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Everything posted by rejenorst

  1. Yeah I had thought of attachto with a gamelogic to the players head but I yeah I think it's impossible to access the infantry model heads as an object. I'll look into cursor target. Also I found this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/positionCameraToWorld Dunno if this command might come in handy. There's a community addon which allows for functions related to player head dir. EDIT: Have found the following topic which would be my best lead at the moment: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91431
  2. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Have upload version 0.9. Mission is now ready to be mirrored. Please report any bugs etc here. Thank you.
  3. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    DER EINSATZ Not a great mission or anything but just a play around with some ideas I had in my head. This is also the first time I have made a hostage rescue mission. The situation is that a member of the KSK has been taken hostage by insurgents. This presents a political PR nightmare. In addition U.S. forces are scheduled to attack the area within the next 24 hours meaning that the hostage could be moved or executed. Your part of a KSK team that is tasked with rescuing and extracting the hostage. Mission voice acting in German, subtitles/text in English. Spelling is in English as ARMA2 English versions are not umlaut compatible is seems. Please note that this mission requires both ARMA2 and ARMA2:OA This only shows if showscript errors is on. The bug does not interfere with gameplay/mission and is harmless. Its related to the HALO script and there's not much I can do about it when it does pop up. It will pop up when you press certain keys. 2) LOD's in the plane may be buggy on ocassion. This was not a problem in the previous patch and has now reappeared for me in 1.10. Have adjusted scripts to compensate as much as possible. ADDITIONAL THANKS: -Hengist -Wellenbrecher -Rule zum Rabensang -Ritter Dummbatz -lorsi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. I ran some brief tests with the AI and they seem to be hitting the buildings with their bomblaunchers. However I think they do it only once. Which is fine, I think you end up having to respawn the marker in order to get them to target a new building/location. What are your findings? Also if your interested, this is my hellfire mission using the laser targeting system (ASL): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14584
  5. I don't know if it's worthwhile but maybe sometime down the track you can do a seperate mission, king of the hill zombie romp mode lol. Where you basically have a hill top position with plenty of guns and have to defend against waves of zombies. Maybe make it a desert location mission or something. Ala evil dead. Just a thought but not really nessecary.
  6. Nikita approves :D Good to see it released :D Awesome! Its addon free too. Am downloading now! EDIT: Lol whoa! That's pretty freaky! I tried running past the zombies and had a tail of them hot on my heels. Managed to run into the town center and decided to run up the hotel stairs with zombies in hot pursuit. Turned around at the top of the stairs to unload a clip into the oncoming zombies and then tried to reload while running past the stairs to the another hotel room and got slashed. Thumbs up!! Also liked the music and the zombie sounds feel like their getting closer and breathing down your neck! Really well done. Also the civi zombies are scary in the way they move :) http://www.imageupload.org/?d=3FB1C3151 Behind you... Oh noes! :)
  7. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    I've got you covered to some degree (Large ingame arrow attached above unit). I just need to make sure that you'll be able to follow the group to the waypoint. I'll do some tests in expert mode. So far I have all the scripts working, it is pretty difficult to get within ten meters of the poor sod. I have a script that gently regulates his velocity to match your position but what ends up happening is quite interesting and looks almost realistic. I'll post a vid of it in a bit.
  8. Hi, thanks for the speedy reply. Its a SP mission not a MP but your right I may have to extract the Halo_init.sqs from the pbo. Alternatively I could kill him before he hits the ground. Now I am looking at ways of killing a unit without bloodying him.
  9. I am doing a mission were one of your tasks is to help a fellow squad member open his reserve parachute. I have HALO working etc etc What I am trying to figure out is if there is a way to get a unit who is using HALO to force open his parachute? Have looked through the actions lists but there is nothing there. Failing that a way to disable HALO in mid air would also be good. Keep in mind that the unit needs to be able to move around during the halo script which is why I am not just using the halo anim and activating the halo script after task completion. Thanks.
