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Everything posted by RangerKarl

  1. RangerKarl

    Anime Mod for Arma 3

    >anime mod >no Type-94 Fortified Suit 0/10 would not make mandatory on my Wasteland server.
  2. Hey, I'm playing Knock 'em Down here, and every time I blow up the power station I get a warning message about a NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDDEN or something. Playing with CBA, WarFX and JTF Fire Effects alongside RH's weapon packs
  3. RangerKarl

    [CAMP] John - A Rambo Medley

    Bit of trouble in the first mission. I punch the colonel in the back for a silent takedown, but I can't pick up his stuff. I could shoot him with my pistol but that makes getting out a real hassle. There a fix for that weird behavior, or did you intend for me not to be able to ransack him if he's unconscious?
  4. RangerKarl

    Evolution - Single Player

    Small query here. How does the random password gen work? If I decide to upgrade my RAM will all the passwords gained be worthless again?
  5. RangerKarl

    Evolution - Single Player

    Thought of that. Unfortunately they keep regenerating on the spot, so blowing them up is useless.
  6. RangerKarl

    Evolution - Single Player

    Slightly dumb query, but is there any way to salvage downed vehicles and craft other than having to go all the way to a base or FARP and grabbing repair and fuel trucks? It's really irritating when both Blackhawks are downed at Cayo.