Hey, I'm playing Knock 'em Down here, and every time I blow up the power station I get a warning message about a NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDDEN or something. Playing with CBA, WarFX and JTF Fire Effects alongside RH's weapon packs
Bit of trouble in the first mission. I punch the colonel in the back for a silent takedown, but I can't pick up his stuff. I could shoot him with my pistol but that makes getting out a real hassle. There a fix for that weird behavior, or did you intend for me not to be able to ransack him if he's unconscious?
Slightly dumb query, but is there any way to salvage downed vehicles and craft other than having to go all the way to a base or FARP and grabbing repair and fuel trucks? It's really irritating when both Blackhawks are downed at Cayo.