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Everything posted by Ragnar_Darude

  1. This is how you man the hull-gunner position in the PZ4 and the Sherman by script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldier moveInTurret [tank, [0,1]]; Replace soldier with the crewmember and tank with the name of the tank. Its the same for both the tanks. See more: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInTurret
  2. Ive downloaded the updates and they fix the Sherman and the others but the Pershing still crashes the game for me (i have a ATI-card). How do do the four-seated tanks work? How do I man them, script-wise? You probably know this, but the Sherman commander can fire his gun from inside the tank, but he can't turn out. Maybe you can take a look at the VTE-mod if you want to see how to make that thing work. I'm experienceing som strange sounds when playing multiplayer with myself (other computer as dedicated server). Sounds like the engine sound of a tank plus some strange noises. The Sherman, Pershing, Tiger and Pzkfw IV was in the game. I must say, this mod is AWESOME! I played a long game last nigth and seeing that Tiger roll over the horizon made me nearly shit my pants in excitement! Keep up the good work!
  3. Ragnar_Darude

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Great mod! Really impressive and goodlooking array of units! I noticed a few bugs though: I can't use any of the two west tanks, the Sherman and the Pershing. Arma keep crashing every time I load a mission with me as commander of any of those tanks. The german tanks work fine though. Theres also one texture missing: vilww2\man\brithelmet.paa which seems to be the helmet of the US Gunner BAR - unit... Keep up the good work!
  4. Ragnar_Darude


    You have done a great work with this! Looks amazing, especially on Schmalfelden! The Leopard is one of my favorite tanks and the one i anticipated the most. Looking forward to that Tiger now... Â
  5. Ragnar_Darude

    ArmAlib v1.0

    Just want to inform everyone that I've written a .Net wrapper-library for the ScriptLink feature of ArmaLib here
  6. Ragnar_Darude

    ArmaLib To .Net - library

    Thank you guys, that means alot! Please tell me if you find any use for this!
  7. Ragnar_Darude

    ArmAlib v1.0

    I can imagine lots of ways to hinder mission-scripts from executing code in a malicious way, for example as i said restricting it to only run programs in a specific directory or list. After all we take a risk installing anything. including this very library, on our computers.
  8. Ragnar_Darude

    ArmAlib v1.0

    Just a thought: there should be a function to execute a program, load a dll or start a windows-service by mission-scripting. That way you dont need another app that you communciate with through scriptlink to be running all the time on the server. You might want to limit this function to apps in the armalib-directory or something so you cant damage the server. Great work btw!
  9. Ragnar_Darude

    Psychological Warfare

    Sorry for late response... The officer impact is very simple, the script checks if the groupleader sees an officer ("knowsabout") within 200m and if he does the group wont be as affected by the different adversive effects in the script (suppressive fire, prolonged movement... ) The rank of the officer or the groupleader has no effect in the script (the officer must be the "WOfficer/EOfficer/GOfficer"-model though! but the skill of the group leader has a marginal effect. There is no randomization in officer effect. When i find the time and a computer with internet and that can play Arma i will update the script to make it possible to change what type the office is.
  10. Ragnar_Darude

    ArmAlib v1.0

    Does anyone know how to connect armalib through named pipe with a c# (.net) app? I can't seem to make it work...
  11. Ragnar_Darude

