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About Red_Devil

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  1. Red_Devil

    FPS problem - please help

    Sanyix I have no shadows on, details as possible minimum. in DxDLL all off except PFS counter. Its not becouse of map or too many things on it. I have no Pentium II 300 with 128MB Ram. There is SOMETHING wrong that FPS can drop from 40 to 7 in 30min and cant go back again to 40. When I leave server list screen, FPS go buck to 70 again. Something eat my FPS. ExtracTioN Now I feel that I must check verry old drivers. Becouse in past I have no problems. I will try this with deleting all running programs like Skype, Net monitors, CPU Cool etc. I also readed that I must have small aperture size in Bios. And I alvays give big one becouse I thinked it helps. STGN I use NoMap. without this some time ago my OFP not get up becouse of some strange addons needed to on some strange servers. Hmm good hint. I will check it.
  2. Red_Devil

    FPS problem - please help

    Sanyix I have no shadows on, details as possible minimum. in DxDLL all off except PFS counter. Its not becouse of map or too many things on it. I have no Pentium II 300 with 128MB Ram. There is SOMETHING wrong that FPS can drop from 40 to 7 in 30min and cant go back again to 40. When I leave server list screen, FPS go buck to 70 again. Something eat my FPS. ExtracTioN Now I feel that I must check verry old drivers. Becouse in past I have no problems. I will try this with deleting all running programs like Skype, Net monitors, CPU Cool etc. I also readed that I must have small aperture size in Bios. And I alvays give big one becouse I thinked it helps. STGN I use NoMap. without this some time ago my OFP not get up becouse of some strange addons needed to on some strange servers. Hmm good hint. I will check it.
  3. Red_Devil

    FPS problem - please help

    Hi. I have strange problem. When OFP start I have 80fps (DXDLL). When game start (mosly MFCTI) I have maybe 40-50 and then FPS drop down slowly. 38, 36, .....20......10, 8, 6 So after half hour I play in OFP Comix with below 10fps. 2 weeks ago I reinstaled OFP to check if this is problem of my old fat 4GB OFP copy. I have details on minimum, reduced texture sizes on OFPres_preferences to 512. reduced lights to 20. In my OFP I have 2GB of addons and no any Finmods, WGL etc. I have AMD2000+@2000MHz, 1GB DDR RAM, Abit NF7-s 2.0, Radeon 9800SE@XT, Win XP Pro, DX/OGL details at best performance with 2x AA. In Bios fast RAM timings with different options ON or OFF (I checked different possibilites). Nothing change. In GTA:VC I have full details and alot of FPS and on that old shity game I cant play. Its really hard to aim anything below 20fps but possible, but below 10 its impossible anymore (including walking). What the hell is going on ? Any suggestions ? I remember that some months ago I have no problems with FPS. I have no high FPS like now at start screen (70-80), but it newer drop below 20fps in game.
  4. Red_Devil

    FPS problem - please help

    Hi. I have strange problem. When OFP start I have 80fps (DXDLL). When game start (mosly MFCTI) I have maybe 40-50 and then FPS drop down slowly. 38, 36, .....20......10, 8, 6 So after half hour I play in OFP Comix with below 10fps. 2 weeks ago I reinstaled OFP to check if this is problem of my old fat 4GB OFP copy. I have details on minimum, reduced texture sizes on OFPres_preferences to 512. reduced lights to 20. In my OFP I have 2GB of addons and no any Finmods, WGL etc. I have AMD2000+@2000MHz, 1GB DDR RAM, Abit NF7-s 2.0, Radeon 9800SE@XT, Win XP Pro, DX/OGL details at best performance with 2x AA. In Bios fast RAM timings with different options ON or OFF (I checked different possibilites). Nothing change. In GTA:VC I have full details and alot of FPS and on that old shity game I cant play. Its really hard to aim anything below 20fps but possible, but below 10 its impossible anymore (including walking). What the hell is going on ? Any suggestions ? I remember that some months ago I have no problems with FPS. I have no high FPS like now at start screen (70-80), but it newer drop below 20fps in game.