  10. Hi, I have been searching around for what I can find for either creating or manipulating the weather module/script to create clouds where I want them. I currently have a high altitude paradrop mission and am looking for some way of creating clouds (can be really basic like thin strip clouds etc). This thread was the closest I came to: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83592&highlight=clouds Has anyone figured out a way to change the cloud altitude level of the weather module script(s). Or to create clouds at high altitude. My basic attempts of creating particles around the player with a high ceiling didn't go so well. This is the scene it's for: wH7btzuDpNk
  11. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Planning on doing a KSK short mission voiced in German with English subs. One of the scenes will involve jumping from a Cj130 at 11,000 meters (SF HALO jumping altitude between 7500 -11000 meters I think.) Anyway wanted to do a scene where one of your squad member's parachute fails or something and you have to go and help him deploy his reserve shoot or risk looking a man for the mission. I've coded the scene however I am not sure if it's worthwhile. Let me know what you think, I am considering coding in some clouds if possible: wH7btzuDpNk
  12. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Cheers man! Thanks for the feedback :) Outside of the flight path button I haven't made any changes nor have I removed any speed key (wasn't actually aware helicopters had the same control system as tanks, I've never noticed it anyway, but one explanation for any inconsistencies is that your the group leader riding as gunner rather than the gunner himself (possibly)). Yeah it's sadly a non comprehensive/makeshift way of dealing with the limitations of the helicopter control system as gunner and is only there to enable the player to be able to have some form of general control mechanism as gunner as generally I have none in ARMA2 when flying gunner. That's probably the best way of doing it I reckon +/- 50 and +/- 10 and +/- 5. If I make another heli mission I will update this one with some of the listed suggestions. Cheers man thanks again for the feedback. Hope to make another one soon.
  13. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    The comm panel dialogue is no problem as that is handled client side and I've managed to get a client side dialogue done before and tested. However, sounds, mission objective markers and scripted variables may need to be converted to MP. I will need to spend some time in analyzing what needs to be converted. Testing is also difficult for me as my connection isn't that good.
  14. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    I suppose its true for the mission itself but maybe future helicopter missions will require some of your other suggestions, I am currently working on 2 other missions, 1 is the next mission from hunted (will make about 1-3 more missions for a mini campaign). And the other I am working on is a mission called Insertion but it's complicated and I have had to start from scratch to try stepping stones to achieve what I want hehe. Feel free to jot your thoughts down as I find it rewarding and appreciative that people take the time to check out my missions. Thanks :) It's not hard if you've coded dialogs before but your welcome to copy paste code from Hellfire mission and use the sounds for your own mission if you like. Just extract the pbo into a folder.
  15. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    @EricFr: Good idea I think I will add that. @Jrock: Thanks man totally appreciate the feedback, it keeps me wanting to make more missions :) You make some great suggestions which I think should not be to hard to implement. I will try and add them this week. 1: This is something I really wanted and will try and get done as a priority. I will probably add a button in the commpanel menu for rotation. I asked around in the mission editing forum and got some positive responses. Will have to play around with it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121093 2: This is easy to implement. let me know a few heights you want and I'll add them. 3: This is another thing I thought about doing. I just need to plan it out before I script it so that the waypoints are deleted automatically when the player changes his mind. 4:I should be able to implement a halt command, I am using the move command at the moment for waypoint designation in the commpanel. I have noticed that the helicopter will continue to try and complete the waypoint after I have space bar moved him somewhere else, unless I reuse the move command, in which case I can just set the move command to the heli's current position. Lol sorry was just typing my thoughts as they came so answer is yes this is easy to implement. Will add a stop button to commpanel.
  16. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Coding for MP is another can of beans for me as many commands have to be rewritten so that all clients are in sync with the server. I need more time to work with MP code. So far I have only tested one of my missions in MP with one other player but I still have a bit of learning to do in that area. If I get more time to focus on MP missions I will try and release something with air/infantry combinations.
