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About Ragnar_Darude

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  1. Ragnar_Darude

    Arma3: Take On Helicopters

    I get the error "Failed to load the file: "...air_h_dlc.pbo" - decryption of headers failed." when trying with Hinds and nothing from Hinds shows in the game. I can start the game with vanilla ToH but the game crashes once i get into the cockpit of the medium chopper.
  2. Ragnar_Darude

    Arma3: Take On Helicopters

    So the flight dynamics from TOH is not there (yet) even though you copied the files? How about the Hind, anyone tried that?
  3. Ragnar_Darude

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I'd like soldier models with different body shapes and height so you can more easily tell people apart, especially when playing online.
  4. Ragnar_Darude

    Any news on weapon resting ?

    Thanks, I did that now
  5. Ragnar_Darude

    Any news on weapon resting ?

    Is there any mod that enables firing while mounted on vehicles? A lot of vehicles is designed with the expectation that the soldiers in it will use their small arms to protect the vehicle, for example the BMP-series (with firingportholes) or any open transporter really (like the MH-6 already in the game). This is something that have always bugged me about the series because its really such an obvious thing for a soldier to just rise his rifle and shoot if his transport comes under attack instead of waiting for the driver to stop/land, disembark and THEN fire back.
  6. Playing online with my squad it's often very difficult to tell who's who. One of the ways you can tell this IRL is by judging the height and body shape of the individual you are looking on. Since OFP all humans have looked the same. Is it difficult or impossible to make the soldier models look different from each other?
  7. Ragnar_Darude

    How to land the Hind

    OMG I did it! I followed a advice from the ED forums about deleting all bindings on the joystick, then I set up my config just like above. Now it's sooo much easier. I just landed safely on a cistern, no problems. The violent pitch up/down behavior when moving the collective have disappeared. I even tried moving the collective fast all the way up and all the way down and the chopper doesn't do a somersault like it did before. Now it's very stable! It's like night and day! Here I was, sure the problem was between the keyboard and the chair, and it turns out it wasn't! THANK YOU ALL for helping me out on this one!!!
  8. Ragnar_Darude

    How to land the Hind

    Thanks! Do you still use Community Update 3? What does it do?
  9. Ragnar_Darude

    How to land the Hind

    When I read your post I thought that that must be it but no, turns out I assigned it correctly now that I checked it. I rock a 15 year old Saitek X36 HOTAS and I guess the travel range of the throttle is too small. Is there any way to decrease the sensitivity, at least in the middle region? Thanks for all the help! ---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:18 ---------- Wow! You make it look so easy! You don't use the trim a lot? Im thinking I might be over-using the trim. What kind of stick/throttle/pedals do you use? What curvature do you use on the pedals?
  10. Ragnar_Darude

    How to land the Hind

    I think my biggest problem is a too sensitive collective (put it down one millimeter and the helicopter do a forward flip). Are there any way to lower the sensitivity of the throttle?
  11. Ragnar_Darude

    How to land the Hind

    I have tried it out but I still find it ridiculously difficult. Maybe I have some negative learning from the Ka-50 (for example it pitches up when raising the collective and vice versa, other way around in ToH). I just tried flying the Blackshark without autopilot/damper and HUD and its still somewhere near 1000 times more easy for me. Is there anywhere I can turn to even out the learning curve?
  12. Ragnar_Darude

    How to land the Hind

    Thanks! Will try it out as soon as I get home.
  13. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how do I land the Hind? The fields of South East Asia is littered with hundreds of my crashed Mi-24s. I've flown DCS:Blackshark for years and even though I remember I struggled with the landings at first I don't remember I thought it was THIS difficult. Its a lot that's different for sure (no autopilot, torque effect etc) but I'm soon giving up on reliably putting the bird down. The Light and Medium helicopter seems a lot easier to land (especially the Medium one). What am I doing wrong? I play Expert/Veteran mode ofcourse... Appreciate any help!
  14. I just had an idea that I want to throw at you. A fix for AI-pathfinding issues. Wouldnt it be nice to be able to, in the mission-editor, place virtual paths that any AI passing through an area would use. For example you could consider if you built a big base with a road passing through it. You would love it if any vehicles the AI controls to use the road to go from one end of the base to the other, but in most cases the AI dont and drive inte your buildings and get stuck. If we where able to place a virtual path that would "attract" the AI so he would use it instead of his default pathfinding algorithm we could help the AI get from one end of the base to the other. You could also make it uni- or bidirectional to make it possible for trafic to meet (instead of driving into each other). Also it would be nice to have a different paths for infantry (and air) to make them use special routes that would for example utilise cover more efficiently (like stick to buildings instead of walking in the middle of the street). Whats your thoughts?