explosion happens the sound cuts out and is replaced with the ear ringing sound. Anyone know how to turn off this feature? The player charachter is near the explosion too which may be party the cause but even if he isn't I think I still have the same prob.
  4. Oh yeah I forgot to use the domove command, I am not sure it will stop the civ going prone but I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  5. I have the same problem. Setmimic hasn't been working in any of the Arma2 versions.
  6. i saw a thread about this a while back but couldn't find it again. When you hold your gun/corsshairs over a particular unit such as a milita for example, you tend to see a text appear that says militia and the number of meters far he is. Can I make my own text for particular units without making an addon? Do I have to make a config? If so can I load the config into the mission without requiring players to install it into their arma2 directories? Thank you.
  7. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Thanks McScottie :) I was starting to worry a bit hehe. I have been working with Maturin in an attempt to isolate his end of the problems, I have checked through his error logs and I think it may be more to do with some missing addons as he is getting alot of addon related errors. But I will have to wait and see if anyone else reports any errors. If anyone uses the following addons and experiences any errors please let me know: VOP soundmod VFTCAS addon and Extended Event Handlers addon
  8. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Arrrg! Damn you steam! *shakes fist* And vista!! *shakes fist wildly* try: WINDOWS VISTA / 7 BETA: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\ArmA2
  9. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    I think Zipper5 is using the new beta patch while I am using patch 1.04. There was a transition between 1.02 or 1.03 to 1.03 or 1.04 where all the object ID's on the map changed but other than that the majority of changes from 1.04 to the new beta are AI I think. If anyone else experiences the same problems as Maturin then please let me know. As it stands I can't pinpoint the glitches on your end but what you could do if you have time; is to play the mission up until Yuri doesn't move and then go into the following folder: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2 then open up arma2.rpt with txt editor and copy paste the last couple of lines. It may tell me more. If you do so make sure you load up arma2, play the mission and then exit arma2 without playing any other mission. I am not sure if this will help but it may give me an idea if there's an error happening by script and where it may be coming from. Thanks mate. :)
  10. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Ok something is very strange there then since I havn't got any script running that kills any CDF nor is there one. So far Zipper5 and i have managed to complete the mission with no bugs to report. Maturin are you experiencing any problems with any other user made mission or the retail campaign?
  11. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Thank you for the feedback Tzvetoslav :) Please let me know how your play test of the mission went and let me know your likes and dislikes/comments / suggestions as I rarely make a mission type like the uploaded beta. Thanks :) Also please don't be afraid to say that you found it or something in the mission dissapointing as this will help me avoid building certain missions/styles etc that aren't liked by players in the future. Thank you.
  12. Hi I am just wondering what the moveingunner command is for the BMP3 sidegunners. Since the BMP3 has 3 gunner positions. Thanks.
  13. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Once I finish The Cause 2, I will see if I can help out with porting TC1.
  14. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Apparently project OAC was working on porting The Cause 1 to ARMA2. I am not sure how far they've gotten or if they will manage with the mess of sqs scripts :o Project OAC (http://dev-heaven.net)
  15. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Thanks man I really appreciate your show of support :) I hope The Cause 2 lives up to your expectations hehe :) The pressure is on haha I never made a Chapter 2 for The Cause i am afraid :( I decided to start over again for ARMA2. I did however make a mission called Endpoint Mountain Thunder which was supposed to be a short campaign but I ended up running out of time after the first mission was done. You can check it out here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3974
  16. Tried setpos-ing the player into position and that seems to work. While the AI I have made locally spawned units attached to the tank. That combination works.
  17. Hi, I have a Russian tank and have attached various units on top of it. The problem is if I make one of them the player, the LOD during driving etc or between switching to 3rd/1st person is quite shocking as nearby attached units on the tank will use a far away distant lod and not switch back to a close higher poly lod. Has anyone encountered this? Any suggestions? I've looked at some of the attachto topics but they don't mention anything about the LOD probs. Also I am noticing on the map that these friendly units do not update their position on the map. Ie: A unit attached to a moving tank may appear as a dot on the map at the original position. I am almost wondering whether that is partially the problem.
  18. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Hi Jasonnoguchi, thank you very much for the kind feedback. :) I have a paypal account email: rejenorst@hotmail.com but please don't feel obliged to make donations. I am trying to get as much work done on my missions as possible over the next month and hope to get another 4-5 missions out but my shedule is constantly mucked about. I will continue my work while overseas (I spend alot of time overseas for studying) but will have trouble making the voice recordings so I have to try and get as much done now as possible. Also if your a mission maker enthusiast feel free to use any music or sound files from my website: www.rejenorst.com (right click to download the music). I will update that website with a soundpack for U.S. radio voices before I leave that will enable mission makers to string together sentences such as "This is..." "Alpha" "2"! "Request Air support" "at grid point..." "1,2,4,5, etc" Thanks again. Check out the Beta of the first mission of The Cause 2 to see if you enjoy it.
  19. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Thanks man I will try the joinas command, I have never used it before :) Also have added your mirror to the first post thanks again :)
  20. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8KZN65Y8 -Fixed alot of error messages if not all of them (Have done some major script cleaning up) (I didn't get any more error messages the last few times I played). -Attempted to speed/force Yuri's run at the start of mission. -Attempted to hasten the group leaders movement onto the waypoint at the start of the forest area. (Success varies but seemed ok last few attempts). -Some minor fixes. I will probably release one more beta with a few other odds and ends tied up. If everything works the way it should then the final version will be in the Campaign.
  21. From my initial experiments that may not be nessicary. Having units spawned locally and attached to the tank seems to work alot better than units placed within the editor. Its just annoying if I want to attach the player, and if I setpos the player every few seconds to avoid his LOD dropping to 50 polygons it will reset and jerk the players view to stare straight ahead every few seconds.
  22. hmmm seems it happens less to units created locally through a script rather than units that are placed inside the editor. Thats pretty strange. I am now considering how and whether to make the player a spawned local unit. Just wondering how to go about that. If I don't do it then the players LOD switches to far away low poly. It seems the engine registers the models as being at their original starting location. It does this less with the locally spawned units that are attached to an object.
  23. Hi I've got a whole bunch of scripts running, some for waypoints others to get units to move pronto. I seem to be getting this pop up on screen with the showScriptErrors turned on: Its doesn't say error and i am not experiencing anything abnormal but I am wondering if anyone knows what this is in relation too? I need some help in narrowing down the problem of where this message might be originating from as I have a fair few scripts running. has anyone else had this before and what was it in relation to? Thanks.
  24. rejenorst

    Wierd error

    Will do. Thank you for the pointer :)
  25. rejenorst

    [SP] The Cause 2 - Mission Beta Tests

    Ah no worries. I will definately fix this next beta. :)