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About Richieb0y

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. Richieb0y


    can i recruit Ai it looks fun will try it when at home
  2. Hi this is a really nice tool but have some problems with some things. I use the ACRE_V1.2.9.349_StandAlone_X64 and then I went to update to ACRE_V1.2.10.381_x64 but then Acre says error every few minutes or I can not join channel anyone knows something
  3. Hi i have a i7 HT enable for me its better then off just try whats best for you and daily work
  4. its not the CGI its the tank sound of the gun it sounds like a laser
  5. Richieb0y

    E3 - Arma 3?

    new trailer of arma 3 linky http://www.insidegamer.nl/pc/arma-iii/videos/20385
  6. hi guys check the new arma 3 trailer if the end is true and we be pew pew at each other then im gone lol heres the link http://www.insidegamer.nl/pc/arma-iii/videos/20385
  7. Hi it looks great but where can i download it. On the site you post i cant understand one thing lol i get this Vos droits ne sont pas suffisants pour télécharger ce fichier
  8. Richieb0y

    WarFX Particles

    OS did enlist the army right?. if he got the job then i understand why he dont like working on BC in the weekend. so we all have to wait so grab some beer and go out to party. :)
  9. i almost have always 30-60fps cant go any higher because of vsync i only have lag sometimes but thats always the server side. and dont play much online because i cant find good servers that is really based on teamwork. stk2008 where your from mabye we could play a round sometimes
  10. Richieb0y

    Bad serial number given in set up?

    contact Steam there support is great they will help you whit the serial
  11. Richieb0y

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    oke i see the sigh up too bad i have late shift. maybe next week and i i keep this thread in my sights.
  12. Richieb0y

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    hey im check the site almost daily but i never see anybody online what happend whit the you guys
  13. Richieb0y

    Topic : ARMA2 ArrowHead Kick out

    hi did you have it defragged and does it crash when you play the campaign and scenarios or if in the editor. and can you test the memory whit memtest maybe your ram is faulty or heavily stressed. because at time my game ask for 2gb and windows wants 1400mb so im using 3,5gb if that's the case then your windows will crash.
  14. @stk2008 hey im using the ati 10.8 and everything is running fine i see a lot of problems here but there is one thing i notice. If you guys have a virus scanner then turn Real time scanning off or exclude the Arma .exe files
  15. Richieb0y

    CD Key won't work

    Hi bring it back and ask for a Sealed copy. maybe someone bought it and returned it but he did take the key and installed on his PC