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Posts posted by ROBINO

  1. AI helicopters seem to bleep a warning when they are landing - just before they turn their engine off

    i tested it with simply a 'H' next to a scripted move waypoint with the scripted command CHOPPER land "land"

    i assume this is one of ACE's extra sound effects malfunctioning because i've tested this same thing in vanilla combined ops and there was no bleep

    please say if there is already a ticket for this one

  2. hi

    i made a mission on takistan for my clan to use

    my normal details settings are very low

    when we all got into the mission some people complained of 'low detail' and 'low viewdistace'

    does anyone know to what extent the setting of the mission maker are SAVED to the mission (if at all) - i had always assumed that MP missions run on a dedicaed server always using the detail setting of the server itslef or the admin

    anyone know?

  3. i'm not using a detected by trigger per se - i just mean when ANY OPFOR units spots BLUFOR

    basically every time i observe units on a guard waypoint they attack the nearest enemy (as long as it has been detected) - but i thought that when you place guard triggers they are meant to stay put until the guard trigger is empty - this my assumption

    am i wrong in my assumption?

  4. testing it again in the editor now - i have changed the combat mode to 'open fire' instead of 'no change' and there is no difference

    i have 2 triggers of type 'guarded by OPFOR' which i have remembered which order i have put them in. The 1st guard trigger has a group which start in it so I would have hoped that they would stay put. However, with a BLUFOR group placed appox 1km away and detected by OPFOR at the start of the mission, ALL groups who are on a guard waypoint seem to zerg straight towards the enemy.

    The group which starts at guard trigger 1 seems to hold back a little bit - but eventually they rush off to attack to.

    Has ANYONE got guard waypoints and triggers to work properly?

    My objective is to get them working in a MP mission.

  5. Hi.

    I have a multiplayer mission which I tested last night on a dedicated server and the guard triggers and waypoints for the AI infantry squads don't seem to be working correctly.

    I've placed 2 guard triggers (I know which one I placed first because I have labelled them) and about 6 infantry squads in various locations with a single 'guard' waypoint. 2 of the infantry squads are placed pretty much directly on top of the guard triggers.

    The problem is - that even in the editor, the AI squads closest to the guard triggers seem to want to wander off for 5 minutes at the start of the mission - but they eventually come back to the gaurd trigger. Also, after starting the mission on the dedicated server last night, I observed that many of the infantry squads completely left the 2 guard triggers and attacked straight towards the players.

    It seems the gaurd waypoints and triggers are not working as I had thought they would from this guide:


    does anyone know what's going on?

  6. Terrain interference can be turned off via:

    [0] call acre_api_fnc_setLossModelScale;

    We (ST) have had it off for a bit now, but not because of it causing gameplay issues - rather, we have it off so that we have 100% certainty in identifying ACRE bugs with people cutting out, not hearing other people, etc. Once we're confident that there are no remaining bugs of that nature, we're likely to turn the loss model back on.

    ok sweet - so you just add that to a trigger then so it executes for all?

  7. We have allowed terrain interference to be turned off from day one. I am not going to repeat it because its in our wiki and its been stated a dozen times on how to do it. Distance attenuation still stays though. If you want to get rid of that do what tonci said.

    I think you are referring to the API functions. Is that right?

    From the wiki I've found:



    Parameters: Float

    Example: [0.5] call acre_api_fnc_setLossModelScale;

    Return Value: Float

    Description: Specify and value between 1.0 and 0. Setting it to 0 means the loss model is disabled, 1 is default.


    I don't know exactly what the API functions are - how do I get them to work? Do I have to include that line to be executed for everyone in a trigger in the mission? Or is it some kind of console thing?

    Much appreciated if anyone can answer :)

  8. Can i make a request?

    Can the radios have an 'infinity' power setting?

    After testing some of the radios and looking at the picture below - it has become apparent that 'real'life' radios with their limitations are not what everyone wants.

    I like SOME of the features of ACRE - such as the normal speech mode (ie talking without radios) - also i like the way the radios are implemented with frequencies and nice voice and sound effects to make it really sound like radio chatter.