  17. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Have uploaded another version of hellfire mission, have edited the above post and front page post as needed. Mission is pretty much complete and will probably only see another version if people really want me to implement suggestions. Suggestions welcome. Thanks. EDIT: Have uploaded v0.91 of Hellfire (refer above to changelog details). V0.91 only add a keydone command in description.ext so that your mission shows up as completed in the Scenario menu after finishing the mission. Have also uploaded version 1 of Hunted which makes some minor improvements, but it also stops you from loosing your savegame when Yuri is killed. Refer to page 1 for details and download link. Please note that I have also left Armaholic links to older versions. Version information is specified next to links.
  18. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    HELLFIRE Last night, Bravo Company of the 115th Mechanized Infantry Battalion (Task Force Bayonet), managed to setup a forward operating base in an abandoned military compound north of Zargabad. Viper55, which is attached to the same brigade, has landed there for emergency refueling. The enemy garrison in Zargabad is unable to launch any significant counter attacks, since most of the enemy's 201st infantry division is thinly stretched across the south to protect major supply lines running between Zargabad and Takistan. Air reconnaissance suggests that more than half of the enemy's 201st Infantry Division has been pulled back into Takistan to join the ongoing fighting there. Intel on the ground suggests that the enemy has a major lack of anti-air defense systems. However, recent information from a high level informant has revealed that the Zargabad garrison has just received additional weapon and munitions shipments. The informant will be sending us specific locations as to where these weapons are being stored. Given this state of events; Lt. Colonel Briggs has ordered the 115th to establish a foothold in Zargabad as quickly as possible.
  19. Cheers will play around with some of these suggestions and see if I can get a simple N,S,SW,SE,NW,NE direction system happening. I can confirm that Setformdir only works on man units.
  20. I am trying to find a way to get a helicopter pilot to rotate in the direction of a laser target. When playing as gunner, the setting of waypoints via the move command have to be apprx 200 meters from the heli. Any help would be appreciated. Have tried dotarget but this gives me an error. Dowatch and lookat don't work either. Thanks.
  21. Hi F2k Sel. Yeah I know what you mean about the laser. The command I gave you will stop the laser from going inside the building and will have it rest on the rooftop. This isn't a perfect setup but its the best I can do at the moment. Its better suited for hellfire rockets but I haven't tested it with jet bombs yet. Here's a video of mine using the command for hellfire laser target designation (note that the laser doesn't spawn on the building centers which leaves me free to manually place the lasers whereas you will probably want to setpos it onto the building center):
  22. You can try this, (got the idea from another thread about soldiers on roof tops): This will more or less place the object to which you've attached the marker directly on the first point of contact down from 30 meters. (I assume most buildings in A2 are under 30 meters but there are some exceptions like mosques in OA etc. So adjust as you see fit.
  23. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    @Maturin: A New War mission is very intensive on the pc specs as there are a lot of units running around. I am ditching the current campaign for The Cause 2 and will try and do a few more Insurgent missions and possibly redo the storyline from there with Yuri and the player fighting within the insurgent ranks rather than Russian military. It would allow alot more flexibility. Also I don't want to overwhelm the player with to many written details at this point and am not sure if I will bring Yuri back into it or what I am doing exactly. Will just have to see how the mission design vs time goes. If anything will be a number of seperate missions that develop the story further. Problem is getting the Russian actors for it. I have generic russian commands for movements etc which I will probably use while character dialogue will be in english/english russian accent. If I can get enough missions to tie together I'll make a short campaign, if not then I'll just have them as single missions that are loosely related. @J rock: I will try and make missions with lower specs in mind if I make more along those lines. Thanks for the feedback glad you enjoyed the mission :) @Alwarren: I have noticed this as well, yuri will sometimes run back and look as if he's healing himself or someone else. I usually speed up the time until he returns to the waypoints. Not sure why he does it exactly. I may not be able to do a lot about it but will check into it.
  24. rejenorst

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Cheers man! Glad the mission is going down well :)
  25. rejenorst

    User mission requests!

    I have something along those lines Taro: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107240 Look at the Hunted mission. Its not exactly what you described but: You are hunted by the enemy Dogs are implemented Dramatic music Atmospheric weather Dogs barking etc