    Psychological Warfare

    I realize now that my description of the script isnt very helpful aswell as the included non-cex mission didnt do a good job at all demonstrating what the script does. I will make a better one when i can get back to my (game-)computer. In CEX theres a window i wrote showing stats for each unit under your control where you can see the psychological state of you units and that will make everything more clear. The script models the morale along two (and a half) dimensions: First theres a morale level showing two things: when the unit is under fire/suppressed/fleeing (this is the different states in Seconds - script) and it also displays (when the unit is not fired upon) the 'morale-level' of the unit that starts with "excellent" before the units has been fired upon, thrugh "good", "hesistant" and "shaken" depending on how long the unit has been under fire. When the unit reaches morale-level "shaken" the unit will panic at first sight of a fight but the effect is gradual the lower the morale goes. The second level is the strength which is my part of the script. The different "strength-levels" is "Fresh", "Warmed up", "Winded" and "Exhausted". When the unit travels long distances by foot, stays in "combat-mode" for long and when it suffers losses the strength of the unit will go down. When the unit is exhausted they will be basically useless and run away alot, and they will also look around and count friends and foes and if they find themselves outnumbered they surrender themselves. If they see a officer-unit ("wofficer") nearby it will keep them from running away or surrendering. They wont desert (run away from both sides) but i might implement that feature. The script also include the possibility to have the units "recharge" themselves in any way that the mission-designer seems fit. You can have the units resting at a designated base for example and when they have done so their strength and morale-levels will go back to normal again. This is beacuse in the beginning I made the script for a CTI-style of playing where i didnt want the commander to just throw his units into battle after battle. This forced the commander to pull back his units after combat to his base so they could rest and it will be more logistically challenging mission aswell as making the use of reserve-units a more important part of the strategy. 1. You cant yet, but when I can i will make it possible. You CAN disable the running away in the suppression (morale)-part of the script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[YourGroup, "Human", [2,2]]] execVM "StartSupScript.sqf"; The difference here from the default settings is the [2,2] - part where the first 2 is the determination-setting. Setting it to 1 instead of default 0 will keep the unit from running away when under fire. Setting it to 2 will keep the unit from being suppressed at all. Look into the "DaSup\StartSupScript.sqf"-file for more information. 2. Hmm... I dont know if precompiling the script will make it faster, maybe it will. I look into that when i feel it is finished. I do like it in just one file for simplicity on behalf of the mission-editor. Im thinking of getting rid of the two extra files 'GlobalVars' and 'CommonFunctions' but I thought maybe people will find the functions inside them useful for their scripts. Theres no stupid questions... Is Seconds suppression addon automatically executed for every units? Im not sure it is and if it isnt I dont see that there should be any problems... To all of you: download CEX! Your missing out on a great addon otherwise! Â Thanks for the response!
  12. Ragnar_Darude

    Picture in listbox?

    Thanks! Quick respons! Trying it now...
  13. Does anyone know how to put pictures into listboxes? I seem to remember it being in the Warfare mission, on the equipment section.
  14. Ragnar_Darude

    AI Suppressive Fire Reactive

    Whats DAC2? Cant seem to find it on the forum...
  15. Ragnar_Darude


    I have made a modification and extension of your script. If you don't like it I will remove it. Link
  16. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC Command Engine X

    Spinor! Glad you're still there! I have played almost nothing but CEX this past year - its great! I must ask though, when will you implement dynamic command-structure defining? I have waited a whole year for this now, and i would be satisfied with only some sort of way to restart (reinitialize) the CEX-engine so the engine would respond to any changes in the group structure. To be clear, i love you for the work you have done so far, but this little thing would make the engine complete for me! Cheers!
  17. Ragnar_Darude

