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About Rambo-16AAB

  • Rank
    Gunnery Sergeant
  1. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Good idea. problem is I didnt take any screen shots during the earlier stages, and even if I did, who would believe me.
  2. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Well there has pretty much been a witch hunt going on since this project was started by those who would have rather not seen this project started, so no surprise this is comming from the same. As for the lynx, the one you have produced as a match i can safely say ive never seen it before. Dong one with wheeles was te reason that I chose one with wheeles, ive only ever seen scren shots of the usual TOW armed with skids. The permissions issue is a non starter, we have always seeked permission, most reciently was the Merlin, and I have even approached BIS re perssion about their moddified landrovers because of the MLOD post that arose. Why should I steal anything now ? Permission before release has been and always will be the policy. Take youe insecurities & your witch hunt else where.
  3. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Well, the Lynx for example is already flying in game. Thats went from prototype to flyable model in a week, give or take a day or so. Our production line is running flat out at the moment.
  4. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    The plan is not to publicly release anything untill the Full version of V1.09 is released by BIS. Untill that point we keep aquiring the base units, then improving on them where we can. After the 1.09 full release, we may release a public BETA of the pack to get a better idea of feedback for the people that will be using it. It depends how far we get by that point. We cant use the DKM 432, My 432 was built to that point in 2 hrs as an experiment to see if I could actually do it but will now be shelved once an agreement with JB has been reached for the use of his 432 model. Were trying to get the units to a functional level, then work on the improvements & fine tuning. Current status Landrovers - awaiting texturing & scripting Soldiers - awaiting texturing & scripting Merlin - Receiving first set of tweeks & fixes Gazelle - Finished retexturing, Flight model tweeks pending Puma - awaiting scripting tweeks Lynx - awaiting detailing of the basic model before texturing & scripting Chinook - awaiting retexturing & flight model tweeks AH64 - operational 432's - as per above
  5. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Yep, he grated us permission to use it, so its going to get used in the manor it deserves.
  6. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Merlins in desert trim during flight testing over Tola Farush
  7. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    No plans for ether Wessex or Scout at the moment, but who knows what the future will drop on our doorstep.
  8. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Another Merlin testflight pic :-
  9. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Sent you a PM
  10. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Lol, the guy in the 432 is a placeholder. Hes wearing a Dinner Suit at a coo's lick hairdoo, not a hat. Gave me an idea of the scale of the 432's body so, Dinner suit or tank suit, hes serving his purpose at the moment. hes one of identicle triplets, his brothers are in the Drivers seat & the turret as well, you just cant see them in that shot.
  11. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Its been talked about, but not started yet. BK1276 is dong Troop transport, rearm & refuel version of the Stalwart ( for those who can remember that classic bit of kit )
  12. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    And anoher bit of kit joins our lineup. Thanks to Footmunch for permission, and BK1276 for the conversion work :-
  13. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    Well, Ive been playing with the M113 chasis and ive made a 432ish type model. this is very WIP yet :-
  14. Rambo-16AAB

    Falseprophet's fx mod..

    For the fast rope anim. if you had a sodier in rifle holding position looking up ( as in pointing the rifle to the sky) his hand would be almost in a suitable position, if he didnt actually have the rifle in them .
  15. Rambo-16AAB

    British kit mod for arma

    I know my rear verticle struts are not 100%, but im on the limits of my own capabillities with O2 and I wouldnt be able to animate them. Im passing it to BK1276 for the next phase, so maby he can improve on those a bit. My wheels are actually the front wheel of the BIS example A10 that I resized to fit.