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Everything posted by RockIslandMarine

  1. RockIslandMarine

    Operation Frenchpoint Release #6

    I have great respect for France (because my family fled France's revolution) if it was not for France America would not be it's own country and I am the nephew of a Legionnaire. Viva la France(? i thank that is how it is spelled) Nice job my uncle likes the mod.
  2. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry Pack 1

    I was thanking of using the 6X6 used for the Iran Force mod the jeep form the FIA Desert mod, one is going to be mounted with an anti-tank cannon. i thank i will use the bis fia truck. and modifying a dune buggy. Don't count one them being done for a while because i need to buy a new photo shop program and learn how to use it
  3. RockIslandMarine

    Tonal Update

    Cool! We should use the forms to make some of the missions
  4. RockIslandMarine

    RHS Suggestions for future add-ons

    How dose the Ka-28 Balance out the OH-58? the Ka-28 is a transport helo and the OH-58 is recon. Some other ideas are the MI-1/SM-1, MI-4, and the MI-14 HAZE. Or MiG-15Bis 'Fagot', MiG-17 'Fresco', MiG-21'Fishbed' Czilim (Project 20910) Class Light Hovercraft Luaz-96 Amphibious Battlefield Support Vehicle Redo the SU-25 'Frogfoot' I have more ideas.
  5. RockIslandMarine

    Tonal Update

    i thank some knew coop missions would be cool Not only with a larger desert map we could have a large flag mach using tanks
  6. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry Pack 1

    maybe i should scale down the # of Vehicles
  7. RockIslandMarine

    Stargate mod, important!

    Why cant we all be friends We can always ask them if the mod can still be made with there name. Free Advertising. if they are aloud to put-in there input, my be even an ad for there new game. What is the worst they can say (no). and if they say no say OK and change names and keep it going at all cost
  8. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry Pack 1

    PT-76 Light Amphibious Tank M113A2 APC CADILLAC GAGE LAV-150 COMMANDO with 90MM GUN ALVIS SARACEN APC (6x6) M151 Multi-Utility Tactical Truck (MUTT) with M2 and                         M20 105 mm Recoilless Rifle BMP 2 BDRM 1 & 2 B1 Centauro tank destroyer VBC 8x8 APC and URAL truck this are my ideas for land vechiles for Nogovan Armed Forces. if some one will help me i will start working on them maybe Nogovan Forces could mod an existing vehicles like armoring a jeep and mounting a light cannon on the top
  9. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry Pack 1

    once i learn how to take pics with ofp i have an idea for apc, aa, and aircraft. there is a jeep with recoilless rifle on it. it works good for the armor harassment job (harassing armor is and old idea i had if you can move vary fast with light vehicles armed with large weapons you can out run and out gun a platoon of t-72 EAZY)
  10. RockIslandMarine

    my tonal supplements

    Just whant to know how it is going? hope it is looking good Could not let it die Give me some news
  11. RockIslandMarine

    Island beta : P2006 (working name)

    Like the island:notworthy: you should try AEF? Train pack, there are some new Bridges that the train can use. as far as i know no other islands use the bridges
  12. RockIslandMarine

    Tonal Update

    that is what kept me form completing my engineer pack atleast you are able to recover your work all of mine was lost
  13. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry Pack 1

  14. RockIslandMarine

    Tonal Update

    how is it all coming along Ebud? Now Tonal will be great... Good work
  15. RockIslandMarine

    RHS releases

    Kick @$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  16. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry BETA Release

    Tracked Vehicle Mechanic Ex. EOD  I still thank that the M-60A1 would be Cool and the M-59 APC would do for Troop transport and the Waffenträger Wiesel 1 MK/TOW dont forget the JEEP. i say retex the standerd jeep, jeep w/ machine gun, and jeep open (dont know where i found it but it's cool), make other Jeeps too.
  17. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry BETA Release

    Are you accusing the USMC of something? Some one say USMC I live and work for the marines
  18. RockIslandMarine

    Tonal Update

    My GF left me becouse i play to much and work to long LOL Hay is the big tree place still on the map or is it gone
  19. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry BETA Release

    it looks good i like it:D By the way Body armor is expensive so the thin look is good
  20. RockIslandMarine

    Saria Island

  21. RockIslandMarine

    Tonal Update

  22. RockIslandMarine

    OFP Navy

  23. RockIslandMarine

    Tonal Update

    COOOOL!!!!!!! cant what for next week
  24. RockIslandMarine

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    I counted each floor as Two houses.
  25. RockIslandMarine

    my tonal supplements

    Have you thought about plains like Cavlier F-51D Mustang MK2  Supped-up P-51 used by South American and Asian   nations, my books say it was retired  but some could still be in service with small airforces for  counter Insurgency. they came in   one and Two seaters and had wingtip tanks and taller  vertical fin. Ilyushin il-28 Bomber (Footmunch) North American (Rockwell) OV-10 Bronco A-26 Invader (Footmunch) And is the Bottom right PIC on your fist post a Cessna A-37 Dragonfly I thank the roundels form footmunch look good maybe you should use them