    ArmA 1.12 Linux Dedicated Server Public Beta

    Thanks alot, got it running now!
  18. Ragnar_Darude

    ArmA 1.12 Linux Dedicated Server Public Beta

    I tried looking through the forum for an answer to this, cause its probably my inexperience with linux: When running the ./install command i get the error messages below and trying to launch the server after that generates only a lot of error messages and the server then quits. What do i do wrong? Running Ubuntu. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ArmA Linux Dedicated Server 1.08 Converting ArmA directory: tolower.c:11:19: fel: stdio.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c:12:20: fel: stdlib.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c:13:23: fel: sys/types.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c:14:22: fel: sys/stat.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c:15:20: fel: dirent.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c:16:20: fel: unistd.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c:17:20: fel: string.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c:18:19: fel: ctype.h: Filen eller katalogen finns inte tolower.c: I funktion "convertDirectory": tolower.c:25: fel: "DIR" är odeklarerad (första förekomsten i denna funktion) tolower.c:25: fel: (Varje odeklarerad identifierare rapporteras bara en gång tolower.c:25: fel: för varje funktion den finns i.) tolower.c:25: fel: "dir" är odeklarerad (första förekomsten i denna funktion) tolower.c:29: fel: lagringsstorlek på "st" är okänd tolower.c:34: varning: inkompatibel implicit deklaration av inbyggd funktion "strcpy" tolower.c:35: varning: inkompatibel implicit deklaration av inbyggd funktion "strlen" tolower.c:39: varning: tilldelning skapar pekare av heltal utan typkonvertering tolower.c:40: fel: derefererar pekare till ofullständig typ tolower.c:41: fel: derefererar pekare till ofullständig typ tolower.c:42: fel: derefererar pekare till ofullständig typ tolower.c:43: fel: derefererar pekare till ofullständig typ tolower.c:46: fel: derefererar pekare till ofullständig typ tolower.c:58: fel: "S_IWUSR" är odeklarerad (första förekomsten i denna funktion) tolower.c:68: varning: inkompatibel implicit deklaration av inbyggd funktion "printf" tolower.c:79: varning: inkompatibel implicit deklaration av inbyggd funktion "printf" tolower.c: I funktion "main": tolower.c:93: varning: inkompatibel implicit deklaration av inbyggd funktion "printf" ./install: line 8: ./tolower: Filen eller katalogen finns inte ArmA server was installed. Its Swedish and "Filen eller katalogen finns inte" means "File or folder doesnt exist" and "defererar pekare till ofullständig typ" means "deferering pointer to incomplete type" Thankful for any reply...
  19. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC Command Engine X

    Yes, thank you, the above script works. Just have to name the CoC-Server logic to "CoC_Server". But how does it work with a mission with CEX? If i run the above code, i get this error nicely displayed in a pop-up message when testing in the editor: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CoC_PA ERR ARRAY 'Array1' NOT LIST (["cex_groups"]) If i put this line after the waitUntil {CoC_ClientReady}; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CoC_PublicArrays = CoC_PublicArrays + ["Array1", "Array2"]; I don't get the error, but the public arrays (Array1 + Array2) doesnt work. Im guessing that CEX overwrites the CoC_PublicArrays, and if I'm setting it later it will be too late?
  20. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC Command Engine X

    I ran this code in an empty mission (without CEX or anything else, only NSA) Init.sqf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CoC_ConnectTimeout = 40; CoC_MaxRetry = 2; Array1 = []; Array2 = []; waituntil{CoC_ClientsReady}; [["NS running!"], "fNPrint"] call fNSendAll; CoC_PublicArrays = ["Array1", "Array2"]; sleep 10; if (isServer) then { _n = 0; while {_n<100} do { [["Server benchmark: ", benchmark, _n], "fNPrint"] call fNSendAll; Array1 = ["Hey"]; Array2 = ["How are you?"]; "Array1" call fPublicArray; ["Array2"] call fPublicArray; sleep 5; }; } else { _n = 0; while {_n<100} do { [["Client benchmark: ", benchmark, _n], "fNPrint"] call fNSendAll; player sideChat format ["Array1=%1 (%2)", Array1, Array1 select 0]; player sideChat format ["Array2=%1 (%2)", Array2, Array2 select 0]; sleep 5; }; }; The "benchmark" messages from both server and client was transmitted, but both arrays showed only NULL. Is fPublicArray broken?
  21. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC Command Engine X

