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About RyanM

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Occupation
    College Student
  1. Hey. Just had a little question. I have seen a few AI modulars that are suppose to improve the combat AI and make it more realistic; was just wonder what one (or ones) are the most effective? And perhaps which ones are the easiest to set up. Thanks in advance
  2. Is there a way to make a trigger that can only be activated by the player unit? :confused: Trigger keeps getting activated by the AI.
  3. Thanks. That was surprisingly easier then I thought it would be. lol
  4. Ok, so im sure there is a way, and I just have not put in the right keywords into the search function. But how to I remove a unit from the game world? I have this helicopter set up to insert my team then fly away. But I want to remove the unit when it gets to its last waypoint (which happens to be out in the middle of the ocean). There is no point in just having it hover there until it runs out of fuel and crashes. I can turn off the AI but the unit is still there, I want to be able to completely remove it from the game world. Could somebody help me? Or point me in the right direction. Thanks
  5. thanks, that got it working. Cellus you where right, had to change taskcompleted Capturebase to taskcompleted tskcapturebase
  6. thanks for the help, i will give it a true. Man this whole objective thing seemed a lot easier back in OFP....lol
  7. Ok so here is the problem. I have a trigger set up that is set activated to by activated by anybody. In the "On Act." field is tskCaptureBase = player createSimpleTask ["capture Base"];tskCaptureBase setsimpledescription ["Capture Enemy Base", Capture Base", "Enemy Base"];tskCaptureBase setsimpletaskdestination (getMarkerPos "base"). All of this is working correctly. Then I have another trigger around the base that is activated when OPFOR "Not Present" and the "On Act" field in this trigger is tskCaptureBase setTaskState "Succeeded"; This also seems to be working right. My problem happens when I want to end the mission. How do I make the mission end when all the tasks are compelete? I searched the forum and found one post that said to make a end trigger with this in the On Act. field "taskCompleted TASKNAME" (in my case I put it as taskCompleted CaptureBase) but when I do that a message comes up in the editor saying "Type Bool, expected Nothing". When I type it as "taskcompletedCaptureBase" (without space) it will let me through without the warning message coming up but it doesnt end the mission when the task is complete. Does someone know what the problem is? How do I make the mission end when the task has been completed? thank you
  8. Ok, so I have the SOM support set up and working (im using the tactical airstike and aerial recon supports). The SOM manger is set up with the "this setvariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]]" so no missions are being called and a timeout trigger with the "[["tactical_airstrike", "aerial_reconnaissance"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;" but I can only get one support request from each support unit. I tried adding the "[["tactical_airstrike", "aerial_reconnaissance"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;" more than once in the trigger that im using to trigger the supports in hopes that it added one request for each command line but that doesn't work (you know..add two command line requests for a tactical airstrike and you get two airstrikes, add three and you get three, etc). Trying to figure this out and so far I have not found anything telling me how to do this on the Sec Ops Manger BI wiki page (or any of the module wiki pages). Can anybody help me get unlimited (or at least a few) support requests? thanks
  9. Is there a way to set it so that once the air unit reaches a certain level of fuel (uses up the fuel to a certain level) it will automatically go back to full fuel? Because this mission that I am making takes kind of a long time to complete, and the air unit is on a guard waypoint flying around so it has already reached all its waypoints. Or something I can input to make the unit not lose fuel at all?
  10. I searched but couldn't find anything so...is there anyway to give a air unit unlimited fuel? Thanks
  11. Im making a mission of my own and I want to be able to calling in a airstrike, I have searched the forums and found some different ways to do it but I want to be able to call in a airstrike and have it function like the one in the Village Sweep SP mission. I put the Village Sweep SP mission in the editor to see if I could figure out what script/module/something the mission uses to call in a airstrike but could not figure it out. Anybody have a clue? Can someone help me? Thanks in advance (If you haven't played the Village Sweep mission basically you go to the "communication" then "1 Request Support" then "1 Tactical Airstrike (CAS)" and it spawns two AV-8B's with LGB's and they fly in and drop a bomb or two on whatever target you have designated with the laser. Also you are able to call then in more than once.)
  12. No Use For A Name: Yea its the default BIS model, it happens with different units sometime, like datter said about the main units in the campaign (face textures white, and hats disappearing also happens. And every once in a while I will also get it where you can just see the heads of the people in the helicopters through the model. The hat thing and the head showing though the model (like in the pics I posted) only show up when I get close to the unit, once you reach a certain distance all is fine with the model (hat shows up on the model correctly)
  13. I have been getting this strange graphics error with some of the soldier models. Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? My system: Windows Vista 32bit Intel Core 2 Duo 6700 (overclocked to 3.0GHz) 2 GB RAM GeForce GTX 285 (With latest driver package/186.18) nForce 680i motherboard -Getting the problem regardless of processor overclock http://img195.imageshack.us/i/arma22009070814382515.png/ http://img41.imageshack.us/i/arma22009070814383002.png/ http://img188.imageshack.us/i/arma22009070814385835.png/
  14. RyanM

    Screen flashing white

    Downloaded and tried the Forceware 160.04 drivers from www.guru3d.com, but it did not work. No one has any ideas for me?
  15. RyanM

    Screen flashing white

    The screen starts flashing white when the look in the direction of the sun, and then it stays flashing. I guess I will have to play the game with out looking in the direction of the sun, until I can find a fix.