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Everything posted by roland_09

  1. Hey, I felt like playing ArmA2 again... so I launched Operation Arrowhead from my Steam library. Instead, DayZ comes up. Why? I want to play Operation Arrowhead. That's why I click on Operation Arrowhead. Not DayZ. Still, DayZ launches. Same with the British Armed Forces DLC. I launch this from Steam... guess what comes up? Yep. DayZ. Why?
  2. roland_09

    CoC Command Engine X

    Is there a chance that anybody is still playing ArmA for CEX's sake and reading this? CEX is running fine in SP or the editor, but for the life of me, I can't get it to run in MP - not even missions like "US Army Cavalry Troop" by Solomani, which were designed from the start to be MP missions. There just is no way to open the CEX interface. I feel really stupid now. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.