    My Init.sqf looks like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CoC_ConnectTimeout = 40; CoC_MaxRetry = 2; waituntil{CoC_ClientsReady}; [["NS running!"], "fNPrint"] call fNSendAll; // <---Works! CoC_PublicArrays = CoC_PublicArrays + ["GlobalVars"]; #include "GlobalVars.sqf"; and GlobalVars.sqf (based on script by Dr_Eyeball): <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">fn_GetGlobalVar = { _paramName = _this select 0; // this is case sensitive  _dualParamArray = GlobalVars;  _default = _this select 1;  result = _default;  if (typeName _dualParamArray != "ARRAY") exitWith  {   hint format["Error: fn_GetParamByName[""%1"", ...]: param 1 must be an array of paired arrays", _paramName]; // debug   result  };   {   if (typeName _x != "ARRAY") exitWith   {    hint format["Warning: fn_GetParamByName[""%1"", ...]: param 1 array must contain named arrays not %2\n%3", _paramName, typeName _x, _x]; // debug    result   };     if (count _x > 0 && _x select 0 == _paramName) then {    result = _x select 1 };   } forEach _dualParamArray;   result; }; fn_SetGlobalVar = { _paramName = _this select 0; // this is case sensitive  _dualParamArray = GlobalVars;  _value = _this select 1;  result = "";  if (typeName _dualParamArray != "ARRAY") exitWith  {   hint format["Error: fn_GetParamByName[""%1"", ...]: param 1 must be an array of paired arrays", _paramName]; // debug   result  };   for [{_i=0},{_i<=count GlobalVars},{_i=_i+1}] do  {  if (count (globalvars select _i) > 0 && (GlobalVars select _i) select 0 == _paramname) then  {  GlobalVars set [_i, [_paramname, _value]];  result = _value; }; }; "GlobalVars" call fPublicArray;  result; }; fn_AddGlobalVar = { _paramName = _this select 0; // this is case sensitive  _value = _this select 1; GlobalVars = GlobalVars + [[_paramname, _value]]; result = _value; "GlobalVars" call fPublicArray;  result; }; GlobalVars = []; Now, if i run the code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">["MyVariableName", "VariableValue"]  call fn_AddGlobalVar; ...on the server and then: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_returnvalue = ["MyVariableName", "DefaultValue"] call fn_GetGlobalVar; ...on the client, it should return "VariableValue", but doesnt! Why? Â
  22. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC Command Engine X

    Yes, i have declared the array name in CoC_PublicArrays, Sorry for an unclear description but I use other variable names in my code and i changed them here in the posted example. If i put the CoC_PublicArrays = PublicArrays + [MyArrays]; line AFTER waituntil {CoC_ClientReady} i don't get the error described above, but my array doesnt seem to transfer across the network anyway (when i use fPublicArray). Also, if i use this code on the server: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[[{leader Mortar_Sqd sideChat "?";}], "fNcall"] call fNSendAll; I get this error: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ERROR: DATA SENT TO THIS NODE WAS NOT VALID on the client. It works while testing in Mission Editor though. My testing environment is dedicated+client on one/same machine (through LAN) I can send my public/global variable functions to you if you wish to have a look. This just have to be something simple as it always seems to be, maybe im missing something obvious - like if the public array needs to be updated on all client machines (but they don't have to, cause NS takes care of that, right?)
  23. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC Command Engine X

    Can i use CoC_NSA - fPublicArray with CEX? I have never used NSA before, and im not sure i've done things right, but i merged my mission with the CoCNS_AddonTemplate and wrote this in the Init.sqf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CoC_PublicArrays = CoC_PublicArrays + ["Array1", "Array2"]; // Add my arrays to existing arrays to not overwrite CEX arrays??? CoC_NPA_PollInterval=2; CoC_ConnectTimeout = 40; CoC_MaxRetry = 3; waituntil{CoC_ClientsReady}; and then waituntil{CoC_ClientReady} everywhere before even touching my public arrays. I then used "TheArray" call fPublicArray everytime i want to transfer that array. If i do it like this i get a nice CoCNS error: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CoC_PA ERR ARRAY 'TheArray' NOT LIST (["cex_groups"]) It seems to me that its conflicting with the CEX-engine. Is there a workaround, have I done something wrong or is NS public arrays a no-no with CEX?
  24. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC Command Engine X

    How do reporting between CEX-groups work? I have noticed that they report (say out loud) targets that has been spotted by other groups, but I'm just curious on how this actually work - do they report targets only within a platoon/company and do they share information on targets with groups far away?
  25. Ragnar_Darude

    CoC_CEX Battalion Strength

    One quick (~30 sec) look at the mission through the mission editor: I had a fps of 1-2 and sometimes up to 5. . My specs is on the low-end: Pentium D 2.8Ghz, 1Gb RAM, Radeon X600 256Mb, Windows XP MCE. I should have another look when i have the time. Just curious, how well do Guard Waypoints work with CEX? I havent tried them yet, so I liked to know.