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Everything posted by Raaq

  1. Raaq

    FOR WH40K fan

    I would like to see them too
  2. Raaq

    FOR WH40K fan

    I still have one last question..is this mod going be on of those which eat your computer alive? i mean is it going to be laggy with my 1.2ghz and 256ram machine? lol i just bookmarked this topic oh and nice icons
  3. Raaq

    FOR WH40K fan

    rofl well i hope the animations will work out fine and i can't wait for the first release I hope it will be soon
  4. Raaq

    FOR WH40K fan

    Could you take also screen from the actual animations   if you'r not busy of course  it would be quite nice to see them
  5. Raaq

    FOR WH40K fan

    how about the space marines? they have all the default ofp animations?
  6. Raaq

    FOR WH40K fan

    Have the "getting prone" function disabled from also from the regular troops? (if i understand correctly they have been disabled at least from the termies?) it's just that i don't see anyone being prone in the pics sorry for the english.. i'm from finland you know