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Posts posted by Rikus

  1. I was playing a mission, it was night, and i was lay at ground, with an AK47 AKS74UN shot to a soldier, but a patrol of 4 soldiers that was at 200 meters can hear it? also see throug thicket?

    And with sun they can hit you at 400 meters with AK or M4?


  2. I hope for next patch, we don´t need to download again 1.05, and make that 1.06 have previous patchs upgrades.

    Someone knows any date for next patch? also orientative date?


  3. Hellow this is my first post.

    I have euro version of ArmA 505, so i download the patch of 228 megas.

    After installation the patch i run the game, and all appear as standard, the graphic configuration, the controls and in english instead of spanish.

    Well, i go to the options and change it all, and tell me to reboot the game, and when i run it again, appears again all in standard configuration, as if i don´t change anything.

    My PC:

    - Asus P4P800

    - P4 2.600@2.730 HT FSB 800

    - 2x512 DDR 400 Dual Channel

    - Asus 6800GT@ULTRA 256 DDR3

    - Seagate 120 gygas Serial Ata

    Drivers 93.71 WHQL