    However, all the attenuation features are really not wanted - rendering the whole idea of signal power and attenuation/signal loss just an annoyance and something which interferes with the flow of a multiplayer mission.

    If the radios had an 'infinity' power setting it would mean that attenuation would be ignored and everyone could play the game they want to play it - either realistically OR with perfect signals.

    I KNOW, I KNOW that what i'm suggesting sounds like heresy to some people but I'm only thinking about the many, many times that our missions have become LESS FUN because of comms being lost because of ACRE's modelling of attenuation.

    I'd like to pre-emp anyone posting 'just deal with it man' and say to them that they contribute absolutely nothing to this discussion.

    the image shows the reaches of 119's signal when the transmitter is the red dot on the AF

    (apologies for the image size)

    [img ]http://raceriv.com/arma2/test_signal_map.jpg[/img]

  9. If you start next to each other, do radio checks and walk around someone to see if 3d sound is working than your set. It shouldn't just stop working. If you think it stopped working talk to somebody in-game and see if they hear you in 3d or the other way around. If you lose radio communications, like in real life, you need to work around it.

    Hope this helps it might not, I am not an expert.

    we do full radio checks before we begin


    how do we work around the problem when we don't know what's causing the problem? I really need that radio specific detailed info.

    ---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ----------

    we were using 117's in the op tonight with different fire teams spread at no more than 1000m

    we were trying to talk to air support aswell but i think contact was lost at points

    perhaps we could start with some detailed information and people's experiences with the 117's?

  10. Hi all.

    First I would like to say congratulations on an excellent mod - it is very fun to use.

    However, me and my clan UKTF see (http://www.uktf-clan.co.uk/) are using ACRE in every mission but pretty much every mission without fail ACRE ends-up being dissed because people can't tell if its working properly OR if the problems are a result of realistic signal attenuation/loss/occlusion. Nobody has enough experience of real-life radios to tell.

    ACRE has the disadvantage because its installation is slightly more complex than your average ARMA2 mod (needing plugins, TS3, .dll's in correct location, run as admin etc) and his complexity means that when ACRE doesn't work when people expect it to; then it's peoples past experiences with installation problems which come to the fore and the talk seems to be 'ACRE isn't working for me, I couldn't get through, can we drop ACRE'

    I don't want our clan to drop ACRE. If you could provide us with better examples/information about how/when the radios SHOULD and SHOULD NOT work then it won't be the mod that gets the blame it'll be how we are using it.

    The information I need are things like:

    1) what is the maximum range of each radio?

    2) how does the signal power effect the penetration of signals through woods/urban areas?

    3) how does line of sight exactly effect each signal? is it the same for each radio?

    4) can you give full examples (from in-game) of when the signal is and is not lost?

    I've already seen the diagrams here: (http://tracker.idi-systems.com/projects/acre/wiki/Signal_Loss_Information) but they aren't really detailed and don't give an idea of the differences between each radio.

  11. i get the same thing

    i confirm i am using version 1.59 and i actually HAVE the key files in my arma2\addons folder:







    I think they are all there. Also I am using a launcher but why would it load only some of the files from the arma2\addons folder? So I don't think it's a problem with that.

    Can anyone shed any light on this?

  12. Please delete the modfolders and the 7z's. Then run updater option 2, and all will be well.


    ok - done - i've got version 1.186 finally - thnx for the quick response

    I have to say that that what confused me was the suggestion that i had to delete everything in the @ACE and @ACEX folders when the stuff that was in them came from you guys and was put their by your own updater.

    The fact that six couldn't understand it's own file structure just seemed odd to me.

    And the instructions definately say to dl the 7z's before-hand - which seems pointless when the stuff that comes from them just has to be deleted.

    Also, on my first attempt at using the six updater I installed in a different folder to the default one specified on the C:\ drive (it was actually somewhere on the D:\). I found that the updater would not execute (either from web-client or DOS window) until I had uninstalled six - and reinstalled it in the default location on the C:\ drive. Not too sure if were aware of this problem.

  13. i havethe problem with the updater saying:

    "Folder Already exists but seems incompatible. Not Installing"

    but your explanation for the solution at:


    makes no sense to me. Can anyone help?

    I have the modfolders installed with everything that the updaters installed itself (from the 7z's which i dl'd from the official sources)

  14. Can't belive I missed this for so long - its awesome !!

    While trying the simple example mission I couldn't seem to get the chopper to chase after me.  Do I have to wipe-out all the other squads before it is called-in for support ?


    No problem now - I just inserted all groups into the static group array except the one for the chopper and now it chases after me fine.

    Now I'm off to insert plenty of the addons we use into the arrays and see what happens though I'm sure all will work fine smile_o.gif

    My only problem with the script is the limitation of thier being only one target group. In RM brigade we like to use 4-man sections so I will most likely have to go against tradition and use 12-man groups when using this script.

    Otherwise... Keep on Keeping on.

  15. i completed a 'tread water' script some time ago and used it with a modified COC_diver script. Basically, anytime the player wanted to enter a boat on the surface of the water he had to swim to it but then he has to exit the invisible COC boat vehicle before he gets the 'get in' option. My tread water script setpos'd the player just above the waterline in a high speed loop and eliminated the COC invisi boat - voila !!

    Can't remember if i tested it in MP - but it works 100% in SP.

    The treading water is timed for 5 seconds - during that time you have limited field of fire - but you CAN fire. I guess I could change it to add extra field of fire and more adjustability. But firing while treading water !!!!! Puhleezeeee - I didnt make it with this in mind and its a bit cheezy if u ask me.

  16. dont use suspension scripts

    they cause vehicles to vibrate wildly sometimes and occasionally I find it impossible to turn my engine off

    i hate suspension scripts to the extent that i was thinking of opening up the DKM addons and ripping them out manually

    suspension scripts are the epitamy of the idiot addon maker that doensn't realise when his addon is finished. I suspect they spent so much time developing the script that they thought 'what the hell' and put it in anyway. They ARE clever of course, but they add absolutely nothing to the game.


  17. Ok try this on for size:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    init="[_This Select 0] Exec ""\<Addon path goes here>\SoldierInit.sqs""";


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    new_drag_veh = false



    ?(vehicle _this == (nearestobject[_this,"TEN_DragVeh"])) && (driver vehicle _this == _this): goto "loop"

    ?(vehicle _this == (nearestobject[_this,"TEN_DragVeh"])) && (count crew vehicle _this == 1): unassignvehicle _this; _this action ["eject", vehicle _this]; goto "loop"

    ?(vehicle _this == (nearestobject[_this,"TEN_DragVeh"])): goto "loop"

    ?(new_drag_veh) && ((nearestobject[_this,"TEN_DragVeh"]) distance _this < 5): goto "getin"

    goto "loop"


    new_drag_veh = false

    publicvariable "new_drag_veh"

    _veh = nearestobject[_this,"TEN_DragVeh"]

    _this assignascargo _veh

    _this moveincargo _veh

    @(vehicle _this == _veh)

    goto "loop"


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _Injured=_This Select 0



    _dragvehicle = "TEN_DragVeh" createVehicle getPos _Injured

    _inj_original_veh = vehicle _injured

    _drag_original_veh = vehicle _dragby


    _DragBy assignAsDriver _dragvehicle

    _DragBy moveInDriver _dragvehicle

    @(vehicle player != _drag_original_veh)

    new_drag_veh = true

    publicvariable "new_drag_veh"

    @(vehicle player != _drag_original_veh) && (vehicle _DragBy != _inj_original_veh)



    ? count crew vehicle _dragvehicle == 1 : goto "eject"

    ? count crew vehicle _dragvehicle >= 2 : goto "check"


    _DragBy action ["eject", vehicle _DragBy]

    deleteVehicle _dragvehicle


    hmm i rushed it and may have got some of the timings wrong but try it anyhows. it could do with error checking and sending of object names by publicvariable - but u dont need these things for a first try

    new_drag_vehicle is made true by the dragger and triggers the dragee to check for nearby drag vehicles.

    nearestobject is our friend - if it dont work i hope it gives you some ideas anyway

    this one is starting to turn into a toughy
